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Everything posted by DaRock98

  1. May they both rest in peace.
  2. Thanks for the answers ladies and gentleman they do a lot of work that I had no idea they did. It's a very large building and I have never made it past a room or two to the right as you walk in the main entrance.
  3. Are the STAT flight medics trained to the level of the ALS medics on the ground or higher?
  4. Looks good I wish you guys the best of luck with it!
  5. Nice work as usual Jet!
  6. What did the guy in the very beginning throw at the car it looked like a glass bottle? Who is that guy anyway? I will also repeat the above posts about PPE and SCBA.
  7. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  8. I don't mean to take this off topic but I do not know much about MCI's and tagging this is probably a stupid question and I should probably know the answer already but could someone give me the colors and and what they mean of each tag? Thank you.
  9. Working right next to a cemetery I see those purple lights on funeral processions all the time. Some of theses drivers in funeral processions drive with no regard for the law at all. I have seen so many of the running red lights blocking main intersections and almost causing serious accidents. I hate to say it and I am not being raciest but its mostly the Chinese funerals that theses guys are driving for. I mean I have seen it all, from driving in the opposite lane of traffic to speeding. I don't understand why they just don't call for a police escort. My father is also a funeral director and any large funeral procession he has he calls the local police dept and as long as there is nothing major going on they gladly send over a few cars for him. Sorry end of rant!
  10. Agreed. I've seen an increase in motorcycles on the road already.
  11. Thank you ems for the chart! And thank you als for the explanation I couldn't have asked for a better one!
  12. Ok again I don't know much about this and I am not second guessing you at all but if the pt. had a pulse in the beginning as per the post above and from what I get out of ems buff's post about the color tags why would you black tag this pt. and move on to the next? This pt. is not dead yet why wouldn't you load and go to the nearest hospital immediately? Again not saying you are wrong I am just trying to understand the situation.
  13. Nice truck I have never saw anything like it in NYC. Very interesting.
  14. That unfortunately is exactly what the problem is! My question to you is how do you get that dept head to change there ways, open there eyes and swallow there pride and do the right thing without getting someone killed?
  15. Happy and safe Memorial day to all and thank you!
  16. I don't see what the problem is he is more then willing to serve his community with his purchase and I am sure it will help them out. There is a guy in the town I live in who purchased an old fire truck not for fighting fires or anything but because he is restoring it in his garage and likes to drive it around town. He also brings his children and there friends for rides. He to rebuilt his garage to fit it and not one person has complained about it yet.(at least that I know of)
  17. Truck looks great good luck with it!
  18. I don't think the # of people at a parade and at company meetings are meant to fool the public into thinking there are a lot more FF's then they really have. Some of the old timers the parades and meetings are all they have and they pride themselves on that. Who are we to take that away from them? I see your point and don't disagree with you at all a lot of vollie and combo depts have manpower issues along with many other issues, but do you see anything changing about it in the near future? Unfortunately I don't and sadly the only thing that is going to open these peoples eyes is when they get caught with there pants down. I don't think you were being a wise a** but I know how some people take questions like the one I asked on this site and I didn't want you to think I was trying to pick a fight with you.
  19. How does a FD "hide" its numbers from the public? I agree that the public probably does not know the TRUE numbers and again thats probably because they don't ever ask but I don't see any FD's advertising the number of interior firefighters they have.(not trying to be a wise a** serious question)
  20. Ohh is that a new feature? How do you do it?
  21. The incident alert says this happened to a off duty officer correct? So I have a few questions 1. Can an off duty cop really write a summons? 2. Is this considered a LODD if god forbid he dies from his injuries if he was off duty but still performing his job?
  22. All CT state troopers take their cars home with them or is it only the higher ups? With that being said I guess they are technically on duty so if God forbid the trooper did die it would be considered a LODD correct? I do remember this coming up in another thread and I did a search but got nothing. Sorry for the duplication of questions but I can't remember the answers.
  23. They had a seat belt check on Jackson Ave exit off the Northbound Sprain last night and because of this thread I did not get a ticket! Thank You Jack and EMTBRAVO!
  24. What are the stars thats are next to the thread name??
  25. Any idea on when the truck is due in??