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Military: Claims of Stamford soldier killed may be hoax

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(11/30/07) STAMFORD (AP) - Reports that a Stamford soldier died this week in Iraq may be a hoax, military officials said Friday.

Lt. Col. John Whitford of the Connecticut National Guard said that neither the state of Connecticut nor the U.S. Army can verify that Gabrielle Costello, 26, a volunteer Stamford firefighter, serves in the U.S. Army or was killed in Iraq.

"I've been in constant communication with the Army Human Resources Command," Whitford said. "We both can verify that this person is not in the Army's database."

The Army Human Resources Command is "looking into this as a possible hoax," he said.

Costello is not employed as a contractor in Iraq, U.S. Rep. Chris Shays, R-4th District, said.

Lt. Troy Jones of the Stamford Fire Department told The Advocate of Stamford on Thursday that Costello was killed Sunday while serving with the Army in Iraq. Jones said the department was notified by Costello's mother.

City and fire department officials declined to comment on Costello Friday to The Associated Press, referring questions to the Army.

An Army human resources officer told the Advocate on Friday the military is trying to reach Costello's mother but did not have name or phone number.

Whitford said the Army Human Resources Command is notified about soldiers' deaths, along with a regional casualty assistance center. The closest center to Stamford is Fort Drum in New York, which has no record of Costello, Whitford said.

The closest military installation to the soldier's home notifies the family of a death, Whitford said. The Connecticut National Guard would be assigned to contact Costello's family if the Army

was notified of his death.

Edited by nutty1

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Hoax? I don't understand. I mean, I do hope Gabriel Costello is alive, but at the same time I hope this gets straightened out quickly regardless. This is wierd and not good.

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It seems unlikely that if someone actually deployed the military would have no record of them ever serving in the military....there must be a huge paper trail for the guys and girls deploying. I could be completely wrong, though. Very odd for sure and i hope, for everyones sake, things get hashed out quickly. Likewise, i pray this isn't a sick hoax/joke on anyones part.

Edited by Goose

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Things don't add up on this one. As the article states, there are firmly defined ways that military deaths are announced/notified, and a member's mother notifying the unit is not one of them. As others have said, I pray this gets worked out and this doesn't prove to be a hoax or something much worse.

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From todays Stamfordadvocate newspaper

Army investigates report of firefighter's death

By Donna Porstner

Staff Writer

December 1, 2007

STAMFORD - The U.S. Army is trying to determine whether a report of a Stamford man dying in Iraq is a hoax.

Glenbrook Fire Department officials on Thursday said Gabrielle Costello, 26, a U.S. Army Ranger and member of the volunteer department, was killed in action in Iraq. The story was reported in The Advocate and by other area news organizations.

There is no report of an Army Ranger killed in Iraq last weekend or any record of Gabrielle Costello - or anyone with a similar name - serving in the Army, said Shari Lawrence, deputy public affairs officer for the Army's Human Resources Command.

"I don't have anything in the database that says he's in the Army," she said. "The good thing is, he appears to be alive."

Glenbrook Fire Lt. Troy Jones said he got the news from Costello's mother, who called the firehouse at about 6 a.m. Thursday.

Had there been a solider killed over the weekend his body would have been brought to Dover Air Force base in Delaware by now, Lawrence said. There is no such body, she said.

The Army is looking into whether the story was fabricated, Lawrence said.

"Unfortunately, it's happened in the past," she said.

Lawrence said she is trying to contact the mother to find out why she thinks her son was killed in Iraq, but fire department officials have not been able to provide her with a name or phone number.

"I haven't been able to speak with her, so I don't know how she was notified," Lawrence said.

The Department of Defense on Thursday could not confirm Costello's death. Lt. Colonel Jonathan Withington, a department spokesman, said the military cannot release the names of soldiers killed until 24 hours after the family is notified.

Asked whether he could verify whether there was a Gabrielle Costello serving as an Army Ranger, Withington said he could not give out that information.

Fire officials said Thursday that they were devastated by news of Costello's passing and announced the department's annual Christmas tree lighting today would be dedicated to his memory. Costello volunteered for the fire department from March to October 2004 before joining the Army, Jones said.

The fire department notified Mayor Dannel Malloy and city Public Safety Director William Callion of Costello's death Thursday.

Jones said Costello's mother was driving to North Carolina Thursday to retrieve his remains. He said he took notes during the conversation, but he could not remember her name.

Glenbrook Fire Chief Frank Passero said Jones was the only one who spoke to the mother.

"He said the woman called up crying and said that Gabe was killed in Iraq," Passero said

U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Bridgeport, initially issued a statement mourning the soldier's passing.

"Gabrielle Costello made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He is a true American hero," Shays wrote in a news release sent out yesterday morning. "Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends."

Shays later telephoned The Advocate from Jordan to say he had not been notified of any military personnel from Stamford dying in Iraq. As a congressman, Shays said, he would have been notified before the family and sworn to secrecy, or told soon after they are notified.

"We were envisioning that a distraught mother was driving down to Fort Bragg," Shays said. "It's not an embarrassment; it's not a hoax; it's tragic when a story like this develops."

Shays said it's rare for to people to fabricate stories about war casualties.

Shays' office later issued a second statement saying they contacted the State Department and the Defense Department and neither had any record of Costello serving in any branch of the military or working as a military contractor.

There is no record of Costello working for the Department of Defense in any capacity, Lawrence said.

"If he were a DOD contractor, I would have his name," she said.

Thursday, Jones said Costello lived on Rose Street in the Glenbrook section of the city, but no city records could be found yesterday to verify that information. There's no Gabrielle Costello registered to vote in Stamford, no car registered in that name on city tax rolls, and no record of anyone by that name owning real estate in Stamford.

There's also no record of a Gabrielle Costello attending Stamford Public Schools.

Jones did not return phone messages seeking comment yesterday.

Passero said there's no question Costello worked with the fire department.

"He exists. I know he exists," Passero said. "I have to meet everyone who joins the department. I remember him. . . . I know he lived on Rose Street."

Costello started taking training classes with Stamford Fire & Rescue to get his Firefighter I certification before he went into the Army, Passero said.

But Stamford Fire & Rescue Chief Robert McGrath said he has no record of anyone by that name going through training.

"We have no records of him ever taking any classes here in the city of Stamford with the regional fire school or Stamford Fire & Rescue," McGrath said.

The Glenbrook Fire Department should have a membership application on file, as well as records of his state firefighter certification, McGrath said.

"That should be at the Glenbrook Fire Department if he, in fact, was a member there," McGrath said.

There are no state-certified firefighters with the name Gabrielle Costello, said Denise Fortin, certification registrar for the Connecticut Fire Academy in Windsor Locks.

Asked whether the department has an emergency contact for Costello on file, or any other names and phone numbers of relatives, Passero said he had not had a chance to review the volunteer personnel file.

"I haven't even had a chance to look at it," Passero said yesterday. "I've got a ton of files I've got to go through."

A man who answered the telephone at the firehouse yesterday referred all questions about Costello to the Army.

Copyright © 2007, Southern Connecticut Newspapers, Inc.

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This is getting real deep. Does anyone know Gabrielle Costello?? It appears that he doesn't even exist in the Stamford area. Hope this is all a misunderstanding and he is alive and well.

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Maybe he was living under the alias "Gabriel Costello", and he had a different name.

I find it wierd that no one has any sort of records. The alias thing is the only way I could think to explain it. As for him getting killed in Iraq, you'd think the military would know, and whom was killed they would have notified/confirmed. Also strange they can't seem to track down his mother-and why would she be driving to Fort Bragg if the remains go to Dover?

I also find it wierd that Glenbrook FD has trouble with their records. In CT, does a volunteer firefighter have to undergo any sort of background check or interview? How long does a volunteer FD have to keep these records for? I'd assume these records would be readily available at anytime just by opening a file cabinet.

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In CT, does a volunteer firefighter have to undergo any sort of background check or interview? How long does a volunteer FD have to keep these records for? I'd assume these records would be readily available at anytime just by opening a file cabinet.

It varies between departments. For my company and others in my town, we do background checks as part of our vigilance committee investigations. There is no law that requires this and all records for a volunteer have to be kept by the company and also a copy on the city department level.

A side question, does Glenbrook have a photo of this guy to prove that he was a member there??? This might help identify who this person really is if in fact there is a hoax going on.

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Stamford (WTNH) _ The U.S. Army is trying to figure out if reports circulated about a former Stamford volunteer firefighter dying in combat in Iraq are a hoax.

The new information is about that the name put out there, Gabrielle Costello, is wrong.

Frank Passero, Chief of the Glenbrook Department says they did have a "Gabe" who volunteered with them, but now says, that it was not a "Gabe Costello". Now Chief Passero and the army are trying to figure out if the former volunteer firefighter was killed in combat, or if this is just a cruel joke.

"We're hoping everything is fine and that this is just a big mistake," said Chief Passero.

Thursday, the Glenbrook Fire Department in Stamford released a statement saying that a former volunteer firefighter, Gabrielle Costello, died in combat in Iraq. It was believed that Costello was an Army Ranger.

After a taking a phone call from a distraught woman that morning, the department released a statement saying: "Gabe was killed and she was on her way down. That lieutenant believed that woman was Gabe's mother and that she was heading down to Ft. Bragg to claim the body."

"When we received this call, we have an Internet system, it was put on our system and went to other systems and it shouldn't have, consequently it went to and traveled throughout the state," Chief Passero said.

As it turned out, the U.S. Army had no record of a "Gabrielle Costello" ever serving and there were no deaths of Army Rangers last weekend.

Chief Passero says they did have a "Gabe" who volunteered for Glenbrook in 2005 who they believe went off to serve in the Army, but now they've found out his last name is not Costello. Passero has passed the correct last name to the Army.

Chief Passero, who served in the Air Force, says that if this is just a hoax, a lot of guys are going to be hurt.

"It's the worst thing that could happen to any family. I lost four in the outfit I was in flying Metavacs in Southeast Asia," Chief Passero said. "This is hurtful and very serious to us."

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HUH? How big is the Glenbrook Vol FD that they don't know everyone's names? I can't imagine very many vol agencies where this occurs! Just plain strange!

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I was thinking that also Oswego. This is a strange story indeed maybe an insurance scam or something along those lines? I'm hoping that he is ok though.

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No offense to anyone, but it looks like this person may not even exist! This could have been just a bad joke by someone who didn't think first!

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If it was a joke the department didn't think to actually find out if they knew this person before going public? So if someone called saying john doe died they would just assume that they were actually a member of the department? Sounds very weird and I think alias thing might be something to look into. With them dedicating a lighting ceremony to him the active members would have to have remembered who this guy was.

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Can you say "Black Ops!!!"

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Can you say "Black Ops!!!"

You beat me to the POINT. HELLO SPOOK. Yeah he probably worked for the DOD or the MILITARY and his mother prob did report that he was KILLED although she shouldn't have or didn't know the extent of his MILITARY SERVICE. Prob wasn't on a AUTHORIZED MISSION and now everyone is back peddling. Or it could be that I like CONSPIRACY THEORIES.

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I highly doubt the "Black Ops" theory. They still list those in special forces who are killed in the LOD under their regular unit.

As for this whole thing on the records, come on, someone jumped the gun here when they got the call it seems, as the way I'm interpreting it. Yah, emotions took over rational thinking here before it was checked out. It happens, but thsi doesn't look good. Now what everyone has to figure out is who made this orignal call to Glenbrook.

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Here is the latest on a very wierd story. At least if there is any good news the army says they have no listed fatalities under either names.

(12/03/07) STAMFORD - Is it a misunderstanding or is it a hoax? That’s what firefighters at the Glenbrook Fire Department want to know about a former volunteer and soldier’s death.

In an effort to help clear up confusion over the alleged death of Gabrielle Costello, the fire department gave the U.S. Army a new name to look up. The Army says it has no record of Costello, alive or dead. The fire department gave the Army the name Gabrielle Maldonado.

Last week, a firefighter says he received a phone call from the mother of 26-year-old Costello, saying her son died while fighting in Iraq. Black bunting was hung and honors were scheduled for Costello.

A spokesperson for the Army said, “I don’t have a fatality by the name of Gabrielle Costello or Maldonado. We are currently looking into whether there’s a Gabrielle Maldonado enlisted in the U.S. Army.â€

Congressman Chris Shays is working with the Army to try and get some answers.

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No maaaannnnnn. Its a government conspiracy. He was planting evidence for our iran invasion maaaannnnnn. Its the same agency that killed Kennedy and burnt my toast this morning. . . maaaannnnn. You guys just have your head in the sand and are too afraid of the truth. . . maaannnn.

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Finaly some good news

Donna Porstner

Staff Writer

STAMFORD -- The Glenbrook Fire Department volunteer believed to have been killed in the war is alive and well serving his country in the Middle East, a U.S. Army spokeswoman announced this morning.

U.S. Army Spc. Gabriel Maldonado, 26, is serving with his unit from Fort Stewart, Ga. in Iraq, said Shari Lawrence, deputy public affairs officer for the U.S. Army Human Resources Command.

Lawrence said she spoke to Maldonado’s commander, who confirmed he is a former volunteer firefighter for the Glenbrook department.

Lawrence said she also spoke to Maldonado’s mother, who Fire Lt. Troy Jones said called the firehouse last Thursday to alert members of her son’s death. The mother never placed the call and was not aware her son was believed to be dead, Lawrence said.

“Imagine their surprise,†she said.

Army officials became suspect after The Advocate and other news organizations reported the fire department was mourning the loss of one of its members and they had no record of anyone from Stamford killed in the war and no unidentified bodies.

Initially, fire officials identified the dead soldier as Gabrielle Costello, who they said was a U.S. Army Ranger. On Monday, after reviewing personnel files, Glenbrook Fire Chief Frank Passero said they may have released the wrong name. He said Jones confused Maldonado with another member, whose last name is Costello. Despite the wrong name, members claimed to have remembered Gabrielle Costello and announced plans to hold the department’s annual holiday tree lighting last Saturday in his memory. They hung black bunting on the firehouse to mourn his passing.

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That is good news. I still find it weird that no one at the firehouse seemed to know him or his real name.

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Soldier from Stamford Believed to Have Been Killed in Iraq Is Alive and Well

STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) -- A one-time city resident who was reportedly killed while serving with the Army in Iraq is actually alive and well, a U.S. military official said Thursday.

Spc. Gabriel Maldonado, 26, who was a volunteer with the Glenbrook Fire Department in Stamford before joining the Army two or three years ago, is currently in Iraq with a unit based at Fort Stewart in Georgia, said Shari Lawrence, a spokeswoman for the Army Human Resources Command in Virginia.

She said reports of his death were a hoax.

Lawrence declined to confirm Maldonado's hometown or provide other information about his service in the Army.

News reports of a Stamford soldier killed in Iraq turned into a mystery last week, when Army officials said they could not confirm his death or even that he was in the Army.

Fire officials initially said that a Glenbrook volunteer firefighter and Army Ranger named Gabrielle Costello was killed in Iraq Nov. 23. They said Costello's mother called the department on Nov. 29 and told Lt. Troy Jones that her son had died.

But when the Army could not verify that Costello was in the Army or was killed in Iraq, Glenbrook Fire Chief Frank Passero went through the department's files and determined that the caller must have been talking about Gabriel Maldonado, Lawrence said. Army officials then looked up that name and found that Maldonado was alive and serving in Iraq, she said.

A phone message was left for Passero on Thursday.

Lawrence said the caller who reported the death apparently only mentioned the first name Gabe, and fire officials remembered the last name wrong.

But some members of the Glenbrook department said they remembered a Gabrielle Costello and put up black bunting on the front of the firehouse in his memory, The Advocate of Stamford reported.

Lawrence also said Maldonado's mother wasn't the person who called the fire department last week.

It's still unclear who the caller was. Stamford police said Thursday that they are not investigating the matter.

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