Nite Boss

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Posts posted by Nite Boss

  1. First off,glad to hear everyone is doing ok.Secondly the Chief's comment's were very well expressed in a heartfelt,appreciative manner,expressing what we all would feel if this happened to any of us ,a tip of the hat to him,for being forthcoming and most of all a leader..

    The best lesson learned is Seatbelts saves lives... Thank-god they were belted in!

    Let's all take a second and remind ourselves that we are not invinsible and wear our seatbelts..

    Good job,to all involved..And speedy recovery to the injured...

    BFD1054 likes this

  2. Ok,maybe I'm confused,if there is no emergency,such as driving to another one's quarters,how do you justify going Lights and siren's? If and only If, another call comes in,than it's an Emergency,and you go lights and sirens. God help the driver,officer ,chief and taxpayers of the municipality,if that rig gets into an accident,relocating to stand-by in another FD. Not only will the Dept get sued,the officer or Chief and driver may get sued personnally,and if the lawyers can prove negligence on anyone's part,you could be held liable and if punitive damages,that come out of your pocket,not the Department.Sure wouldn't want that headache..

    With all the comments on here about let's be safe and what-not,how anyone can advocate screaming to another town to sit in the firehouse,lights and sirens,is mind-boggling..

    For that matter,why do we still respond to CO (No Symptoms) calls,and other nuisance non- emergency calls,lights and sirens? That's for another day though....

    Just my thoughts...Cover your A$$.....

    INIT915, xchief2x, x4093k and 4 others like this

  3. In this day and age,no formal requirment,for a full background check,is absurd.So,let's open our doors to anyone,allow them to drive 500K rigs or enter someone's home not having a clue who they are.. What's to stop some low-life pedofile from another state or town from joining the FD? This is something that is long overdue and some politician with a brain and conscious should push for this... To work at Wal Mart or Home Depot you need a full background check,but not to join an FD? We sure do have our priorities wrong! Not that it would have a difference in the Sleepy Hollow case.....

    JetPhoto likes this

  4. Wow...This is great,everyone preaching about responder safety and how dangerous that CO call was...So,let's all take a step back and think,It's no different when an off-duty FF makes a grab as he's driving by,or the FF who tackles a perp,or the PO who drags a person out of a burning car,all with no PPE or back-up,but guess what we do it,because it's in our blood,to help others in need.Has there been times it went wrong yes,and others where it worked,so at the end of the day,it's a crap shoot. While,I would not advocate doing this,if circumstances were known ahead of time,but I'm not sure of the whole situation.

    I can tell you standing there when someone needs help and not being able to do something sucks...

    Why I'm not bashing anyone here or ever will,I find it funny how people are preaching safety and PPE,when we all know it's not practiced all the time. Hell,the FD entered the IDLH area with SCBA and partial PPE,so do we really know what was going on? Whatever,with this, we can go on forever,was it the right call? Don't know wasn't there, as everyone else here,it worked out right,but it's a hell of a crap shoot.

    x129K, grumpyff and INIT915 like this

  5. Why I try only comment on Police issues,there is a few things that need to addressed here:

    1-Ballistic vests will not protect anyone from a .223cal round as was used in W.Webster

    2-Vests serve zero protection from an explosive,and dosen't help with projectiles such as the case in Boston.

    3-If there's a need for EMS to wear vests,because of the dangers of the job,than the EMS providers shouldn't be in any area until PD deems it safe.

    4-EMS uniforms,are looking like more PD uniform's,especially with all the stitching and back panels,which is not a good idea,and can be unsafe.I have seen people walk up to them on Job's thinking they were the PD. NOT GOOD....

    While I'm all for protection of everyone on a scene,I think EMS wearing PPE on calls especially MVA's is probably money better spent,I can telll you from over 30 years on the Job,a vest is not the answer to the problem,bottomline,if it isn't safe,you shouldn't be there.

    So,I'm not sure of the justification for buying the vests???

  6. While specialized units are important and needed in this situation,I do feel that again,this is a prime example of why training and adequate manpower are a must.The cop on the street must have the means with training, equipment and adequate manpower to be able to contain a situation.While in the end, an entry team of highly trained and equipped personnel would be able to enter and or control the situation,it's the everyday street cop that is going to make the difference. I fully support the concept of these tactical teams,but until they muster and arrive,it's the patrol cop/s that will be needed to contain the problem,and without theproper training equipment and staffing that makes it impossible.

    Post 911, funding was abundant for all sorts of training and equipment,but the powers to be seem to have lost focus on this,show me a job that is staffed better than pre 911,and I would be impressed,I believe most jobs have been cut to the bare bones...

    x635, 210, x129K and 5 others like this

  7. If County PD was the considation answer,than why isn't the powers to be, banging down their door? Why, I do agree there are many small jobs that need to be merged with adjoining jobs,I'm not convinced that County PD is the answer.There are many questions,that need to be answered,such as:

    What happens to all the bosses? County PD can only absorb so many,and is it fair to the County Officers sitting on Promtional lists, to take all these bosses?

    Some smaller jobs,are actually very busy and house many prisoners on a daily basis,how would that work?

    You can't keep taking all the guys from these jobs and absorbing them into WCDPS,so what happens to them?

    What about all these PD HQ's? The Town of Ossining is still trying to get rid of their PD building.

    While I certainly agree,these small jobs,need to merged into larger one's,still not convinced that DPS is the answer,just because you see more cars on the Pkwy's and Hwy's.

    Ask somebody that lives in Vista or some other corner of the County how long at night it takes for a PD to respond.I'm in no way bashing any agency,it's just sad when guys are responding long distances due to short staffing,and solo!

    Yes,Consolidation may be the answer,and I agree with it,but on a Department by Department basis,what works in Ossining may not work in Pelham or Port Chester...

    firedude and x635 like this