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President Obama Praises Firefighters for Heroic Acts on 9/11

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NEW YORK, N.Y. -- President Obama stopped and waved outside Engine 54 Ladder 4. It was so quick, the crowd missed him. Inside, firefighters gave him a standing ovation. And then the president commended them for "heroic acts," on 9/11 and every day.

"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the American people for the sacrifices that you make every single day," the president told them. "And I just want to let you know that you're always going to have a president and an administration who's got your back the way you've got the backs of the people of New York over these last many years."

YNN Article

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Next paragraph:

" Now,"said the president, "I'm going back to Washington to see if we can get rid of your Collective Bargaining, your outrageous Pension Plans, and that pesky Union of yours."

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Next paragraph:

" Now,"said the president, "I'm going back to Washington to see if we can get rid of your Collective Bargaining, your outrageous Pension Plans, and that pesky Union of yours."

I heard him say he was going to cut those homeland security grants too.

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And help bloomturd cut more companies...

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Democrats support unions republicans do not, see Wisconsin. It is funny that the majority of emergency service people lean to the republican side, but their party does not support them.

INIT915, waful, PFDRes47cue and 3 others like this

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Next paragraph:

" Now,"said the president, "I'm going back to Washington to see if we can get rid of your Collective Bargaining, your outrageous Pension Plans, and that pesky Union of yours."

Homeland security Secratary Janet Neapolitano last year tried to pass a bill that would have given cities and states money to prevent firefighter/police layoffs, Guess what republicans voted it down.

Edited by Anesti

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Democrats support unions republicans do not, see Wisconsin. It is funny that the majority of emergency service people lean to the republican side, but their party does not support them.

And that drives me up the effing wall!

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Next paragraph:

" Now,"said the president, "I'm going back to Washington to see if we can get rid of your Collective Bargaining, your outrageous Pension Plans, and that pesky Union of yours."

Do you actually follow politics?

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Without a doubt, if the IAFF or anyone ever thought they "owned" a candidate, they were surely too impressed with themselves. Generally speaking Democrats are far more liberal with money for service type programs that help the less fortunate, ie: Fire and EMS, while being a little more leery of our LE brethren (maybe many still see LEO's as "the Man"?).

This being said, Obama did basically turn his back on the fire service when faced with bigger issues. In the grand scheme he could sell us short to further a larger agenda. I don't think he did an about face, but more likely just dismissed firefighting as a local issue, as so many people see it.

On the other hand, the Republicans tend to be more Pro-LE as they align it with a strong defense, strong on crime, and forcing personal responsibility on the individual. In the past they were more likely to not be anti-FD, though in recent years politics and strong Union stances may have forced them to become harsh, as they tend to be pro-administration, be it private or government.

The polarization of the big two parties has basically forced candidates to take sides, which is not a good thing for any of us, as firefighters and taxpayers. If our candidate wins, great, but the polarized party fights every issue, and vice versa.

The more we disagree amongst ourselves, the smaller our voice becomes. The smaller the voice, the less perceived votes. The less votes, the easier to dismiss or use as a bargaining chip.


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Do you actually follow politics?

No matter what the party, I think I've voted for the "lesser of two evils" for the last 20 years.

Once anyone get into congress most of the promises go out the window and they start taking care of themselves first. How can you pass things as long as you are exempt from what you voted for?

I don't intend to pursue this conversation any further. Sorry.

Edited by wraftery
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