
Update on Stamford Merger

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So, it seems Stamford has been awarded a SAFER grant. How does that play in to the situation? Interesting quote from the press release:

awarded this grant to hire and retain more volunteer as well as career firefighters," said Senator Joe Lieberman

I hope Stamford does more with the grant than Danbury & Westport.

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So, it seems Stamford has been awarded a SAFER grant. How does that play in to the situation? Interesting quote from the press release:

This is news to me and Interesting indeed. As I'm sure you can imagine there are plenty of ways this grant can be used effectively in the volunteer sector once the career staffing portion has been fulfilled if in fact this is not a misprint.

I hope Stamford does more with the grant than Danbury & Westport.

Let's hope so.

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That was a very nice affair last night. Congratulations to all of belltowns members for their efforts in those two calls ..

Thank you for inviting us as well.

Mark Kuhar

Sfrd Rescue 1 group 4

Thanks Mark and I hope you liked the food.... :D Conrats too to the SFRD and SEMS members who were also recognzed for their dedicated efforts in saving these lives. May this be the start of a new relationship and the first of many such get togethers.

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How can the grant be used "effectively in the volunteer sector"? I have yet to see anything that definitively improves recruitment or retention in volunteers. Truth be told I don't see much evidence of any improved retention with the programs often advertised to fix these problems.

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How can the grant be used "effectively in the volunteer sector"? I have yet to see anything that definitively improves recruitment or retention in volunteers. Truth be told I don't see much evidence of any improved retention with the programs often advertised to fix these problems.

Truth be told there are a number of successful R&R programs throughout the nation, some of which I have referred to here in the past. Now whether or not such success will be enjoyed by Stamford is quite another matter and dependent on a number of factors...not the least of which being program management. Also without knowing the particulars of the grant, it's hard to say what options will help ensure an effective program is developed for us. Simply putting up a few signs and some radio and TV ads will garner very little, while LOSAPs do help with retenton but not necessarily productivity. Once we see what's available we can make a better judgement on how best to utilize the grant within the confines of it's terms and the law.

Edited by FFPCogs

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You guys seem to be putting the cart before the horse?I can't seem to find any details of what the grant will be used for anywhere on the web by googling.

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Stamford loves the cart before the horse.

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This grant is for the 4th FF at engine 8 and engine 9.

Well, that's a good use, I think 4 FF staffing is good for everyone.

However, if that is all the grant is for, then Lieberman took liberties using the "V" word in his sound bite.

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Well, that's a good use, I think 4 FF staffing is good for everyone.

However, if that is all the grant is for, then Lieberman took liberties using the "V" word in his sound bite.

On the SAFER grant I wholeheartedly agree and hope the City moves ahead with it and adds the 4th to E-8 and 9,... they are needed. Unfortunately though I have thus far been unable to find anyone or anything that supports the Senator's statements in regards to a volunteer portion of this grant. It appears that the application was submitted by retired Asst. Chief Brown without consultation with any volunteers, which in and of itself is not too big a deal, unless our involvement is just a soundbite for the Senator. On the flip side if in fact he included a volunteer component then he will have done much to build another bridge and maybe more importantly garner the support of the volunteers here (and their families, friends and neighbors) to pressure it's acceptance by the City.

As for the Charter Revision:

Well in my ever so humble opinion based on the meeting I sat through on the 19th, unfortunately I must report that I find myself at odds with the proposals and cannot support them as written. Despite rational and well supported attempts, both in person and through other avenues, to grant representation to the volunteer sector in a meaningful manner, the Revision Commission has instead opted for a shortsighted and divisive direction which ultimately holds potential peril for both "sides". The are far to many questions left unanswered ranging from taxation and costs to questionable wording in regards to authority and who will develop the "plan" to move forward. Additionally as written they have increased the likelihood of the politcalization of the Fire Service, not reduced it, by vesting all authority in Mayoral appointments. But without fail the most glaring oversight is that they ignored the basic and by far most important principle for success in combining the career and volunteer sectors:

“A combination fire department will not work when it is based on prejudice, or when either group of firefighters, career or volunteer, functions in the minority role or is perceived to be subservient to the other”.

Monday will see the entire BoR vote on what will be placed on the ballot. It's safe bet that the Fire Service portion, which by the way will be all condenced into one item, will pass and be up for public vote in November. So then it will be up to the public to decide our future, as well it should be...may they do so prudently based not on the fearmongering, misinformation or misjudgements of either "side", but instead on what they truly believe to be in their best interest.

Edited by FFPCogs

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Post deleted hit quote instead of edit button.... :P

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With all respect to the Senators, maybe their PR people should do just a little research with regard to how and what certain Federal grants are actually used for before they release their statements. SAFER Grant for volunteer retention and tools? LOL

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With all respect to the Senators, maybe their PR people should do just a little research with regard to how and what certain Federal grants are actually used for before they release their statements. SAFER Grant for volunteer retention and tools? LOL

A quick view of the FEMA website does indeed show that SAFER grants are available to VFDs for recruitment and retention programs as well as hiring career staff to augment as needed.

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A quick view of the FEMA website does indeed show that SAFER grants are available to VFDs for recruitment and retention programs as well as hiring career staff to augment as needed.

If so, I stand corrected. I'll have to have my PR people do a little more research before I post. LOL

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Just to note FASNY received a SAFER grant this year for volunteer recruitment and retention... I believe those tv commercials on the Internet were a product of this

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I could be wrong but, why would the city department have to spend any money on r&r? Playing the devil's advocate, it's their grant. Can't you just see the screaming, if whatever was spent on r&r, didn't meet someone elses expectations? After all, what does the career department know about volunteer r&r?

It appears to me that they are the only ones trying to work at consolidating, regardless of any "ulterior motives". Like it or not, the political process, and it's rules - as has been pointed out many, many times - is painful for everyone; and everyone has to work within it's constraints. I am sure that the career staff has their marching orders; and probably has been doing their best to stay within the lines.

At the very least, both the career department and the volunteer districts will gain something by putting the additional staffing at E-8 & E-9.

Yes, it all depends on the wording and

November can't come fast enough.

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I could be wrong but, why would the city department have to spend any money on r&r? Playing the devil's advocate, it's their grant.

Fair enough it is SFRDs grant and that's fine, but if that grant was gained on the premise of a volunteer portion then that portion should make it's way to the VFDs. If on the other hand the Senator misspoke, then by all means SFRD should use that money to increase staffing exclusively.

Can't you just see the screaming, if whatever was spent on r&r, didn't meet someone elses expectations? After all, what does the career department know about volunteer r&r?

Good question and one that the Revision Commission decided that the career department is well suited to answer...after all as written one of the Chief's main duties will be volunteer recruitment.

It appears to me that they are the only ones trying to work at consolidating, regardless of any "ulterior motives". Like it or not, the political process, and it's rules - as has been pointed out many, many times - is painful for everyone; and everyone has to work within it's constraints. I am sure that the career staff has their marching orders; and probably has been doing their best to stay within the lines.

While I could see how you may disagree I can say with all candor that we at BFD are working diligently to ensure as smooth a transition as possible should the proposed Charter changes pass, while at the same time working to develop viable cooperative alternatives should it not. As you might expect we will do all we can to bring about the changes we feel are in our residents and our best interests, but as you say the political process will decide and ultimately that will be that.

At the very least, both the career department and the volunteer districts will gain something by putting the additional staffing at E-8 & E-9.


Yes, it all depends on the wording and

November can't come fast enough.

Yes it does and as far as I can see there is enough grey to keep the lawsuit door open. IMO it's a shame that a golden opportunity to build ourselves a better mousetrap was squandered, but that is the usual result when rhetoric stifles reason. Come November some are going to get just what they wanted and I will bet my bottom dollar that it won't be the victory they thought it would matter which side "wins".

As I said before...careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Edited by FFPCogs

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As someone said cart before the horse. The city in all its' wisdome still has to accept the grant. Not holding my breath about charter revision either, how many law suites will be filed after it is all voted on in November? How many years will it get tied up? I am starting to believe that all of us here will be long gone before anything is ever settled once and for all.

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A quick view of the FEMA website does indeed show that SAFER grants are available to VFDs for recruitment and retention programs as well as hiring career staff to augment as needed.

A quick view of the FEMA site also shows that a 100% career department (Like Stamford Fire Rescue Department) can only apply for grants for "hiring of firefighters" category.

It's on page 5 if you don't have the time to read through the whole document that shows what can and cannot be done with the grant program.

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Fair enough it is SFRDs grant and that's fine, but if that grant was gained on the premise of a volunteer portion then that portion should make it's way to the VFDs. If on the other hand the Senator misspoke, then by all means SFRD should use that money to increase staffing exclusively.

SAFER grants are agency specific.That means SFRD's grant must go to them and them alone. If they had a volunteer R&R component, then that would have to go to volunteer R&R in the SFRD and not another dept.

Now is it possible that they wrote that adding career personnel would help the VFD's? Yes its possible, but the Senators staff does not get to see that.

My Experience with the AFG's (interesting abbreviation for the Fire Act Grant) and Politicians in Washington, is they love to take credit for giving you this wonderful grant, that at best they voted to fund the grant and at worst voted against it. But in either case you got the grant because of all there hard work in Washington. They never know what it is for, infact I have been always ask what the grant is for.

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It seems we've found a new way to beat this dead horse, the recently awarded safer grant.

I would hope at this point reasonable people realize Senator Lieberman simply misspoke when the word volunteer was used in the press release. I'm sure he used the word to either be politically correct so to not offend anyone or he is unaware of what the grant was awarded for, I'm sure he has more important things to worry about then strife in the Stamford fire service.

Now lets wash the sand out of our shorts and get back to the heart of this topic, arguing.

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My Experience with the AFG's (interesting abbreviation for the Fire Act Grant)

AFG is derived from "Assistance to Firefighters Grant program".

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Recommendation for single Stamford fire department moves on to November ballot

July 10, 2012

Kara O’Conner

Stamford Times

& of course …

Attorney challenges legality of plan to merge Stamford fire departments

July 11, 2012

Kara O’Connor

Stamford Times


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Looks like we won't have to wait until November for the legal action after all! Interesting that the new unified Stamford Volunteer dept left Springdale out of their legal letter......

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The "Stamford Merger" thread................IT'S ALIVE!

After the apocalypse, or nuclear mutual assured destruction, only two things will still be left ... cockroaches, and this thread.
sfrd18, SOUSGT, JM15 and 5 others like this

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After the apocalypse, or nuclear mutual assured destruction, only two things will still be left ... cockroaches, and this thread.

Three. You forgot twinkies

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Three. You forgot twinkies

D'oh...mmmmm twinkies

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“While I could see how you may disagree I can say with all candor that we at BFD are working diligently to ensure as smooth a transition as possible should the proposed Charter changes pass, while at the same time working to develop viable cooperative alternatives should it not. As you might expect we will do all we can to bring about the changes we feel are in our residents and our best interests, but as you say the political process will decide and ultimately that will be that.”


Is this the smooth transition that you mentioned? Or is it the viable cooperative alternative?

It looks like, and I could be wrong, that since BFD is represented here, that they have no intention of going along with any political solution.

The charter commission met, and all parties had multiple opportunities to give their input for development of at least the framework for where Stamford’s fire service should be going. As proposed, I see no removal of any of the fire districts, but a responsibility given to 1 chief for all of the city. It appears that that independent panel of city residents didn’t entirely agree with any particular side.

As for R&R, the proposal gives the volunteer sector an assistant chief, chosen from their ranks to handle and represent their issues. Sure, there is a Chief above him, is he accountable for every issue? On paper yes, but then so is his boss, the director of Public Safety, and his boss, the Mayor. As it stands now, it appears to me, that the volunteer sector wants NO other bosses.

I believe, that the sense of frustration, as exhibited here over nearly one hundred pages, is also felt on the public side, and pressuring/threatening/coercing/warning – pick your verbiage; of a potential lawsuit is not helping the volunteer position.


115 days to go.

Edited by Geppetto
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That is what you call hitting the nail on the head!

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