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  1. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by lad12derff in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    I, along with 25 of my Brothers spent 2 days paying our respect to Lt Walsh and FF Kennedy. I have to tell you that there needs to be a class on proper etiquette taught to the younger generation of firefighters. I can't tell you how many members I saw carrying cases of beer on their shoulders walking the streets where our Brother was being celebrated. Guys just walking by the church with 24 on their shoulder. I don't really know if they were career or volley and don't really care who they are affiliated with but their actions disgusted me as well as other New Rochelle Firefighters. If you want to have a few beers between the service and the last drive past the sea of blue please go to a bar. If you want to tailgate and party in front of the civilians like morons please go to a football or baseball game. In front of the church and on peoples lawns is not the place!!!!
  2. CFI609D liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    FAST should be part of FF1
  3. CFI609D liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    FAST should be part of FF1
  4. CFI609D liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    FAST should be part of FF1
  5. CFI609D liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    While I agree # 2 is correct we need to start convincing at the local level first....without that you have nothing. #1 goes without saying,
  6. CFI609D liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    FAST should be part of FF1
  7. CFI609D liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    FAST should be part of FF1
  8. CFI609D liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    FAST should be part of FF1
  9. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Religous Graphic On A Fire Truck?   
    Then there is the day after....day of returns
  10. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Religous Graphic On A Fire Truck?   
    Then there is the day after....day of returns
  11. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Heroin- will we ever get it off the street   
    The kids need to know somehow the effects of heroin. As a retired correction officer of 25 years I have seen many addicts go throuring tygh some of the most horrific withdrawls....banging heads on walls, shaking, puking, scratching the paint off the walls, ramming their headhs into steel bars, crying, etc in a setting where no one really cares wether you live or die. They need to know heroin will either get you dead or locked up. Instead of trying to mess with the 2nd amendment or trying to ram this new common core program in the schools money needs to be spent on programs to deal with this. I also know a few kids that have died in the past from herion and the effect left on the families is horrible.
  12. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Heroin- will we ever get it off the street   
    The kids need to know somehow the effects of heroin. As a retired correction officer of 25 years I have seen many addicts go throuring tygh some of the most horrific withdrawls....banging heads on walls, shaking, puking, scratching the paint off the walls, ramming their headhs into steel bars, crying, etc in a setting where no one really cares wether you live or die. They need to know heroin will either get you dead or locked up. Instead of trying to mess with the 2nd amendment or trying to ram this new common core program in the schools money needs to be spent on programs to deal with this. I also know a few kids that have died in the past from herion and the effect left on the families is horrible.
  13. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Heroin- will we ever get it off the street   
    The kids need to know somehow the effects of heroin. As a retired correction officer of 25 years I have seen many addicts go throuring tygh some of the most horrific withdrawls....banging heads on walls, shaking, puking, scratching the paint off the walls, ramming their headhs into steel bars, crying, etc in a setting where no one really cares wether you live or die. They need to know heroin will either get you dead or locked up. Instead of trying to mess with the 2nd amendment or trying to ram this new common core program in the schools money needs to be spent on programs to deal with this. I also know a few kids that have died in the past from herion and the effect left on the families is horrible.
  14. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Heroin- will we ever get it off the street   
    The kids need to know somehow the effects of heroin. As a retired correction officer of 25 years I have seen many addicts go throuring tygh some of the most horrific withdrawls....banging heads on walls, shaking, puking, scratching the paint off the walls, ramming their headhs into steel bars, crying, etc in a setting where no one really cares wether you live or die. They need to know heroin will either get you dead or locked up. Instead of trying to mess with the 2nd amendment or trying to ram this new common core program in the schools money needs to be spent on programs to deal with this. I also know a few kids that have died in the past from herion and the effect left on the families is horrible.
  15. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Heroin- will we ever get it off the street   
    The kids need to know somehow the effects of heroin. As a retired correction officer of 25 years I have seen many addicts go throuring tygh some of the most horrific withdrawls....banging heads on walls, shaking, puking, scratching the paint off the walls, ramming their headhs into steel bars, crying, etc in a setting where no one really cares wether you live or die. They need to know heroin will either get you dead or locked up. Instead of trying to mess with the 2nd amendment or trying to ram this new common core program in the schools money needs to be spent on programs to deal with this. I also know a few kids that have died in the past from herion and the effect left on the families is horrible.
  16. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Yonkers firefighter, anti-war artist Jef Campion dies   
    Was it necessary for Lohud to expose publicly the details of his death?
    May he rest in peace.
  17. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Yonkers firefighter, anti-war artist Jef Campion dies   
    Was it necessary for Lohud to expose publicly the details of his death?
    May he rest in peace.
  18. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Yonkers Firefighters Battle Cold, Ice, Two Multi-Alarm fires   
    Sorry, I wanted to be clear that when I stated 4 was better than 3, that if that 4th man had to come from shutting down houses, I'd question it. Wasn't trying to imply that was your sentiment, quite the opposite in fact, I had the idea from your original post or second post that you thought to get a fourth man you'd end up losing other companies.
    Again, my comments were in response to your few lines about seeing 3 man companies do as well as four. My issue is that we continually see Fire Chiefs and Commissioners sanction drastic manpower reductions while stating public safety will not be affected. In my mind anything that furthers these lies are a true injustice to the rest of the fire service. While many FD's routinely do outstanding work with crap staffing, we need to continually beat the drum for more staff to ensure the safety of our members and the public we serve.
  19. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by lad12derff in Yonkers Firefighters Battle Cold, Ice, Two Multi-Alarm fires   
    Nice work Yonkers in working these 2 jobs the same day under really bad conditions.
    Sorry did I just go off topic here?
  20. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in What Should Rookies Know?   
    I remember ears and eyes open....mouth shut unless you had a question...at least that's the way it was 34 years ago.....say this know you could end up with harassment charges.
  21. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Hurt feelings and bruised egos   
    I remember a time when you thought people were mad at you if your balls were not being broken. Now you have to worry about saying something to someone and next thing you know you are the target of a lawsuit or charges wether internal or external
  22. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Hurt feelings and bruised egos   
    I remember a time when you thought people were mad at you if your balls were not being broken. Now you have to worry about saying something to someone and next thing you know you are the target of a lawsuit or charges wether internal or external