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Everything posted by JM15

  1. Yeah looking back at it now it does look funny... Maybe they could have touched it up using photoshop?
  2. Yes... mine could use a refurbishing....
  3. Large water main break. 40 % of the City has no water including St. Joe's Hospital. Parts of the Saw Mill closed also according to Yonkers OEM
  4. Thoughts go out to the officers who were involved also...
  5. Nothing too ground breaking there.....
  6. I also agree, a well placed and operated hoseline to protect the stairs plus having a primary and backup means of egress in my oppinnion is a must and makes conducting that search safer.
  7. Anyone hear anything further? I saw this on the news and it caught my attention
  8. When I went to college in NH I was trying to get reciprocity for my NY certs for a PT job. I went to the state fire academy and met with one of the deputies... When he saw how many hours were on my FF1 & 2 certs he laughed then was shocked that was our minimum.
  9. Cool Pics thanks for sharing!!
  10. Anyone know how many got letters?
  11. Do you think that people would rather leave then take a 4 night class? FYI for anyone who is interested the county is offering a Hazmat Operations class starting in October... it is 4 nights long.
  12. I took FF1 in 2005ish and there was no way there was 16 hours of Hazmat in that class. We spent at most a saturday morning on it... The total hours for the class is around 80ish hours right now so how can you fit a true 16 hours of hazmat into that and still cover all of the other topics?
  13. Looks like the website was created to bash YFD....
  14. Thanks for the clarifications Hellicopper!!
  15. I dont know exactly how they predict the weather that far in advance... but I will predict that I will won the mega millions tonight!!
  16. More importantly how many people know what each Alert Level means?
  17. I wish I could "like" this more than once!!
  18. Bnechis some great information there. The PESH interpretation I found was from 2006 so it is a bit outdated so that may be where the discrepency is. I also believe that hazmat in FF1 can not meet this standard...
  19. This excerpt is from the PESH Fire Department Training Guide version 1.3 from 2/16/2006:
  20. Thanks Sage! I am familiar just wanted to clarify
  21. Excellent point!! So often I hear people say oh I took hazmat Ops in Fire 1 im good to go for Hazmat Tech. Wrong.. there is a huge difference. I have taken the 15ish hour standalone class that OFPC has and it is a great class I know Westchester offers it occassionally. Bnechis do you have any more legal information regarding this? CFR 1910.120 goes into detail about the requirements is that where it is federally mandated as you stated? I guess what it comes down to is if the training recieved in FF1 satisfies the requirement for Operations level training?
  22. Anyone have a link to this organizations website? I would love to learn more about them.
  23. Good to know thanks!! I had looked at their website awhile back to order some stuff but ended up going somewhere else for a different reason.