
Update on Stamford Merger

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Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association (IAFF Local 786)

To Hold Meeting For Firefighter Candidates

Almost two years ago more than 670 aspiring firefighters took a civil service exam in hopes of joining the Stamford Fire & Rescue Department. After spending countless weeks and months studying for the written exam, and taking a demanding physical ability test, and a nearly two-year wait to be certified as firefighter candidates, they may all be left out in the cold. The city administration may throw out the test because of Mayor Pavia’s proposed taxpayer funded privately owned and operated fire department to serve North Stamford, rewarding his friends and political allies with a job.

On Saturday, April 14 the Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association (IAFF Local 786), which represents the firefighters of the Stamford Fire & Rescue Department, will hold an informational meeting for candidates who took the test and may likely see their hard work go for naught. The meeting will be held at the Piedmont Club at 152 Hecker Avenue in Darien beginning at 2 pm. All candidates are encouraged to attend.

There will be an information session to explain to the firefighter candidates what their options are if the civil service list is not certified by the city.

Just a quick reminder the meeting for applicants is tomorrow.

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Word on the street has it the SVFD funding has been cut. Now the real work begins.

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On another forum it was suggested that volunteers ride along on career rigs, Taken a step farther I think distributing career and volunteer personnel citywide is an excellent idea. When coupled with standardized training and promotional requirements the city could save a bundle as volunteers share duty shifts with career members in what would be a truly great, maybe even the perfect, combination system.


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Board of Finance cuts mayor's budget by $2 million


Stamford Times



Finance board cuts budget by $2.5 million

Board of Finance cuts slash funding for mayor's proposed fire plan

Kate King

Stamford Advocate

April 17, 2012

Edited by Geppetto

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Pavia asks board to reconsider funding

Stamford Advocate

April 20, 2012

“Editor's note: Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia wrote the following letter to members of the Board of Finance Thursday concerning funding the for his proposed volunteer fire department plan. The board cut funding Monday for the first phase of the plan. …”

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Wow....Mayor Pavia has pleaded with the Finance Board via a letter concerning his proposed fire plan and now he want's a sit-down meeting with them! When will he realize that his proposed plan is NOT in the best interests of public safety, not the forward movement of the fire service within the entire City of Stamford. Someone in the volunteer fire district (s) must have something huge on the Mayor for him to continue to push for this plan this hard. It seems hard for him to realize what the word NO means. Just think of this one proposed scenario and you tell me how it could possibley provide BETTER fire protection. One part of his proposal is to remove a 4 man staffed engine (24/7) with an engine staffed with 2 men (24/7) does anyone think that a reduction in staffing of two firefighters per shift IMPROVE fire protection???? If you believe this you must also believe that the "Jim Jones" cool-aid was the drink of choice! Come on people, wake up!

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I've submitted the following letter to the Advocte in response to a previous Editorial titled "Let Charter decide fire service". Since I do not know if my response will be published I thought I'd put it out here for discussion of the concept. Any thoughts?


To the Editor,

Yes, let the Charter decide fire service, but how?

In regards to the previous Op-Ed piece “Let the Charter decide fire service,” I personally must agree that this option offers the best possible means currently available to resolve Stamford’s ongoing Fire Service issues in a timely fashion. The question is how will the Charter accomplish this important task? To answer that question we must look at what it is we hope to achieve. As was outlined in that piece, for many the answer is one combination fire department, one chain of command and one fire chief. Speaking for myself I agree and believe that this is an admirable goal, but it is also one fraught with obstacles that have the potential to erode the volunteer contribution if not administered properly.

These obstacles are based in the inherent differences between the career and volunteer sectors of the fire service which are not unique to Stamford, in fact they are prevalent nationwide. These include labor relations and management, training and certification standards and command and administrative functions both on and off incident scenes. Added to these are the contentious atmosphere and a history of animosity that has grown between the “sides” of Stamford’s fire service discouraging any cooperative efforts from taking root to date.

To overcome these obstacles and create a combined fire service at this point will take more than just a willingness to embrace change, it will also take a commitment to building an integrated fire service. This service must be one that builds upon the similarities and minimizes the differences between the dedicated career and volunteers firefighters who serve Stamford if it is to be successful in the long term. This necessity can best be summed up by the following excerpt from a Blue Ribbon report entitled “Taking Action, Improving Volunteer Fire Service Serviceability to American Communities” written by members of the International Association of Fire Chiefs:

“A combination fire department will not work when it is based on prejudice, or when either group of firefighters, career or volunteer, functions in the minority role or is perceived to be subservient to the other”.

Keeping in mind that a combination fire department is the ultimate goal, the Charter Revision Commission has the ability to do what no one else has thus far been able to do, put all of the affected parties literally in the same room and in effect force them by Charter to develop a mutually acceptable solution. I believe this can be accomplished in the most equitable and therefore effective manner by putting language similar to the following in the Charter:

The City of Stamford shall have one Fire Commission charged with developing an integrated fire protection and rescue service comprised of both career and volunteer sections henceforth to be known as the Stamford Fire Department. This Fire Commission shall thereafter have the authority to determine and manage the operational aspects of this Fire Department and the constituent sections thereof.

The Fire Commission shall be comprised of nine voting members. Three members drawn from and representing the career section, three members drawn from and representing the volunteer section and three members representing the residents of the City that shall be elected by the public and have no personal, family or business connection to any Fire Company or Department. All members of the Fire Commission shall reside within the boundaries of the City of Stamford for the duration of their term.

These two short paragraphs offer a threefold solution to the issue. First they mandate that such a Fire Commission would create an integrated fire department that combines the dedicated career and volunteer firefighters that have and continue to serve Stamford so well. Second they then grant that Commission the authority to govern that which they have created. Third they guarantee that all the affected parties, the career section, the volunteer section and most importantly the public whom both serve, would have a literal “seat at the table“ and equality in developing and managing such a unified fire department.

While some see such a Commission as a peril, I believe that this design is in fact an opportunity, perhaps the only one, to build the truly integrated combination fire service that our City deserves and bring about a lasting solution that addresses the interests of all the parties involved now and in the future.

Peter Cogliano


Mr. Cogliano is a lifelong Stamford resident and member of the Belltown Fire Department. He is employed by ATCO Frontec Europe as a Fire Captain and is currently assigned to the Kandahar Airfield Crash, Fire and Rescue Service supporting the operations of the International Security Assistance Force in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.


Pete Cogliano

Belltown Fire Dept.

Stamford, CT



Kandahar Crash, Fire and Rescue Service

Kandahar, Afghanistan

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I'm sorry, but this rational, reasonable, coherant response has no place in a discussion of something as serious as the provision of fire and rescue services. :D

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I'm sorry, but this rational, reasonable, coherant response has no place in a discussion of something as serious as the provision of fire and rescue services. :D

You're right of course...what the hell was I thinking.... :P

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Charter Revision Committee Hosts Public Hearing, Votes One More Time

Stamford Patch




Stamford Times



Daily Stamford

Edited by Geppetto

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Looking from the outside and reading every post from day one, could this be coming to an end and for the good of all that call Stamford home .

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Once and for all this "animal" might finally be put to rest! One Chief for the entire City of Stamford. Volunteer Chief's have their doubts that this can work, well it can work without a doubt. All volunteer's have a place in this fire service. Everyone should just look at the Belltown FD. They have, since their paid firefighters merged with SFRD, responded to almost 100% of the calls in their district. They do receive supplemental support from SFRD engine, ladder and rescue companies on all of their calls. But that is nothing new at the past TRFD, GFD and Springdale also sent fire apparatus to their calls staffed with paid drivers and volunteer firefighters. So why is SFRD personnel any different than personel who use to work for TRFD, GFD and Springdale? It worked fine then and it can work fine from this day forward. For the most part it has worked fine. Ego's seem to be the driving force behind the volunteer "hatred" for SFRD firefighters. Take away 5 or 6 ego's in this entire equasion and everything would be fine. The biggest mis-informational statement made by volunteer Chief's is that the Stamford Fire Rescue Dept. wants to eliminate the volunteer firefighters and their departments. This is so far from the truth it could almost be played out in a skit on Saturday Night Live. That is the only contention they ( the Volunteer Chief's) can muster to keep this topic and alledged "rivalry" going on and on. Forget about the facts that show that fire calls go un-answered on a routine basis in some of the volunteer districts by the volunteer's themselves. Forget the fact that some volunteer Chief's and Officers cncel SFRD units before they even get on the scene themselves. How ridiculous is that? Forget the fact that some volunteer fire departments are responding to calls in pick-up trucks and SUV's, contending that they are "companies" and are on the scene giving size-ups stating "company investigating"......How can one or two firefighters in these vehicles, without any water contend "company investigating"? This is such a misnomer to the general public that they are being adequately protected by fire "companies", when in fact it is only 1 or 2 firefighters equipped with only a portable fire extinguisher and radio. Under one unified Chief these problems can be remedied. Standard training for all firefighters and Officer's would ensure that any job get's done quickly and "professionally"...and YES volunteer's can be professional. I am not saying that the road is ahead is as smooth as glass but it is about time the fire service within the entire City of Stamford move forward in a single, unified direction for the good of all the people and property we are all duly sworn to protect!

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Once and for all this "animal" might finally be put to rest! One Chief for the entire City of Stamford. Volunteer Chief's have their doubts that this can work, well it can work without a doubt. All volunteer's have a place in this fire service. Everyone should just look at the Belltown FD. They have, since their paid firefighters merged with SFRD, responded to almost 100% of the calls in their district. They do receive supplemental support from SFRD engine, ladder and rescue companies on all of their calls. But that is nothing new at the past TRFD, GFD and Springdale also sent fire apparatus to their calls staffed with paid drivers and volunteer firefighters. So why is SFRD personnel any different than personel who use to work for TRFD, GFD and Springdale? It worked fine then and it can work fine from this day forward. For the most part it has worked fine. Ego's seem to be the driving force behind the volunteer "hatred" for SFRD firefighters. Take away 5 or 6 ego's in this entire equasion and everything would be fine. The biggest mis-informational statement made by volunteer Chief's is that the Stamford Fire Rescue Dept. wants to eliminate the volunteer firefighters and their departments. This is so far from the truth it could almost be played out in a skit on Saturday Night Live. That is the only contention they ( the Volunteer Chief's) can muster to keep this topic and alledged "rivalry" going on and on. Forget about the facts that show that fire calls go un-answered on a routine basis in some of the volunteer districts by the volunteer's themselves. Forget the fact that some volunteer Chief's and Officers cncel SFRD units before they even get on the scene themselves. How ridiculous is that? Forget the fact that some volunteer fire departments are responding to calls in pick-up trucks and SUV's, contending that they are "companies" and are on the scene giving size-ups stating "company investigating"......How can one or two firefighters in these vehicles, without any water contend "company investigating"? This is such a misnomer to the general public that they are being adequately protected by fire "companies", when in fact it is only 1 or 2 firefighters equipped with only a portable fire extinguisher and radio. Under one unified Chief these problems can be remedied. Standard training for all firefighters and Officer's would ensure that any job get's done quickly and "professionally"...and YES volunteer's can be professional. I am not saying that the road is ahead is as smooth as glass but it is about time the fire service within the entire City of Stamford move forward in a single, unified direction for the good of all the people and property we are all duly sworn to protect!

Ok so now there will be one overall Chief, fair enough I have no real problem with that concept. But what does concern me is what happens after that. You say it can work and frankly I agree wholeheartedly it can...any system can be made to work. But what constitutes working? Any number of scenarios can be put forth but what is it that you would consider workable in terms of Command? Responses? Standards? Staffing?... and the exact role of volunteers in all those factors? I only ask this because it was quoted that volunteers in the future will be likened to CERT. That prospect does not sit well with many volunteer FFs especially at BFD, which by the way and just to keep the facts straight, to date has answered 100% of all dispatched alarms both in and out of district. The "farm team" or SFRD "feeder"analogies also are not really viable from my point of view for much the same reason...and that being that as a viable, productive and professional department that has the solid support of it's community the idea of being relegated to anything other than primary responders is abhorrent, and in BFDs case at least, unjustified as well. So yes it can work but I sincerely hope it will work in a way that builds upon the strengths already there...not ignores them.

Time will tell

Also just a quick reminder that the process has a long way to go before it becomes a reality especially in light of the fact that an SFRD Asst. Chief's position was recently cut from the budget by the BoR.

I was remiss in addessing one more very important point within your post and on this I can speak with full certainty for BFD. There is absolutley no hatred of SFRD FFs by any of our members...none. Most may not agree with the apparent direction we are headed for a variety of reasons, but that disagreement should in no way be taken as a sign of hatred, it is simply a disagreement and it can be resolved. I and all of our members have the utmost respect for our downtown career colleagues and the job you do, even those who seemingly do not return the sentiment. We understand that the nature of the fire service in Stamford has changed and in fact will change even more in the near future Charter revision or not. We are also fully aware that we will all be working much more closely together in the coming months and years. Universally we not only accept this fact, but we also hope that through mutual respect that new relationship will flourish and we are commited to doing our part in making that happen. That said I would hope that rational people can understand that we must also temper that hope and commitment with our valid concerns for our future and that of our neighbors in Belltown.


Edited by FFPCogs

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Well it's been a few days since I asked the above questions relating to what is envisioned for the future with no reply, so I will again ask any of my SFRD colleagues to comment on this question: What is the exact role(s) you see for Stamford's volunteers once the one chief is in place?

Edited by FFPCogs

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That would be the Chief's decision. Anything else is purely speculation.

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That would be the Chief's decision. Anything else is purely speculation.

True enough PJ but one would think that any Chief worth his salt would seek the counsel or at least the input of his trusted staff, officers and personnel in making that decision. As was posted I was just curious as to what any SFRD contributors here envisioned for the future based on their own opinions and experiences that, specualtion or not, may influence that decision. Thus far we do have the union President on record calling for volunteers to be akin to CERT. Based on his standing within the organization one can only assume that ithis is the union's official position as well. Now whether or not that position will become the official mandate of a Chief remains to be seen, but with the full understanding that anything posted is just speculaion is that a position most agree with or is another role(s) envisioned? If so what is it (are they)?

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Don't you think you may be putting the cart before the horse? The Stamford Fire Chief will certainly confide in his or her staff before any decisions on changes (if any) with regard to the duties and expectations of the firefighters within the volunteer sector of the new mandated (if passed by the referendum) Stamford Fire Department. Additionally, the volunteer firefighters will have a voice in the new system with the Assistant Chief that oversees the volunteers comming out of that system.
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Don't you think you may be putting the cart before the horse? The Stamford Fire Chief will certainly confide in his or her staff before any decisions on changes (if any) with regard to the duties and expectations of the firefighters within the volunteer sector of the new mandated (if passed by the referendum) Stamford Fire Department. Additionally, the volunteer firefighters will have a voice in the new system with the Assistant Chief that oversees the volunteers comming out of that system.

With all due respect, no Skylark I don't believe I am putting the cart before the horse. The "new" Chief of a combined Stamford Fire Dept will be influenced by a number of factors in determining what roles will be played, who will play them and how. This will include those of his subordinate Asst Chief of Volunteer Services (assuming the BoR reinstates funding for the position of course) who will be the lone voice of volunteer representation. Unfortunately the common belief and ultimate truth is that this position, as envisioned, will be nothing more than a filled chair collecting a paycheck with no authority or means of redressing any grievances of the volunteers who, unlike our career counterparts, have no CBA to protect them. I have quite clearly illustrated the concerns shared by my fellow members and myself about this lack of protection and of the possible roles we will be tasked with under this new regime. I have gone on to explain why we are genuinely (and justifiably) concerned about these issues. So to either alleviate or reinforce those concerns I am simply looking for some clarification from the SFRD contingent on here as to their views on what those roles should or could be and why. And this is important because, for a number of reasons, those views WILL have at least some bearing on our new Chief's plans for our combined operations. I'm also certain that such enlightenment may go far in setting the tone for our pending cooperative venture now and in the future.


Edited by FFPCogs

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I will leave the rumors in the rumor mill. Starting a fictitious scenario of how things will play out is pointless and downright irresponsible. The Chief has the ultimate power to make the decision he feels is best for the citizens of Stamford, not the Fire Dept,, career or volunteer, or the union. This is about fire protection. Period.

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I will leave the rumors in the rumor mill.

Interesting take. I had always thought the whole intent of this thread and in fact this site was the free exchange and discussion of ideas and opinions.

Starting a fictitious scenario of how things will play out is pointless and downright irresponsible.

That's one way of looking at it. I tend to believe that any insights into the views of our potential future partners can only be helpful. Communication is the key to any successful partnership and quite frankly I think the more misconceptions we can eliminate now, before the probable shotgun wedding, the smoother the transition will be after it. I guess you could say that what you call pointless and irresponsible I call prudent and potentially very helpful, whether that wedding occurs or not.

The Chief has the ultimate power to make the decision he feels is best for the citizens of Stamford, not the Fire Dept,, career or volunteer, or the union.

Well first off our one Chief doesn't exist yet, but we'll assume he will. While he will have the ultimate power to make decisions many factors will influence that process. This discussion is in no way meant to set a direction as that will be the Chief's job, but more so to open the bridges that have long been closed by simply conducting an open discourse amonst firefighers. I believe many of the bumps in the road can be smoothed over by such communication even if disagreements persist.

This is about fire protection. Period.

Is it? I think this is no more about fire protection now than it was when this debacle started. It is simply closer to a resolution than it as been.

At least I got what I was looking for as far as you are concerned. By not answering the questions posed you have in fact answered them. Thanks PJ

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There is no mention of a "new" Chief....There is already a Chief in place. That would be Chief Antonio Conte!

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There is no mention of a "new" Chief....There is already a Chief in place. That would be Chief Antonio Conte!

True but he would be a "new" Chief for volunteers. And although I would have absolutely no problem with him Chief Conte is not guaranteed the top spot as of yet. The potential exists for an outside person to be brought in to run our combination department.

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It is clear that Pete is only trying to use this thread in order to try and create new friction to the situation. Poising questions to rank and file members of the Stamford Fire and Rescue Department about the future direction of their Department serves absolutely no purpose.

It is akin to asking the average soldier at the Food Court in Afghanistan what he feels about the strategic plan and future US operations with the Karzai government. While he/she may have an opinion, unless they are also a member of the Joint Chiefs or Centcom, it is really irrelevant. As a soldier, he/she will follow the direction and orders of their superiors (i.e. basic military chain of command).

While you can use the term “free exchange”, this forum is not the official word or position of the Stamford Fire Rescue Administration. I am fairly sure that you know how to get to 629 Main Street or the meetings of the Charter Revision Committee at 888 Washington Boulevard.

I would bet that the people serving in their official capacities at those locations would be the proper authority and route for you to find answers for this new “regime” (interesting choice of words). Unless you would rather troll for anonymous opinions from those that have absolutely nothing to do with the strategic decisions of an organization that does not yet exist.

Flyboy69, sfrd18, FD828 and 1 other like this

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