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Everything posted by ja3kfd

  1. While I agree they should be allowed thru quickly, there needs to be something in place, It would be a sad event that a terriost could get a hold of a piece of equipment and barrel thru the Border. How would the Border Patrol know they are really going to a call? This is not stated in the story. We have one prison in Katonah that we are " Mutual Aid " too, we are not allowed to just pull in and they open the gates, we have to be checked, ID ed, and counted. On the way out they search vehicle. Bedford Hills has the same thing. They need to sit down and straighten it out.
  2. To Help answer the questions,I will give you , from speaking with Sal from Alure and people from thr show that we have become friendly with and talk too. The show gets as much donated as possible , the contractors, get as much donated as they can. I still have the Mortage from my original House and I am responsile for the School taxes town taxes , County tax etc. Yes the Taxes went up. Yes I was told if I built this house it would have been a Million plus. Built with much better material than I could have and would have thought to use. We where told that either the mortage company,will donate the old Mortage to the owner as paid. Sometimes the Contractor will pay it off or they will do a fund raiser to pay it off. Never has a Homeowner been billed for what was built. Please know Gina and Myself are thrilled withour house it is beautiful and a perfect way to remember Jimmy and everything that was done for us I can never repay what was done for my family. Also know I would move into a tent for 5 more minutes with the best teacher of what life was and is all about. I love and miss Jimmy more than words can express. If any one has any questions I am happy to answer them PM me If you want to see the House we can arrange that as well, just PM me
  3. Yes it absolutely helped me , both with everything for Jimboy and our organization. As well I have picked up local news and Training information.
  4. This whole thing annoys me to no end as I am sure most of the rest of you. My family came through Ellis Island, they built a house in Mt. Kisco, which is still in the family, paid taxes IMMEDIATLEY, went right to work Legally PAYING taxes, They did not get any FREE hand outs, No free Medical Care,Learned to speak ENGLISH, No they did not let the Italian Heritage die. By the way the House that is still in the Family is a Legal 2 Family house and that is all that is in it. NO over crowding, no secret rooms etc. It is not only the Goverments Fault, all the Greedy people, Landlords etc. It can be stopped but the allmighty dollar always wins out.
  5. Seth Thanks for putting it up on here. Since the rights have been bought by TV Land we do not know if it will be on again. As well both TV Land and Sears use us in Commercials as well. If you missed it , We have A Couple of Disc's of the show. As you all have heard or read my Family say THANK YOU, Before we all Really do mean this .
  6. I was down at WMC ER yesterday, as my wife had to be checked in to ER for an afternoon and evening. I noticed they were working in the ER drive up turn around making it appear bigger. Then i went outside to walk and get some fresh air and saw them laying out and marking up the area and I found out they are revamping and expanding the ER. I also found out that they will be temporarily moving some non essential offices out into temp. Trailers to accomodate the ever increasing volume. It is too bad they did not think of it when they built it but atleast they are acting on it know. I wish them all good luck as well as all that are in and out of there.
  7. Guys on the notion of the Billing for Automatic False Alarms, the Town gets a record every month from the 3 Districts in Bedford and They fine directly and they ( The Town ) not the District or dept. get the money. as well we have tied into the Ordinance, if a Homeowner gets a pre set number per year , they can be forced into installing a Knox Box for the House as well as paying the fines.
  8. Good Question, for Mike, Hopefully he will be able supply you with and answer. Since you are working would you want him to drive a dish down to you??
  9. God Bless the memeber that passed, give his family and friends the strength too get thru this tragic loss. Wishing the hurt member a speedy recovery
  10. On Friday Capt. Mike Cyrliuk of Somers FD. was on a public assistance call for a Cat stuck in a drain pipe and they were able to remove the kitten from th pipe, with no ill affects, but he was bitten by the Kitten and since it was a stray it had no shots so he was taken to Putnam Hospital, given a varitey of shots and the kitten is isolated and being watched for Rabies. Mike is recovering from his wounds well at home.
  11. As I was writing this , I called to check on Mike and he was "resting " or ie: a cat nap, after he had eaten his Meow Mix, and some catnip, So all in all he is himself, Licking his wounds, saying he will not be going on anymore public assistance calls for a little while.
  12. Rest in Peace, Thoughts and prayers are with you, The Arena Family
  13. Update on the Drawing : 1st Place went too Mrs. Lombardo of Katonah which was 10.000.00 Dollars 2nd Place went too Excesior Garage: of in which Rick and Carl donated back too us 2,500.00 3rd Place went too Mike Mongello from Croton Falls 1,000.00 We sold 197 Tickets out of 300 Thank You to everyone who bought a ticket , as well Thank you for donating your points to allow EMTbravo to purchase a chance as well.
  14. Rest IN Peace
  15. Dear All, We have decided to hold our raffle yet again. It was a huge success last year, thanks to all of you. Jimmy's Foundation has been able to help 9 families so far, and it is so wonderful to help families in need while going through a very tough time. We appreciate all the support from our wonderful community. Not only are we thankful for all your donations, but the toys and items for parent bags has gone a long way. Everyone is very thankful for all those items. It gives a little sense of relief to very strained faces. So thank you so very much for continuing to support everything we have set out to accomplish. Again, the tickets (copy below) are $100.00 per ticket and ONLY 300 will be sold. The drawing will be on AUGUST 18th, 2007, at the Lake Purdys Clubhouse. There will be a thank you BBQ for ticket holders beginning at 4:00pm and the drawing will be at 7:00pm. If you want a ticket, please call Jim Arena at (914) 403-1871 or Ted Daros at (914) 277-0818 quickly. Or send us a check for $100.00 made payable to J.I.M.M.Y., Inc., PO Box 477, Purdys, NY 10578. Our winners last year were thrilled, and we were able to make some families smile in the face of crisis. Please email me at ginaarena@verizon.net. Much love to you all, Gina PS - please pass this along to anyone that may be interested.
  16. Drawing is Today at 7 pm if any one wants a ticket call me at 914 403 1871, still have tickets left. 1 in 300 chance to be the winner which is good odds.
  17. Thank You to all that Donated Points enabling another Ticket to be sold!!!! We really appreciate all your help. Jim and Gina Arena
  18. Yes I know about having to draft out of Tanker with Hard Suction we had to do it with BHFD with there old Tanker. Also for the forseeable future I can not see any one Department around here in Northern Westchester buying one for them selves. The one Company I am thinking of in our area has there own Water Supply and quite a few Tankers, I also was not thinking of every fire call but just extreme situations.
  19. Als I was not offended by that. I have discussed this before with plenty of people up here in Northen Westchester. I feel it is something that should be done even if they could some how talk to all the pool water companies and have them install a 5" dischage on there Tankers and we could call them and get them to the scene so we could draft out of them. Some of these pool water companies could beat some mutual aid Tankers to the scene.
  20. jbe Pleasantville, Pocantico Hills, Archville, Katonah, Bedford Hills Bedford Banksville Armonk South Salem Goldens Bridge Vista Croton Falls Yorktown Croton Millwood Somers Pound Ridge all have Tankers, Yes some of them have some hydrants. What is meant by "proper water supply" ? The cost would be maybe equall to what 1 house cost in any of these communites.
  21. What I was Thinking about or am saying is they are not needed often why not have the County buy 2 or 3 of them, they do not have to be new there are plenty of used milk, oil, gas tankers, which already have baffles in them we just need a tractor, which the county has also, do some alterations,to them and there you go. Yes qualified drivers to get out there, but if you have tankers running to get water have them re filling it. A not too many years back I remember there being a water shortage in Westchester and plenty of Tankers sitting in DPW yards saying Water Supply not in Westchester on the side of them. As well Maybe it is time to make everyone that drives Fire Trucks have CDL s ( but we have discussed that to death before)
  22. NYPD was called to Somers in the late spring for a Brush Fire. Not sure if it was used but it was asked for.
  23. Seth That would be a Great buy for the COUNTY, all the times Lower Westchester has called for Tankers to Stand by when there are Broken Water Mains, this would be Great , Than have Smaller ones come in and Refill if they are being used. Might be tight in some areas but I am sure with a Little Thought you could stage them away and Have a Pumper draft from them and Pump to the scene. I think a win situation all the way around.