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Everything posted by SRS131EMTFF

  1. I agree with the suspension. Rules are rules and follow them or don't bother coming down. Would we even be having this conversation had he broken protocols? No, even if he had saved the child, he would have had the book thrown at him. Obviously these squads need to reevaluate their driver regulations, however on a call is no time or place to do that. How many of you would let him drive your fire truck? Either the rules apply to everyone or they apply to no one. If he did not like the squads rules, why was he even a member? Had the rules allowed him to drive, and he crashed the ambulance the conversation would be why would the squad allow such young drivers instead of why was he not allowed to drive. I fully support 21 years or older requirement for all apparatus and every organization I have been a part of except my IFT company has mandated 21 or older to operate apparatus.
  2. Didn't Mt. Hope FPD just form a few years ago?
  3. Spring Valley firestorm: Delhomme bars employee volunteers from responding to blazes
  4. Let me say this, I totally understand where you are coming from and would love to see no more then 3 on a rig (ALS, BLS and EMR driver) but in the days when most crews are having to fend with having two people on a crew at most, I will take my 7 person clown car anyday. Does more than 2 providers in the back get in the way? Yes. Is there any other way to get experience? No. Will it happen from time to time? Yes, but you adapt and over come, like you were trained to do.
  5. NIH has done some research regarding cab area and pt area provider injuries. "In the ambulance, most serious and fatal injuries occurred in the rear (OR 2.7 vs front) and to improperly restrained occupants (OR 2.5 vs restrained)." Thus crew members providing crew in the pt care area, unrestrained, are 6.75 times more likely to be injured then your partner. GIves you something to think about next time you take your seatbelt off in the ambulance.
  6. This says otherwise.
  7. Its not your job to do the RNs job. You would not leave a pt in an ER bed, transferring care to the ED without giving a report to your RN and thus a RN should not be transferring a pt to the EMS crew until a report has been given. I would add the condition that if you have all of the relevant paperwork and the pts chart is included with the paperwork, and you have reviewed the pts chart, the need for an oral report from the RN is lessened, not removed, but lessened. It is your a** on the line if you do not get a report and everything goes south. If the pt is actually critical then a report with the paperwork should be quickly forecoming. If the pt is stable and the nurses are busy, then both you and your pt can wait.
  8. Just under went my protocol transition to allow Intranasal Narcan at the EMT level saturday. EMR will be allowed as well. New protocols go live 1/1/13.
  9. It means someone forgot that BLS comes before ALS.
  10. The ‘rig’ is up for Bravest: Judge orders 10-yr.-old firetrucks out of fleet
  11. Why not plain english? Millwood Engine 1 Millwood Engine 2 Millwood Rescue 1 Willwood Truck 1
  12. Does the NFPA standard require the ability to transport two litter bound pts?
  13. What do they carry such to make them a "high water evacuation truck"?
  14. You still have not answered my, or anyone else's, question.
  15. So what are you advocating for with your precious tax dollars? How exactly would you "let darwin do his work"?
  16. So does this mean the new standard does not call for the capability to transport a second liter bound pt? That vent is quite handy to get hot air out of the rig if it has been sitting outside, parked for hours. Also, if a pt feels too hot but the rig will not cool down any faster, turning on the vent during transport will help the pt think it is getting cooler even if it is not.
  17. We do that in VT too. The legislators made it legal to give to the public to prevent overdoses so the VT DOH EMS said if junkies can't F* it up then neither can CFRs, thus intranasal narcan is a CFR level skill in our new protocols.
  18. We just got intranasal narcan, BLS blood glucose and epi pen autoinjector in adults without a prexisting Rx in the new VT EMS protocols. New protocols were released tuesday and go live 1/1/14. I am sure there are other cool things in the new VT protocols however I have not read it through completely yet.
  19. Buff Belt. Fixed that for you.
  20. Preach brother, preach
  21. Other than pen lights x2 (one in left thigh pocket, one in right thigh pocket), an O2 key (left thigh) and trauma sheers (left thigh) I carry about 20 pairs of gloves and 4 pens. Hopefully I have remembered my wallet, cell phone, keys and pager.
  22. And you have never been wrong or passed along a rumor?