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  1. islander liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in FDNY Paramedic and Distinguished EMTBravo Member NY10570 Condolences   
    This is quite shocking, the whole situation. I'm asking myself "is this really happening?" It's surreal. ny10570 who we now know his name is Lenny Joyner, see his photo on the Denver news story, has been a regular productive member of this board for years. We know his political leanings, his compassion for others, his decency....yet most of us didn't know him personally.
    I wish I had.
    To those members here who had the honor of knowing him, condolences to you all. We all share in your grief.
    For all of us here who care, who feel, please take care of yourselves now. Don't be tempted to grab the beers or anything else to drown the pain away.
    Talk about it. Write about it. Share your feelings with those of us here who care for you and want you to be okay. That's what this site is about. A Fraternity of sorts. Times like these are the most testing for everybody. Talk about it at the firehouse, the precinct, the ambulance quarters.
    Lenny got called home to God way too early, yet he obviously died doing what he wanted to be doing. Living his life the way he wanted it to be. Quite an adventurist it seems. I imagine he was quite ecstatic to reach that peak, to see that view, to be closer to his God.
    Our board has another hero now. And his name is Lenny Joyner. God Rest In Peace.
    Edit: Last name proper spelling.
  2. islander liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Aurora CO - MCI Shooting @ Movies 7/20/12   
    And people wonder why I carry a firearm to go food shopping....
  3. islander liked a post in a topic by helicopper in More Fuel Efficient Police Cruisers   
    Have you ever spent eight hours, five days a week in a police car? Given all that has to be packed into a police car and the demanding operations they face, there aren't a whole lot of options. And, since these are a cop's "office" for eight hours a day, shouldn't they have at least a little bit of comfort? Granted that in today's police packages and with all the equipment jammed in them there isn't room for the cop anymore but I can't imagine how it would be in a smaller vehicle.
    Municipalities don't pay $4.00 a gallon. They buy in bulk and don't pay taxes so the price is far less than that. Also, most budgets are constructed so that equipment/supplies (fuel) and personnel are different sections of the budget so you can't just say we're spending less on fuel and hiring more cops.
  4. islander liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in More Fuel Efficient Police Cruisers   
    Altimas and Fusions are not police rated. NYPD has a lot of problems with the Altimas, they are way to small, to the point that a few holsters have been broken. Forget about putting any equipment in the back of an Altima, the battery takes up most of the trunk. Also very few of the NYPD cars have radios or computers mounted in them. When the NYPD first started getting the Impalas we had trouble fitting our required equipment into one of those
    You have can have all the "better" guns you want, but you will still only be able to use them in a narrow set of circumstances.Just look at the news to see all the outrage when a police officer is involved in a justified shooting.
  5. islander liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in More Fuel Efficient Police Cruisers   
    Like what, a Prius? What are they going to use that can still carry their gear, prisoners, pursue bad guys, and not give the officer clausterphobia?
  6. islander liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Not Just the Public Sector - ConEd Union Workers Locked Out   
    This is the exact reason the Triboro Amendment exists in the public sector. Most Fire, Police, Corrections and other public workers go years without a contract. There is a group of politicians in NYS who want to eliminate Triboro. They claim it gives the unions too much power, but in actuallity this case shows the exact oppisite.
  7. islander liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in NYPD Shooting - Brooklyn   
    The way my law instructor in the academy described a situation like this: Under the NYS Penal Law an officer shooting someone who is using a car as a weapon will be justified, however you have violated the NYPD's Patrol Guide. The attitude of the city is you can move out of the way. That and it is too crowded to now have a moving car with a dead driver. The result: you will not be criminally convicted, but the City of New York will most likely not imdennify the officer, and he will most likely be fired.
  8. Danger liked a post in a topic by islander in NYPD Shooting - Brooklyn   
    She was armed...with the vehicle, dangerous instrument as per the NYS penal law. Some in the press have left out that she was in a stolen car that was reported as carjacked, and also she apparently had priors for kidnapping and attempted murder. Not a babe in the woods here it seems.
    Have any media outlets posted the deceased's communion photo yet?
  9. islander liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in NYPD Shooting - Brooklyn   
    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your service if any has been in a volunteer capacity in a fairly safe community ( NO I AM NOT KNOCKING THE VOLUNTEER SERVICE OR THOSE PEOPLE WHO WORK IN LOW CRIME AREAS) With that being said, you made some pretty bold statements about cops, and you base all of it on the " many,many,many " cops you know so I guess you know a lot of the 800,000 law enforcement officers in this country to make such statements.
    You have the balls to call people trash and then come on here with your backward, ignorant rambling diatribe about cops when in reality, I bet you wouldn't have the stones to be a cop, or your couldn't pass the psych.
    I am a proud cop and a proud union member and I am proud to stand in the blue line with my brothers and sisters all over the country.
    The only person I see on this forum acting like a little whiney girl is you, whining about your hatred for the cops.
    You know what seperates cops from other people ? It's the fact that even though you come on here and slag us, if you needed help, every cop on these forums would lay down his life in defense of yours because that is the risk that we acknowledged when we took that job.
    As far as the brothers in Brooklyn that were forced to shoot this woman, I say they did a great job, they protected themselves and the community from a criminal that was showing hostility and aggression and was posing a huge risk not only to the cops but to the community.
    As far as cops laughing as dead perps, etc... cops utilize gallows humor as a way to deal with a stressful situation, it may not look or sound nice but it is a tried and true method of calming your nerves after an intense situation and has nothing to do with being desensitised or cruel.
  10. islander liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in NYPD Shooting - Brooklyn   
    You must have never worked in less than desirable neighborhood where the good guys (police/fire/ems) are looked upon as doing something wrong, and the jackass running around with multiple baby mamas, robbing people at gun point is looked upon as the local hero. She was driving a stolen car, had a rap sheet as long as my arm for things like kidnapping, and tried to kill a cop with a car, but I should feel pity for her. I think you know where I will tell you to go with that.
  11. Danger liked a post in a topic by islander in NYPD Shooting - Brooklyn   
    She was armed...with the vehicle, dangerous instrument as per the NYS penal law. Some in the press have left out that she was in a stolen car that was reported as carjacked, and also she apparently had priors for kidnapping and attempted murder. Not a babe in the woods here it seems.
    Have any media outlets posted the deceased's communion photo yet?
  12. islander liked a post in a topic by NJMedic in NYPD Shooting - Brooklyn   
    Wouldn't exactly call her unarmed. I've seen lots of damage and people killed with a stolen car
  13. islander liked a post in a topic by sympathomedic in Off Duty Save - Mamaroneck 6/2/12   
    Not only did the restaurant NOT pick up my bill, they gave me the VICTIMS bill!!
    OK kidding, but no they did not get the tab. Based on my consumption Hx, it could have been a bank breaker for them.
    I have forgotten how to quote previous posts, but that guy a few posts back is right- the on -duty LVAC medic got the obstruction out with the magills after he looked, I looked and he looked again. That occured after we got pulses back with CPR and back blows.
    My guess is that dieing kind of relaxed his airway which allowed our CPR and attempts at BVM'ing to get in enough air to quicken and strengthen his heart rate and contraction.
    Being a medic, I am always skeptical of pre-arrival "saves", so I am even skeptical of mine. I know I felt for a pulse and found none, and there was ZERO respiratory effort. With CPR we got a pulse quite fast, and during the "analyze" of the AED no shock was indicated, so in retrospect, I bet he had cardiac activity, but due to hypoxia it was slow and weak and we just did not/could not detect it. If you are in doubt of a pulse, then you gotta get to work, and that is what we did. I have seen CPR stopped in many cases of "hey I gotta pulse!" only to find out it was, well, wishful thinking. Was this a true arrest save? not sure. Was it a life save, yea, I think it was because if no action was taken during the response, the pt would have progressed further down the road to death, in all likelyhood past the point of no return. Since he had stopped breathing before I even got to him, the Grim Reaper must have gotten a decent head start on EMS. But in the end, we prevailed. I'd name the on duty guy, but I don't know how he'd feel about it. He gets a lot of credit too.
  14. islander liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Want to read it, pay up! Lohud now charges to read   
    I pay $5.37 for 9 double rolls of Charmin and get better reporting. Not going to miss it at all
  15. islander liked a post in a topic by PEMO3 in Any contingency plans with AMVETS bridge closed?   
    Spoken like someone not effected by the tolls. Sounds like a knee jerk reaction not a solution to a problem. :angry:
  16. islander liked a post in a topic by firedude in TMFD vs VMFD 'Fire on Ice'   
    Saturday March, 10, 2012 @ 7pm
    Hommocks Ice Rink - Larchmont, NY
    Event Facebook Page

  17. islander liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Online degrees   
    I was also looking into this and with my schedule is crazy, I was looking into getting my masters degree and Check out American Public University/ American Military University. The college is accredided and stuff. There per credit cost is a lot cheaper compared to other online schools. I Tried one class but droped it becuase I haven't been back in the school enviorment in about 10 years.
    Also With undergrad work with APU the textbooks I think are included in the class fee.
    If you want anymore info PM me
  18. islander liked a post in a topic by Stepjam in Indian Point must use sprinklers, barriers, not just workers, to prevent, fight fires, feds say   
    One thing that the usually under-informed Journal News omits from the article is Indian Point's emphasis on fire prevention. This is accomplished through housekeeping, chemical controls, proper storage of combustibles, and standing fire watches during any hot work, such as cutting and grinding. Most of the critical areas are covered by either an automated deluge system (sprinklers? HAH!) or a CO2 system. The Fire Brigade is also very effective. I'm sure the Journal News is hoping that its readers will draw the conclusion that Indian Point is defenseless against fire.
  19. islander liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in The New "Banks" of America   
    I'm sure most of you have noticed the explosion of armed robberies at pharmacies across America. I read the heart-breaking story of the ATF Agent killed in the latest one in NY. If you missed it;
    ATF agent killed in pharmacy robbery was picking up cancer drugs for dad:
    God Rest, total tragedy as it seems like a friendly fire incident. This is what happens when a perp walks in and robs a place; even with a plastic toy gun that looks very real.
    I remember reading about a pharmacy robbery spree in Myrtle Beach earlier in 2011. Some freak robbed a few CVS's before they finally tracked him down and locked him up. Luckily nobody was injured or killed during this sick man's robbery spree. At one of his heists, he actually jumped out the drive-up window to escape.
    Then I find THIS joker today in the news out of Gaithersburg, Md:
    This seems to be a growing epidemic; an exploding crime wave across the country. Down here in Florida, with the New Year, the state enacted a PDMP, making it the 48th State to have a monitoring program. We had "pill mills" down here, up in Broward, and Miami-Dade counties. So, they pass this law to go after these big operations, and you know what they did? The pill mills picked up operations.....and moved across state lines into Georgia. Pill Mills are feeding a drug fueled frenzy of "Hillbilly Heroin" that helped prescription drug overdose, overtake car crashes as the number one cause of accidental deaths in the country for the year 2011.
    It seems to be a growing problem, and I'm posting this info to give our Brothers/Sisters in Blue just a friendly reminder to keep your heads up around those innocuous looking, but possibly very dangerous CVS's, Walgreens, and these Mom and Pop pharmacies, like the one the ATF Agent lost his life at the other day.
    Seems to me a simple solution would be to start retrofitting these pharmacies with glass enclosures; like bank teller windows. But that would cost corporate America $$$, so they'll let it go on until the point of tragic ridiculousness, public outrage, or legislation. Don't count on the latter anytime soon.
    One crime problem dissolves, and another seems to grow in it's place. Stay safe out there, these people are so hooked they'll pull off acts of desperation; that wind up with more people getting killed. Let's pray that 2012 is less tragic for our Brother/Sister Police Officers. God knows 2011 was a disaster.
    But something has to be done with these pharmacies; fortify them or something. What do the LE members here think?
  20. JBE liked a post in a topic by islander in Lawmakers Want NYPD Cops To Live In 5 Boroughs   
    Simple solution: Enforce the West Indian Day parade like all the others. How many shootings did we have at the St Patrick's Day parade last year? Puerto Rican Day? (with the exception of that day ten years or so ago) Dominican Day? Israeli Day? Columbus Day? Pulaski Day? Steuben Day? Gay Pride Day? etc., etc.....It's an annual occurrence that the WI day parade is for all intents and purposes a zone of politically permitted anarchy. It's not racism. It's the lawlessness and violence that everyone's sick of.
    The move to force first responders to live in NYC is just a shallow way for race-card playing politicians to "never let a crisis go to waste".
    RIP PO Figoski
  21. JBE liked a post in a topic by islander in Lawmakers Want NYPD Cops To Live In 5 Boroughs   
    Simple solution: Enforce the West Indian Day parade like all the others. How many shootings did we have at the St Patrick's Day parade last year? Puerto Rican Day? (with the exception of that day ten years or so ago) Dominican Day? Israeli Day? Columbus Day? Pulaski Day? Steuben Day? Gay Pride Day? etc., etc.....It's an annual occurrence that the WI day parade is for all intents and purposes a zone of politically permitted anarchy. It's not racism. It's the lawlessness and violence that everyone's sick of.
    The move to force first responders to live in NYC is just a shallow way for race-card playing politicians to "never let a crisis go to waste".
    RIP PO Figoski
  22. islander liked a post in a topic by ladder55 in Changes on end anonymous comments   
    Apparently they made another change to lohud and stopped posting news
  23. dadbo46 liked a post in a topic by islander in Cuomo tapping pension funds?   
    This is fine, but much like when the NYC Police Pension Fund bailed out the city in the 70's (?) we should get a payment in return much like the variable supplement fund that city uniformed retirees get annually. I've been out of the city for ten years, but I believe it's a 12.5K Christmas gift service retirees get every year.
    Of course mayor bloomturd has called it a "Christmas bonus" and has tried to take it away....smoke and mirrors for the media to try to turn "them"against "us" once again.
  24. islander liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Cuomo tapping pension funds?   
    Take my words to heart. Even if you think I am full of poop in my firefighting posts, this is the best advice I can give you...ever.
    Now is the time for the YOUNGER Firefighters and Police Officers to watch that money like a mama bear guarding her cubs. If Gov. Cuomo (who is probably getting about eight government pensions) tries to take, borrow, rearrange, or touch your pension in any way be ready to pounce.
    It is YOUR retirement he wants to play with. Your future is at risk. Take it personally because it is.
    Your retirement will come sooner that you think...protect it!

  25. islander liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Occupy Wall Street Being Raided!   
    These protesters may be your friend but they certainly aren't mine. These people don't care one iota about civil servants or even the common man. There have been many media reports about small businesses in the wall street area that have had to lay people off due to the decrease in business since these miscreants have shown up.
    I support the constitution and people's right to protest and I don't agree with corporate greed. I think the system is broken and needs to be changed and there are ways to change it however those ways don't include running through the streets like a bunch of animals, pissing and shitting on police cars, raping, stealing,using drugs and in the case of occupy oakland, shooting people in the head. This is not an organized protest this is an occupation with no clear goal or purpose.
    The protesters don't care about lower taxes and higher wages because most of them DON'T WORK and DON'T WANT TO. Watch the news reports, read the signs, they want to be given what you have worked for.. they want to take money for student loans and then NOT pay them back. They believe that if I work hard and make money that it should be shared with them ... f*** THAT. There have been signs that advocate the overthrow of the government, the ending of capitalism and the rise of socialism.
    Rudy Guiliani said it best, "Instead of Occupying wall street, how about you occupy a job"