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Posts posted by CaptainCharisma

  1. All this would be is a band aid, and as long as Commissioners want to rule their "kingdoms", nothing is going to ever happen. Nobody would pay these bills. I think Mount Vernon would just laugh at the bill. And to my knowledge, there's no law to support this. But mutual aid costs a fortune, especially when every department that sends one rig has to do an off duty recall. I think the real question here is how much is mutual aid costing the taxpayers, especially when the citizens have to pay for the recalls. Do the citizens know or even care? I think the media should look into it. Would it be cheaper to just properly staff?

  2. I thought when I saw the headline that there has to be more to the story, or it's being overblown. The facts in the LoHud article seem pretty good, and the Yonkers Tribune seems to paint a more in depth colorful picture of the incident.

    A Lieutenant throws a knotted napkin at a waitresses head to get her attention? That first is hard to imagine. So it hits the Commissioner accidentally, the guy goes over to apologize, and a brawl breaks out? Both guys are injured. YPD and Empress are called? Really? Is this incident just being overblown? And who stands to gain or lose anything from this?

  3. Are you kidding me? That type of incident yesterday in Ossining is exactly what the Field Com is for! With all the DES personnel that responded, not one person could drive it to the scene? So, Westchester County has a vehicle for major incidents, that's designed for multi-agency coordination and command, and it just sat in a garage yesterday? No way, it had to be out for maintenance or something.