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  1. x129K liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Cool thing my son found to stop pursuits dead-lol   
    Hook my HD GMC and I will have a police car front end on the back of my truck !
  2. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Cool thing my son found to stop pursuits dead-lol   
    Simply not true, because we all remember..............."If the glove does not fit you must acquit"

  3. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FFEMT150 in A Special Day For A Special Boy   
    On 12/4, the members of Hughsonville FD in the Town of Wappingers helped make a little boys 11th birthday unforgettable. Christopher, the son of a close friend to my wife and I, has been diagnosed with "Leg-Calf Perthies", a bone disorder that has caused the complete deterioration of his right femur. Christopher has been confined to a wheel chair and has recently found out that he will be undergoing the first of several surgeries at Boston Childrens Hospital the week of Christmas. To celebrate his Birthday his family chose to rent the hall at HFD, seeing as Christopher has always loved the fire service. When the members of HFD found out what a fan of the fire department Christopher is they decided to give him a few gifts of their own. Sporting an HFD helmet and a huge grinn, Christopher was pushed through the engine room by the Captian of HFD and given his own personal VIP tour of the station. He almost jumped out of his wheel chair when the Lieutenant pulled "THE BEAST" (45-55 and Christophers favorite truck) into the back lot and sat him in the drivers seat. His eyes lit up as he was lifted into the bucket of the Tower Ladder and his smile could be seen for miles as the HFD members all accepted his challange to a "wheel chair race". Christophers perfect day came to a close with the members of HFD singing "Happy Birthday", having some cake, watching him unwrap his gifts and presenting him with his own HFD patch and T-Shirt (With a picture of "THE BEAST" on it of course).
    From Christophers family: "To Chief Glenn Kramer, Assistant Chief Tim Laffin, Captian Ed D'Anna, Lieutenant Trevor Dhalla, Fire FIghter Ryan White and Fire Fighter Chris Baker:
    Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts, you have no idea how much this ment to Christopher and how much you have just helped him. It was so wonderful to see him smile like that today. He was still talking about all of you when we got home. Thank You and God Bless!"
    Here are a few shots from the party. I wanted to post this to remind all of us why we do what we do. As the members of HFD showed today, It's not all about getting on the big red truck and running into the devils play ground. It's about the smile on a little boys face when you hand him a helmet and say "blow the horn". Thank you again HFD for making Christophers birthday so special for him. Stay Safe!
    If anyone would like to be kept up to date on Christophers journey PM me.

  4. x129K liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Photos: Midland Ave, Port Chester - 4th Alarm 3-1-11   
    Interior crew bailing out the front fire excape 2nd floor when they where cut off from the interior starcase, Eng 58 down to half of tank!

  5. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by bull56 in Engine 121 Comes Home To MONTROSE!   
    Another engine for Bu-Planck-trose,
  6. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic in Engine 121 Comes Home To MONTROSE!   
    Engine 121 comes back home to Montrose.

  7. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by HFD23 in Hartsdale 2nd Alarm 11/28/11   
    Location: 140 East Hartsdale Ave.
    Frequency: HFD, 46.06, 46.26, Fire 14 Trunked
    Units Operating: HFD 2172, 2174, E-170, E-171, TL-15, FFD E-174, GFD SQ-15, SFD L-28 F.A.S.T., Batt 14
    Weather Conditions: Clear
    Description Of Incident: Working Fire on the 2nd floor, Standpipe attack, Multiple Reports of people trapped on floors above. Members made a aggressive interior attack with a quick knock down of heavy fire in the apartment of origin.
  8. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    Thre is a difference between a FD Funeral and a LODD funeral. It may be hard to explain, but the difference can be seen in number of Brothers lining the street and how far they came to pay their respects.
    There is nothing wrong with honoring a Brother. The honors and ceremonies are not for us or for the deceased. They are for the family of our brother firefighter. The impression on the family of the deceased brother lasts a lifetime.
    Yes, a LODD is the supreme sacrifice. Sometimes, no, most times, firefighters spend their entire careers never making a rescue. Only a few get the medals. But doesn't the guy that completes a search under dangerous conditions and finds no one exhibit the same courage as the guy that made the rescue?
    At 15 years old, I peered out the limosine window at the saluting line of Firefighters. The vision is still fresh in my mind.
    'Nuff said. If it's Line-of-Duty, you'll know. It will be obvious.
  9. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by X2321 in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    This was an active FDNY member non-LODD funeral recently upstate. The members of this brothers company decided to give him this send-off. The FDNY Pipes & Drums led the procession as a few hundred members stood along the road in their uniforms. Local fire departments were asked to use their tower ladders to hang a large flag for the procession to pass under. This is the way they chose to respect him. Every fire department/company has the right to honor their own the way they see fit, and Mahopac did.

  10. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Why? Funeral Protocol for active members   
    I didn't know Mike Purdy, everything everyone says about him was that he was all aces. But, why did he get a fire department funeral? I asked this same question when the "acting" Chief of Cold Spring PD died from a motor vehicle accident was given a full PD Honor funeral.
    Acts like this dilute it when guys really get killed in a gun fight (Trooper Dave Brinkerhoff) or in a basement (lt Neuner).
  11. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by SamZack116 in Westport, CT - Structure Fire (11/20/11)   
    245 Post Rd East, church fire. Norwalk going mutual aid. Fairfield Engine requested for RIT 10:02; Engine 2 making the third floor, heavy smoke condition 10:03; Truck reports smoke pushing from the eaves, truck opening up the roof, companies to pull ceilings 10:07; Engine 2 on the third floor with heavy heat, no fire yet. 22:09; Norwalk Truck 2 on scene setting up and going to work. 22:10 ; Command reports heavy fire in the attic, fire now coming from the eaves. 22:13 ; All companies to evacuate, now starting an exterior attack, Norwalk Truck 2 set up for a ladder pipe operation 22:17; Urgent message, partial collapse of the roof 22:19; Norwalk Department Chief on scene requesting 2 more Norwalk Engines to the scene. 22:35; Norwalk Truck 2 to trench cut the sanctuary roof. 22:52; Fairfield Ladder to the scene. 22:54; Interior operations starting again, 3 crews working, sounds like crews are making good progress. Most of the visible fire appears knockef down. 23:45hrs

  12. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in New Rochelle reduces minimum staffing for Fire Department, cites finances   
    Yeah i said it and what's wrong with it? Maybe I'm lookin out for myself and my family cause i'm retiring and would like a little extra in my pension. What's wrong with that eveybody's doing it. It sucks guys get laid off but i'll worry about my fellow Union Brothers I work and eat with and their careers and families before an outsider. Sorry that's just the way life is. Maybe also some of these guys in other Depts. have real flesh and blood brothers or cousins who have a chance of gettin on the Job but won't because of trasnsfers, ever think about that? How would you feel about FDNY taking transfers and not hiring you after you broke your a** taking and meeting all the steps to get on a Job you've always wanted to do. Don't critisize me for lookin after my own well being and that of my friends i work with!
  13. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by LTNRFD in New Rochelle reduces minimum staffing for Fire Department, cites finances   
    When I was appointed to the New Rochelle Fire Department March 3, 1986 I was happier then a kid in a candy shop. Myself and the other 8 probies were quickly taken under the wings of the 'senior' guys and they were happy to share with us their years of knowledge and wisdom. We were in awe as to what they knew and what their experiences were. During these times of mentoring, many of the senior guys would always say, "just remember you are nothing but a number to the City of New Rochelle". For years I believed that if you gave your all to the job, the City would always do the right thing. Was I wrong !!!!!! As I got older on the job and more experienced it was clear that the City of New Rochelle could care less of the firefighters as individuals.
    The City expected their employees to follow the rules and do what we were hired to do and what we swore to uphold. If we didn't we would face the consequences. I have found out that it is a one way street and do as I say not as I do with the City. The City fathers have been sworn to up hold the City charter and provide for it's residences. It amazes me how much money they waste trying to save a dollar. But the money doesn't go to waste it goes to people who are contracted to do a job and they don't do the job, but still gets thousands of dollars while they only save the tax payers hundreds of dollars. All while not following the law. When the City is confronted with their failure to follow the law the response from the City is 'if you don't like it then sue us' . This too is a waste of tax dollars.
    Sometimes I think the elected officials are not here for the good of the citizens that elected them to local office, but they are here only as a stepping stone to their own political aspiration.
  14. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by BBBMF in Bu-Plank-Trose   
    9 chiefs cars, 7 or 8 engines, tower ladder, bronto skylift, 3 rescues, brush truck, 3 boats, and god knows how many utilities...I think Seths right on this one...Time for Consolidation!
    If they had a fire and each department rolled with their first due engine and a crew you'd probably get two or threee good crews as an attack engine, water supply engine, and a bunch of guys to do truck work
    100 years of tradition unimpeded by progress!
  15. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in New Rochelle Fire Dept. 150th Anniversary   
    Not to worry, you can just call Engine 59 from Port Chester to help ! Ho wait thats Browned out during the day and out of service.
  16. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by 99subi in Pocantico Hills FD New Chiefs Tahoe   
    Why not, I'm just curious. Correct me if I'm wrong but i don't believe there is any rule against asking questions.
  17. x129K liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in R.I.P PCFD Past Chief Niel Hansen   
    If Niel Hansen was still Chief of the Port Chester Fire Dept nobody whould have anything bad to say about Port Chester FD or Rye Brook FD because we whould be PERFECT ! R.I.P. Chief
  18. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by JFLYNN in Gas for Volunteer Members   
    Maybe we could give volunteers tax breaks too! And pensions! Oh, and we can buy a couple of SUV's and let them take turns electing people to use them 24/7! Hey, we can give them a discount on things like a pool membership, breaks from local merchants, movie theatres, etc.! Maybe we can build a hall which they can use for family events and such? We can spend money to throw a big party every year! Oh yes, how about providing a gym? Perhaps we can invest some money on travel reimbursements for vacations, um, I mean training travel...We should also make sure we absolutely do not question any money spent on apparatus and equipment...after all, that is just a "drop in the bucket" and these guys are volunteers, right?
    What do you guys think? Will any of these ideas help out with recruitment and retention?
  19. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Gas for Volunteer Members   
    Oh sorry. I read the title and thought this was a thread about Ibo's chili that he used to make for us at headquarters......
  20. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in New Rochelle Fire Dept. 150th Anniversary   
    The parade is not run by the City, it is run by the chamber of commerce. Layoffs will cost them more in insurance and they know it.
    And this invite is coming from the Uniformed Fire Fighters Association Local 273.
    The parade offer has been in the works since spring and its to honor the those who are serving and those who have served.
    We have had layoffs in the past and picketing and rallies have never in our city changed the political will. But the public has a major say in what happens. So this is a great opportunity to show the public the significance of the NRFD.
    We are asking you to stand with us. Thank You for your support.
  21. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in In honor of Veterans Day   
    Thanks Dad, and everyone else's dad or mom for letting me be free today.
  22. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in In honor of Veterans Day   
    Thanks Dad, and everyone else's dad or mom for letting me be free today.
  23. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by LTNRFD in New Rochelle reduces minimum staffing for Fire Department, cites finances   
    I'm one of the guys that went out on 207a. I got injured by the negligence of the NRPD. I had a 6 hour surgery and have 2 metal plates in my neck. The City of New Rochelle is saving money by refusing to pay for my continue medical care. They have spent 10 X's the money not paying my medical bills then if they just paid it. I was told by the city managers if I really need continued care to use my own medical insurance.
    As to your statement about peer pressure. I was "ratted out" by a captain who in his opinion I was scamming. He thought he heard my voice on the radio of a vollie dept. He told the commissioner and a letter of the captains opinion was placed in my file and I was ordered back to work "light duty". He made a mistake, it wasn't me. So be careful if you think someone is scamming. You better be right.
  24. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by CHIEFPHIL in In honor of Veterans Day   
    thank you;
    My father Pete, my brother Bill, Uncle Roger, Cousins Danny and Bobby.
    Especially thank full for dedication and sacrifice of my brother Bethel Fire Fighters serving today... hopefully coming home soon, we miss you.
    Todd, Ray, Adam, Ben, Andy, Julian and Rich
  25. PCFD ENG58 liked a post in a topic by 50-65 in In honor of Veterans Day   
    In honor of my dad, Bernard W. Decker (1925-2011). WW2, Luzon and Corregidor(Phillipines), Honshu (Japan), and Austria.
    Starting school late because of moving around alot at the beginning of the Depression, he was drafted out of high school. In 2009, he received his high school diploma from his school.
    At ease, soldier. Til we meet again.