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Posts posted by 2627

  1. post-4255-0-93872100-1318264419.jpg

    Medusa Fire Department, one of 3 Departments in the Town of Rensselaerville, Albany County,recently put this 1999 Pierce Quantum in servive. 2000gpm/1300tank/30A and 30B foam cells.

    It replaces a 1990 IH/Quality and a 1992Pemfab/Sanford(Ex-Fuller Rd. FD,Colonie NY)

    JetPhoto and firedude like this

  2. FYI, if you're interested, I have a website dedicated to apparatus in Columbia County......

    WWW.CCNYFIREAPPARATUS.NET Also show apparatus from communities that border the County and share mutual aid.....

    (Second site: WWW.GREENEFIREAPPARATUS.NET Dedicated to Greene County Ny.........) 2627

    x129K likes this

  3. Eli Gill, 10-75.NET, recently added photos of older AFD apparatus. Most of the shots are from the Ron Bogardus Collection, some are Neal VanDuesen shots. Really nicely done.

    Eli might be able to help you with action stuff. He is/was the Department photographer and is currently a full time dispatcher. In his spare time he is a medic with the Albany Co. Sheriff Dept. His site photos are second to none!... Joe.

  4. Well considering he has to spend 6 years in jail, pay each of the familes $500.00, and pay close to 1/2 amillon dollars to the insurance companies. I'd bet he will learn his lession, if not, then 25 to life, because he is a danger to socitey.

    Luckily no one was injured, or worse. Interesting to see that the judge will have him pay restitution to the two families, for their co-pay (?) PLUS reimburse the Ins Co.s... About time. Maybe if more badguys had to not only serve time, (that we pay for), but make them repay their victims, some of the less moronic idiots may actually think twice...