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Posts posted by Architect

  1. Quote

    The Peekskill Police Department is getting a piece of high-tech equipment to help make their city safer.

    A new state of the art drone donated to the police department will help with search and rescue operations and more



    Billy and Westfield12 like this

  2. Quote


    ALBANY - Offenses committed against first responders would be classified as hate crimes if a bill proposed Monday is passed.


    The Community Heroes Protection would expand penal law to include all offenses committed against law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency services personnel as hate crimes if the acts appear to be motivated by the victim’s profession.



    EmsFirePolice likes this




    Nick Tartaglione, a former Briarcliff Manor police officer, was arrested on Dec. 19, 2016, and charged in a quadruple homicide in Orange County.

    (Photo: Courtesy of Nick Tartaglione)

    A former Briarcliff Manor police officer has been charged in a quadruple homicide in Orange County and could face the death penalty, officials announced today.



  4. Quote

    Scandal continues to plague the Port Authority, the bi-state agency that is supposed to ensure the security and safe operation not only of America’s highest value terrorism target, the 16-acre World Trade Center complex, but also the bridges, tunnels, trains, ports and airports in New York and New Jersey, which handle about a third of the nation’s commercial air traffic.

    fire patrol nyc likes this

  5. Quote

    Out is the emphasis on specialty units, such as Emergency Services, whose officers rescue people and barge through doors to arrest criminals.

    In is an emphasis on a more humane officer.

    “You will still be in one of those units if you are fit to do so,” said Assistant Chief Kim Royster. “But we want you to realize you are here to serve the community, and we want you to engage the community.


  6. Quote


    WHITE PLAINS - A city police car once driven by Detective Michael Perry, who died of a heart attack in 2010 after chasing and catching a career thief, has been transformed into a memorial to Perry and Officer Charles Palmara, who was killed in a motorcycle chase in 1946.


    "We heard it was going to be sold, and decided that we wanted to keep it in the blue family as a memorial," said Rob Riley, president of the White Plains Police Benevolent Association. The PBA bought "Car 18," a 2009 Ford Crown Victoria, from the city for $3,000 in February and has been fixing it up since.



    vodoly, BFD1054, x635 and 2 others like this

  7. Quote

    During lengthy negotiations with lawmakers about the 2016 budget, Astorino agreed to add back three county police positions at a net cost of $219,000. He had taken a hard-line stance on the pledge not to increase the county tax levy, and legislators lobbied to restore proposed cuts as the county faced a budgeting shortfall due to less-than-expected sales tax revenue.


    Almost immediately after the deal, Astorino said he was prepared to leave the police positions and others unfilled as a way to balance the budget. There are 330 budgeted positions in the department, according to the 2016 budget.


    There are roughly 2,700 officers in Westchester when factoring city, town and village departments, according to the administration — staffing levels the executive said are adequate to ensure public safety.

    Astorino spokesman Ned McCormack said there are no plans to fill the positions at this time, but the budgeted numbers allowed flexibility if and when the need arises.


    “We feel comfortable with the deployment we have now, that’s not to say the situation isn’t fluid,” he said.



  8. Stone Mountain (GA) Police Department Sergeant Stephen Floyd was under investigation after his department received a complaint from two members of the DeKalb County Fire and Rescue Department. Capt. Terrell Davis was stopped by Sgt. Floyd for an expired tag. The captain’s friend, Krystal Cathcart, listed as the fire department’s public education specialist, showed up at the traffic stop and things didn’t go well.

    According to reporter Dale Russell at WAGA-TV, Ms. Cathcart filed a complaint about this experience that was backed up Capt. Davis.

    What happened next led to Krystal Cathcart filing an official complaint claiming that Sergeant Floyd created “a sense of fear” at the scene, cussed her out twice, telling her to “back the f*** up” or he will throw her in the “back of my squad car.”

    DeKalb Fire Captain Terrell Davis backed up her written complaint saying Sgt. Floyd was “unprofessional, belligerent and disrespectful.”

    The problem for Capt. Davis and Ms. Cathcart is the officer’s dash-cam and body-cam tell a very different story. Watch the video above.

  9. WHITE PLAINS - Veteran Police Chief James Bradley served as master of ceremonies at Public Safety Headquarters Friday morning when six new officers were sworn in by Public Safety Commissioner David Chong.

    Less than an hour later, Bradley also took an oath, when he was sworn in as the city's new deputy public safety commissioner.

    When the deputy commissioner position was re-established last month Joe Carrier, president of the city fire union, said he was hopeful that someone with a fire service background would be considered for the job.

    Nevertheless, he said Friday that "I congratulate (Bradley) and I look forward to working with him. There are a number of concerns about the fire service that need to be addressed, and I'm hopeful that he'll take a major role in dealing with some of those issues."

    Full article:

  10. There seems to be a ribbon of young guys who demand respect before earning it. They don't give a crap about the older guys or their insight. A good leader needs to be built off those that came before them. I never went to college but have had extensive training in my profession since getting hired. I recently had a newly promoted officer tell me that he deserved it because he went to college to better himself while others didn't.

    AFS1970, FFPCogs, Quickness and 2 others like this