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Posts posted by yfd888

  1. I hope this type of inquiry is allowed on the site, if not I apologize to the moderators and please delete the post without any offense on my end.

    I am inquiring to see if any EMT Bravo members may be willing to donate some high resolution photos/video of Yonkers FD crew, apparatus, etc, in action, for use in possible L628 Yonkers Firefighters advertising. Please contact me at the email below if you are able to help, and if you require reconition in the actual advertising if your photo/video is used. Our need for these should be obvious with the battle we are fighting for our livelihood here in Yonkers. L628 and its membership is grateful for any support in this area. At this time we could particularly use some photos of TL71 and E312, two companies that have been targeted as brown out companies. Thanks again!

    Chris Schmidt

    Yonkers Firefighter

    L628 Trustee


    Sailr322, JM15, x4093k and 4 others like this

  2. Isn't Ladder 71 the busiest in the city and the only tower on the west side? 72 and 74 are straight sticks and 75 would be coming from Fortfield. That's a long way for a job down in 303 or 306's first due areas.

    Correct! Actually, referring back to the Ridge Hill comments, it was a truck company that was indicated as the needed addition to the department. I'm not sure if you are aware, but there are numerous bad water areas in Yonkers as well. E-312 is an LDH company, and is probably the busier all of the LDH companies.

    redtruck75 likes this

  3. Here is a link to a WPIX story where Mayor Spano basically admits that he is utilizing the SAFER grant as a negotiating tool.


    The administration is only attempting to bust the union, and has no interest in "negotiating." The past administration sold the city to developers, and the trend continues with the new administration. In 2011, over $32 million NET was given away in tax breaks, and Mayor Spano and the Yonkers IDA recently approved more deals for builders. Let's not forget the some $16-18 million in delinquent property taxes (accumulated over years), and the $2 million in fire prevention fines that have yet to be collected, as per the YFD commissioner at the budget hearing.

    It was mentioned in prior posts how the YFD was already short staffed. Just a little FYI...in 2004, when they were planning for Ridge Hill Village, an independent environmental analyst stated tha "the City of Yonkers Fire protection rating is currently considered to be at a minimally acceptable level." That was BEFORE development began! It was suggested that to mitigate the effects of the development that staffing and equipment levels be increased and a firehouse be constructed in closer proximity to the development. The costs of these additions should easily be covered by tax revenue from Ridge Hill, but refer to above. Maybe I should throw in that the developer was supposed to pay the City of Yonkers $3 million towards construction of a firehouse, but good old Yonkers politician never followed through on it. There has since been other development with Empire City, Cross County, Executive Blvd, and numerous other projects, including high rise structures.

    As of today it appears that 2 companies are closing at minimum (TL71, and E312 as of now.) I also want to point out that in just 5 days, over Memorial Day weekend, the members of the YFD gathered 13,000+ petition signatures to protest cuts to YFD services, particularly EMS. These petitions were delivered to city council at the final public budget hearing and with the addition to the members of the public that spoke on behalf of the YFD, it seems that for now they have backed off of that idea.

    grumpyff likes this

  4. Date: 12/05/11

    Time: 23:25

    Location: 203 Chase Ave


    Units Operating: E309, E310, E308, E312, E306(xtra engine) L72, L75, RES1, Safety, B2, MSU

    Weather Conditions: Fog

    Description Of Incident: Caller states house is on fire. Safety first on scene and confirms structure fire. B2 requests extra engine. Fire self venting out of large window on #4 side - exposure #4 vinyl fence and siding melting. Fire in eaves. E309, E310 stretch hand lines into home, E312 on exposure line. L72, R1 search, TL75 on roof. All companies working. Main body of fire out, companies overhauling and checking for extension. (unknown time)



    x129K, efdcapt115, sfrd18 and 1 other like this

  5. Yonkers was probably dispatched due to a 911 call...just guessing. It came through Yonkers dispatch. That road is a broken street that runs into Yonkers, to the east side of the Saw Mill Pkwy. As for the fire, I don't believe the tank had released prior to Hastings units arriving on scene so probably why no foam was flowing earlier on. Once it did start to let go, a dike was made with speedy dry downhill on the road, but did not hold up due to the flow of water. I think the main concern was on exposure and the car fire itself. Also, just my thoughts, but the road was also on a decent grade and building a bigger dike likely would have just led the gas to the opposite side of the road once filled with water, into YFD rigs. Before anyone criticizes rig placement...it was a hill. Once YFD got there there was no room to park uphill, so rigs were spotted opposite the trail of water at a good distance away from the main fire. A dry chemical extinguisher was used earlier on...darkened it down, but the vehicle tires had blown and the vehicle was sitting very low. Some unreached spots of fire just reignited the gas. Once foam was put into operation it was not doing much since the driveway slope was too severe for foam to maintain a blanket, and again, very difficult to get sufficient foam up to the tank due to the tires being out. The vehicle had a full 40 gallon tank from what I was told, so it leaked for a while. Both departments worked well together and I'm sure Hastings would have stuck around if roles were reversed. It was quite obvious that it was a stubborn fire. Thanks for the cookies Hastings!

    grumpyff, efdcapt115, x635 and 5 others like this