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Everything posted by TRUCK6018

  1. This is the way it should be, not just with experience, but with training. The engine chauffeurs should be trained to either stage just past or just before the structure (depending on which way the truck is coming from). You can always add extra hose to a hand line. You can't add extra flys to a ladder.
  2. That is what all the reports indicate. The latest from
  3. Part of a chief officer's job description is no life!
  4. The purpose of mutual aid is not to bail out another department when they're out of service at a parade. This justification is as bad as career departments relying on mutual aid on first alarm assignments due to understaffing. Some members do take pride in marching and showing off their department, no doubt. However, I don't think anyone here can deny that there is the share that go to parades for no reason other than the freebies involved. I don't think all have been so lucky. I know specific circumstances when departments have not responded to stucture fires after social functions. To make matters worse, there was no pre-arranged coverage. While parades are a matter of pride, pride is not an excuse when someone's house burns up as a result.
  5. This directive was not made by the Commish. It was made by the COD. In a memo issued by Union President Cassidy, there is an organized protest of the parade taking place being held by the Bronx union members. ALL union members are being asked to muster at a designated place out of uniform and wearing a berret. Many other department members are joining for the protest.
  6. Here's a little video clip I recomend everyone to take 15 minutes to watch. More importently, think about it the next time you take off your scba because "it's only steam". More about Mark Noble and the background pertaining to his LODD is found here:
  7. I have seen the studies to disprove the cell phone as an ignition source theory. The Mythbusters disproved it likewise. I have also seen fire reports to the contrary. One being in nearby Ulster County. In this instance, it is documented that a cell phone was the source of ignition of a gas station fire, where the cell phone ignited gasoline vapors. Bottom line, regardless of whether or not it can be an ignition source or not is cell phones are not intrinsically safe.
  8. Congrat's Gary. An exellent person for the job. When he stepped down as chief, the second or third time around, there were "I survived Gary Weber as chief" shirts made up due to the amount and uniqueness of his alarms. New Years Eve train derailments, water tower explosions, multiple structure fires, etc...... I hope it won't be deja vue and have to have t-shirts made up "I survived Gary Weber as Battalion 13"!
  9. Congratulations for getting high grades in the lastest issue (Feb '05) of FASNY's "the VOLUNTEER Firefighter". The magizing has a monthly (random) review of a web site and Bedford Hills was chosen this month. Some excerpts are as follows:
  10. Westchester would never get something like that. All that is is a radio receiver, not a transmiter. To go with Westechester's original radio plans, you wouldn't need anything that sophisticated. A trunk tracker would work just fine. No need for digital capabilities. With the rumered changes now, who knows.
  11. Nomex thread is recommended. Just remember, while the patch is affixed with fire resistant thread, that doesn't mean the cloth of the patch is fire resistant. I've had my share of gear discolored due to high heat, how would a patch hold up to it? More importantly, how would the coat hold up to it with the patch affixed to it? I wouldn't be too fond of iron on patches either. Ironed on at low settings may be fine but there is still glue there. Once you expose the gear to fire, where it may be exposed to higher temps for longer periods of time, what is this going to do to the glue? Plus, what is the flash point of the glue?
  12. Radio Shack PRO-96 is also.
  13. That "weird yellow color" is lime green, aka slime green.
  14. Equally as important is why did the driver move the vehicle with the person on the front? It is equal fault of both parties! Westchester has had it's share of fire apparatus slipping out of gear and injuring firefighters. One of note is the LODD in the late '80s from unexpected apparatus movement. Granted, the firefighter was not on the apparatus, but it was still caused by apparatus movement. Firefigher safety is the reason tailboarding is a thing of the past. It is also the reason that since 1990, NFPA requires totally enclosed cabs. Lets prevent situations like this from happening, not encourage them!
  15. A few of the last posts refer to the bat. coordinators as bat. chiefs. They are not chiefs. They should by no means take command at an incident. Some of them have never been chiefs in as much as their own departments. As far as the command structure goes in my own department, we go by the chain of command as to who is usually in command of an incident. Chief, asst. chief's, Capt, loo's, ex chiefs and firefighter by seniority. Further, if an officer has established command of an incident, when a chief arrives, command transfer is not implied. There have been chiefs in the past that has seen the incident is run well, they assist, or release themselves. When command is transfered, it is done by filling in the new commanding officer with the details of the incident.
  16. Even with the money she's a nothing.
  17. Why should the county get involved? It's tough enough for the county to get the funds they need to get the classes that are needed. It's only in the last year or so that the county hired the instructors and started giving the basics. Its only recently that the county is building and improving the facilities that are needed to teach these classes. Because of the lack of attendance at the training center the county named Katonah and TOM as satalite facilities. Would it be a nice to have? Sure, for the mid Westchester departments. For someone to drive a half hour from the North County would not be well received. Funding for gyms or fitness programs should strictly be done at the local level. Let Westchester County focus on the current tasks at hand.
  18. At least the a**t Chief admits that 1403 was not followed by this statement. What good are the "firemen" and "trucks" going to do at the station if $hit hits the fan prior to their arrival? I guess by notifying officials in advance would limit any liability in the event of an accident. Since the structure was being written off, there must not have been a "true emergency". I think those involved in this "drill" should say no more.
  19. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't providing some sort of fitness training (whether it be in house or through a gym) part of NFPA?
  20. Doug Sent a pm. 1 XL
  21. In addition to what Seth said, it carries a portable generator with lighting. These are on there so you don't have to tie up a vehicle for police assists for lighting, you can leave the generator and lights and pick them up later. It also carries a trash pump and several sump pumps. These are on there so you don't tie up and possibly ruin a several thousand dollar portable fire pump for pump outs. As far as Chris' comment, it can carry the Hurst tool in the event E183 is layed up. The vehicle itself is a Ford F350 chassis with a utility body.
  22. Good luck to the incoming chiefs. Also good luck to Ex Chiief Warren Paukner on his new found free time.
  23. While it wasn't fire/ems related, still a reminder why we need to protect ourselves on the highways:
  24. I see many individuals asking for shirts, as would I. Is there anyone putting together an order?
  25. Most large scale tow companies has a vehicle to carry recovery equiptment. The primary purpose is not to assist the fire department but to compliment the heavy wreckers in uprighting large trucks and the like. Since Stiloski's has their fair share of heavy wreckers and requests for them, the need must be there. I don't know of many tow outfits that would go out and buy a vehicle to just sit around.