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Posts posted by RFR

  1. Vulcan Society president John Coombs questioned the FDNY’s commitment to helping minorities succeed.

    “Some of those instructors are out to break them,” Coombs said. “It’s psychological warfare.”

    He said physical demands, such as running a mile and a half in 12 minutes, are too strictly enforced and said probies who show steady improvement are still being weeded out.

    “We’ve never had so many injuries at the academy,” he said. “Are they overtraining the candidates?”

    And of course they have the answer to the problem. I mean really, did this guy just ask if the are being overtrained???

    My 12 year old daughter runs that far in school for fitness testing.

    In 8 minutes.

    Just throwing that out there.

  2. I personally don't think anyone should move anyone else vehicle without permission, especially one w/ lights and sirens. That being said, clearly you need to read what I said again. All I said is that no one wants to be late for work and that most people, including myself would not be happy about the situation. I didn't excuse her behaivor one bit. I'm sorry if you clearly don't have to punch in on time like the rest of us, must be nice! I concluded my post by saying we all as human beings and especially as public servants should try to do our jobs with courtesy and respect for the communities we serve instead of getting tunnel vision b/c we happen to be on an emergency, do you disagree with that too?

    Of course I have to be to work on time. We all do. Maybe she should have given it a minute or two. Work long enough in this profession and you will see. The public has zero patience. The balls on someone to think they could just move the ambulance. I'm FD and more upset than you.

  3. I agree, the woman was 100% wrong for entering and moving an emergency vehicle, and then downright selfish for being further late for work to complain about the officers and techs. HOWEVER, let's all remember we're all off duty at some point or another. Even though someone's life/emergency should take priority, can we all honestly say that we wouldn't be a little ticked if we couldn't get to work?? My point is this, yes we can and should park where we need to and do what we need to do for the safety of our patients but if we can do it with a little courtesy so as not inconvience the rest of the world, lets do it. I am in NO WAY saying jeapordize patient care, but the emergency services world is not black and white, there is room to play. There is no reason to the abuse the priveledges we have when there is alternative that works for everyone. IE if you can pull over a little and not block the road when you're responding to a residence, do it. If you are blocking someone and you, a boss or colleague can move the truck if someone needs to get out, do it. If you can shut off your truck in the nice weather while your sitting on a residential street or by a home, do it. A little courtesy goes a long way!!

    Stop making excuses for her. It's not an ice-cream truck. She should have been locked up from jump.

  4. Great video R1Smokeeater! Thanks for the memories. I lived on Centre Ave. when this fire occurred, yeah I was a buff boy that night.....

    I was there to. Just got off probation. Those rubber boots didn't help at all with the cold. We were sitting on deck guns on Main St. for hours getting pound by the over spray of the master streams on North Ave.

    We looked like ice sickles.