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Everything posted by CG206

  1. What are some ideas about custom chassis vs. commercial chassis? I personally like custom chassis's over commercial. Mohegan has 3 commercial chassis rigs and 6 custom chassis's. Out of the custom chassis's, I like the Spartan chassis the best.
  2. I drove past the new Lake Carmel firehouse on Rt 52. It is a palace, compared to the old firehouse. Huge apparatus floor with large upstairs and even a small deck with grill in rear. Might be worth a road trip to view inside one day.
  3. DFFD227, There is a recorder built in that records the original message. When you want to replay the message, there is a small button on top of the channel selector (A,B,C,D knob). Just push it and plays past 2 minutes worth of dispatches.
  4. Are you serious...I gotta watch the weather now.
  5. I currently have been issued a Minitor IV. I like the fact that there is a vibrate option and a playback feature. The playback feature works well due to the ability to replay the dispatch info. The vibrate option also works well, although the new Minitor IV's vibrate is currently programmed for the new LMFD UHF freq., which is not up and running yet. My old Minitor III had vibrate and that worked well in noisy environments or when audio beeps are not appropriate. My original Minitor II worked well when I was using that. If I had to choose, I would prefer the Minitor IV.
  6. Absolutely...its a 2 way street and we always work together no matter what the circumstances. Thats the purpose of the mutual aid system.
  7. Date: 12-7-03 Times: 13:41 **Ongoing** Location:63 Old Wagon Rd c/s Rt 172. ,Bedford Hills Frequency:46.26 Units Operating: Full Dept Response Description Of Incident: Residential propane tank ruptured by truck. Writer: CG206
  8. In Mohegan, we are currently looking into restoring our "pride of the fleet", our 1941 Mack. What are some opinions about restoring antique apparatus vs original condition?
  9. Date: 12/7/03 Times: 1305-Still Ongoing Location:Putnam Valley. Shamrock off Barger St. Frequency: 46.26 Units Operating: Eng. 255, 2262 ,FAS Team Description: Working Fire Units assembling and responding at this time. Writer:CG206
  10. In order to be cleared to drive an ambulance in Mohegan VAC, a candidate driver must be at least 21. This person must also take an apporoved EVOC class. Once this is completed, the driver must be orientated with the operation of the rigs. After clearance by a line officer, the candidate driver is allowed to drive the rig from the hospital back to quarters after calls. After a review of the driving and the driver feels comfortable, this person can begin to drive code 3, with another driver present on the crew to review driving operations. Once this is performed numerous times, the driver is allowed to a full driver only with the approval of a VAC line officer. Although a long process, safety is the number one priority.
  11. I didnt know all that...wasn't able to listen to Putnam County depts dispatched/on scene.
  12. Nothing is really done out of the ordinary. At most, there are more members hanging around the firehouse due to the weather. However, as I am one of the engineer's for Mohegan VAC, the engineers ensure that all 3 ambulances are fueled up and that all fluid levels are topped. Also, in this past snowstorm, we made sure the on-spot chains were functional since it was the first storm of the season. We are looking into purchasing a small snow shovel, snow brush and a bag of rock salt for each rig in case of a problem.
  13. or even drill with mohegan...there are a few ems riding members under 18.
  14. 10-30 at 13:51 as per 2031. Valve shut down by BHFD.
  15. I would like to see all attendants eventually become EMT's, but I cant really see forcing someone into EMT, if they dont want to. Its alot of extra time needed. I am a Driver/Attendent right now and never really even thought about becoming an EMT. However, through some convincing from a special someone, I'm finally going to take an EMT starting in January. Thanks EMSwhitecloud!
  16. What was this guy thinking...especially if u look at the license plates on his car. Round of applause for this brilliant stunt.
  17. Yorktown has got to keep L-51. After all the years its been around, that truck is definitely worth keeping due to sentimental reasoning. I know I always like climbing 51 when Mohegan and Yorktown have combined ladder drills.
  18. Come on Seth, it was awesome when you dispatched at 60! I'm sure there are a lot of people who would like to see you back at 60.
  19. This is true...I guess Navigators cannot become one with trees without consequences.
  20. Congradulations to Somers!! Hopefully I will be at the calendar is marked, LOL
  21. Just be glad you didnt have to drive during the snowstorm. I had some interesting adventures!
  22. Your right...I'm thinking about changing the Forum title...maybe call it "In Quarters". What would I do without you?? O:) =D>
  23. The end result is going to be a full restoration. The problem right now is a place that will restore it and of course....$$$$$.
  24. were right. By the time I got off work and was heading home, it was snowing hard and the wind was whipping. 12 hours later, here I am at home and its still coming down.
  25. If anybody has information or pics of previous Mohegan apparatus, please let me know!