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Posts posted by JM15

  1. Rescue 20 in Somers recently acquired one. I used it at a rollover recently and it was very quick to set up and use. It definitely cut the windshield faster and cleaner than I could have with an axe or glassmaster. Like all tools there was still glass dust but over-all I would need to drill with it more before giving a comprehensive review... More to come.

  2. Chief, thank you for the complement. That was definitely the point I was trying to make. This horse has been beaten to death, and the people who fear change will still refuse to listen to common sense and logic, no matter what we say about it.

    Your right nothing is going to change

  3. If your trying to get hired in CT you will need to take the CPAT to even sit for most tests. It is offered every couple of months by the state check the website. A lot of CT departments also require EMT certification for testing. Just an FYI. They are hiring, there is a class of 55 going through the state academy right now.

  4. The article states that Police and Fire Departments are teaming up....

    This is an absolutely horrible idea. People like Fire and EMS because we don't send them to jail. This could end up hurting this FD's relationship with the public in the future. How are they covered for workers comp benefits or LODD benefits if they are performing police duties? There are just too many questions. If they need help with the checkpoints hire more cops, give guys overtime. Where is the PD union on this?

    antiquefirelt likes this

  5. Pt initials.

    Provide them to registration/intake.

    Allows ED to prepare charts if it is a frequent flier and allows PT demographic (Face) sheets to be completed sooner allowing for quicker billing.

    Typical report would be: XYZ Agency ambulance en route to ABC ED with male J.D. 3/12/43, stable, on 4 lpm O2.

    This gives the radio room an idea who is coming in and give a bed assignment, gives the ED staff time to prepare for the pt and gets the ball rolling on getting the billing sheet.

    What part of the initials really helps your patient?

    So you just kind of show up and hope they have a bed available for your pt?

    If they aren't on diversion they should be able to handle another patient... I don't need to call on the radio to see if they are open lol

  6. Is this real? From the rest of the article Edit: Definitely not real lol

    An even bigger surprise was in store for police when they found out what Miller had used to splint his arm with: Two 40 round AR-15 rifle clips taped to his arm. When police asked Miller why he used the assault rifle clips he answered: “First off, they aren’t clips, they are magazines. Clips would never be rigid enough to use as a splint”. “Secondly, it is a semi-automatic sporting rifle. Assault rifles are fully automatic military weapons. I do not own an assault rifle”. Miller went on to state “I looked around to see what I had handy that I could use as a splint, and there were plenty of them nearby, so I used them”

    Police verified that the makeshift splint was constructed of pre-ban magazines, and the splint did not contain more than 7 rounds of live ammunition in keeping with New York’s ill-conceived “SAFE Act”.

    pasobuff likes this