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Updated: Croton looks to hire paid EMT for volunteer squad

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The bottom line is that almost every EMS agency has staffing and response time problems. It may be AVAC on Monday, BVAC on Tuesday, CVAC on Wednesday, etc. but the bottom line is the system is deficient. We cannot guarantee response times that meet or exceed recommended standards, we don't have solutions at the system level, and we continue to get defensive (and in some cases offensive) when these problems are pointed out. It is not a personal reflection on any person or any agency to say that the system is failing.

To say that AVAC is better than BVAC because of Tuesday's data is short-sighted, self-serving, and grossly inaccurate.

We need to stop worrying about the 1.5 square miles that is "my turf" and start looking at this from a true system perspective.

What will make the most sense, be the most efficient, and the most cost-effective? THAT is what we should all be looking at.

(For those who didn't recognize it, AVAC, BVAC, and CVAC are fictional examples to illustrate a point using the letters A, B, and C. If you're associated with an agency that has those initials, I was not referring to you!)

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The bottom line is that almost every EMS agency has staffing and response time problems. It may be AVAC on Monday, BVAC on Tuesday, CVAC on Wednesday, etc. but the bottom line is the system is deficient. We cannot guarantee response times that meet or exceed recommended standards, we don't have solutions at the system level, and we continue to get defensive (and in some cases offensive) when these problems are pointed out. It is not a personal reflection on any person or any agency to say that the system is failing.

To say that AVAC is better than BVAC because of Tuesday's data is short-sighted, self-serving, and grossly inaccurate.

We need to stop worrying about the 1.5 square miles that is "my turf" and start looking at this from a true system perspective.

What will make the most sense, be the most efficient, and the most cost-effective? THAT is what we should all be looking at.

(For those who didn't recognize it, AVAC, BVAC, and CVAC are fictional examples to illustrate a point using the letters A, B, and C. If you're associated with an agency that has those initials, I was not referring to you!)

But, we cant. We never are able to have an honest discussion about this. Every time response times go up, calls don't get covered or someone dies because an ambulance doesn't get out in a timely fashion the same discussion seems to buble to the surface, and rightly so. However, when it comes time to sit down and get things done - throngs of people who haven't been on an EMS call in 45 years come crawling out of the wood work, pumping their fists and pointing their fingers demanding that AVAC, BVAC or CVAC not be shut down. They rally their friends and relatives and the issue goes away.

If people REALLY knew what the hell goes on within this county's "EMS system" there would have to be outrage. It's only a matter of time before a kid or someone "important" dies prematurely because of this and a savvy lawyer subpoenas the times, tapes, etc.

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You don't know what your are talking about! The only one to the rescue is Briarcliff saving OVAC's butt, and on regular basis. You don't want me to get into the details because I can document them all1 I might also add that OVAC does not run the Flycar which is a SEPARATE SERVICE. Maybe you should talk to your "Chief" and get your facts straight, because you can be dam sure I will be having a conversation with him about you.

Whoa there big fella! I meant no harm to Briarcliff Amb. It's people like you who live in Briarcliff who think their special that cause all the unrest! When I first moved to Ossining 25 years ago I was at a scene on 9A and Chappaqua Road (I hadn't joined OVAC yet). It was three in the afternoon...a woman hit the light pole and was pinned and injured badly. I was first car stopped. The Briarcliff Manor Police were there in three minutes...The fire department showed up in 10...with 4 men....the ambulance NEVER SHOWED UP...couldn't get a crew....OVAC saved the womans life!!! I joined OVAC one month later...WHY?... Because that could have been my wife or kid in that car. I averaged 125 calls for the next three years....some were mutual aid to Briarcliff or Croton but most were to Ossining. In the years that followed OVAC grew to THREE RIGS and covered 99% of their own calls.

Nobody said that OVAC continuously covers Briarcliff calls..that is not true..and yes as a matter of fact every once in awhile Briarcliff comes to the BLS Rescue when OVAC is out on other calls or heaven forbid is having mechanical issues with a rig.


Edited by helicopper
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Heres the solution...

Vintech Management Services

No. The solution is Westchester County Emergency Medical Services (assuming it's done right). That's just delaying the inevitable.

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its from my understanding that many commerical agencies Hudson valley paramedics, WEMS, AMR, OVAC are putting in bids. hopefully this helps out croton ems and their community they serve

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From today's article, why would they look towards outside agencies and not hire from within?

Also, why not just have a EMT/Medic ambulance therefore lessening the need for 36-M-1 instead of eventually ramping up to one? We're having tunnel vision with response times, but forgetting about patient care. An ALS intervention in a timely manner can save a life.

I've said it a million times, and even I'm getting tired of listening to it....there needs to be a County based EMS system.

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From today's article, why would they look towards outside agencies and not hire from within?

Also, why not just have a EMT/Medic ambulance therefore lessening the need for 36-M-1 instead of eventually ramping up to one? We're having tunnel vision with response times, but forgetting about patient care. An ALS intervention in a timely manner can save a life.

I've said it a million times, and even I'm getting tired of listening to it....there needs to be a County based EMS system.

seth from my understanding its the village that wants the paid EMT from a commerical agency. so there is no conflict of intrest

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Cheaper to hire an outside agency. Then there are no worries about health benefits, vacation time, sick leave, pension, training costs, liability, etc.

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Oh boy, airing dirty laundry? Let me know! Having been an OVAC member and a Briarcliff member I've got lots of interesting and historical stories of great calls and not so great, really not so great, on both departments.

Aside from that, one of the most reassuring aspects of being a local Fire/EMS member was knowing that when, not if, but when, I or my fellow members needed assistance, a crew from Ossining, Millwood, Pleasantville, Archville or

Pocantico would be there to back us up. I'd like to think they felt the same. We've all needed back up from time to time and we've all had our cyclical membership ups and downs. Things are different now and more and more departments are having a hard time getting adequate personnel for calls, particularly on the EMS side.

So, now many departments are looking into paid day time personnel. Briarcliff went to a paid EMT two days a week because the one person that carries the bulk of the load has to go the their paid job those two days. Want to think about Briarcliff's ability to respond without that one person??? I don't.

I was also fortunate to have served with Lewisboro VAC, South Salem Fire and Croton Falls Fire. All good departments, good people, but if you learn anything after being on numerous agencies, its that no one should put a lot of energy into being critical of another department. All departments, like their members have good days and bad days and they are, for better or worse, reflected in our Fire/EMS performance.

ems-buff, grumpyff and MoFire390 like this

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Just remember that Croton has a contract with OVAC for ALS services.

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seth from my understanding its the village that wants the paid EMT from a commerical agency. so there is no conflict of intrest

Can't work & volunteer for the same agency. Also hiring one person is a waste of money. I know of a few agencies who tried this way in order to save some money & wound up eating that yrs. salary. You only get paid back if you transport. The agencies couldn't get the second person in order to get the rig out.

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FF01, Talk about how it takes SFD 10+ min just to arrive on location at the local senior condos! With a paid crew thats less then 200yards away. Justify that one.

What is this paid crew that is less than 200 yards away? And 200 yards away from what the fd or HH? Just curious.

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I don't know, but it sure sounds like Briarcliff is going to Ossining allot for Mutual aid EMS...

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I don't know, but it sure sounds like Briarcliff is going to Ossining allot for Mutual aid EMS...

They're not going mutual aid because they can't get their ambulances out the door, they're going mutual aid because of the call volume that overwhelms the EMS system. You can't fault an agency, who recognized the need for paid staff and took the appropriate steps to staff their ambulances, when the number of calls is greater then the number of ambulances they have available to handle their call volume. That's why we have mutual aid agreements, to assist other agencies when their call volumes exceed their available resources.

Just a thought, but maybe Briarcliff is going to Ossining a lot for mutual aid because other surrounding agencies are abusing the mutual aid agreement by having OVAC cover the overwhelming majority of their EMS calls simply because they can't staff their own ambulances, making OVAC unavailable for the calls in their own district.

Edited by JJB531

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It looks like the Village of Croton has found a solution for the paid EMT at Croton. Has anyone heard of the "Mid Hudson EMS District?" I have no clue what it is, but it seems like they'll be paying them $16.92 an hour.

Hope it helps.

Village resolution attached.


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It looks like the Village of Croton has found a solution for the paid EMT at Croton. Has anyone heard of the "Mid Hudson EMS District?" I have no clue what it is, but it seems like they'll be paying them $16.92 an hour.

Hope it helps.

Village resolution attached.

Mid-Hudson EMS District is the official legal name for the Ossining EMS tax district.

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Mid-Hudson EMS District is the official legal name for the Ossining EMS tax district.

Ugh... more OVAC people... swell.

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I think it is time to stop attacking each other on this thread and use our combined years of experiance to work towards a solution. The personal attacks need to stop, this is not what we all got into the business for. I must say i get sick to my stomach every time I see a department attacked on a thread that was not posted to start a war! If those of you that are doing this want to call yourselves professionals than it is high time you start acting like one! You are not doing your agency any favors by attacking another. I wish the village of croton and croton EMS the best of luck in their search for a solution to a noticed problem. I agree with grumpyff, It is cheaper and easier to hire an outside agency to provide manpower. No worrie about payroll, vacation, benes and if someone bangs out, they find a replacement. Again good luck croton.

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Ugh... more OVAC people... swell.

Get your ambulances out the door and you wouldn't have to worry about "more OVAC people".

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Ugh... more OVAC people... swell.

You know, I'm pretty annoyed by this one-line pot stirring comment. Like I said before, if you don't like it, then get your ambulances out the door and don't depend on outside people to do it for you. OVAC may not be the pinnacle of EMS in your eyes, and that's fine because everyone is entitled to their opinion. But to made such a childish remark which basically insults every single person who is employed by or volunteers for OVAC is unfair, unprofessional, and in poor taste coming from an individual who is in a position of leadership and is supposed to set a good example of professionalism and leadership. OVAC has some highly respected, experienced, and competent providers who day in and day out not only provide excellent prehospital emergency medical care, but do so with little to no necessary supervision, and I think I speak for every single one of them when I express my disgust with your comment. To lump us all together in a public forum and make all of us sound like a bunch if morons is unfair and in poor taste for someone who should be setting a better example.

Edited by JJB531
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I guess my sarcasm didn't convey on to my last post...

Sorry Joe.

Edited by Remember585

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I guess my sarcasm didn't convey on to my last post...

Sorry Joe.

No hard feelings, I definitely didn't pick up on the sarcasm, hence my response. Hopefully with this new "partnership" things will improve with coordination between the 2 agencies, increased opportunities for training, and a more efficient EMS system in Croton.

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From my understanding its Westchester EMS that is the recipient of the bid.

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spoke with someone today the contract that was picked was only for 4 months. there are a few legal issues that need to be "worked out". as the bids where coming to a close another agency from ct threw their hat into the ring. over heard that some of the comerical agencies that sent in a proposal were Hudson Valley Paramedics, WEMS, OVAC, AMR. just what i heard please if i am wrong feel free to correct me

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So they're still going to have to wait for a driver?

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Anybody know what the Mid Hudson EMS District is?

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Anybody know what the Mid Hudson EMS District is?

The legal entity/tax district established by Ossining and New Castle. The current vendor for the District is OVAC.

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So ovac has been awarded the contract than ?

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