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Cuomo Says "Close Indian Point"

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Lohud article on Indian Point relicensing

BUCHANAN — Gov. Andrew Cuomo raised the stakes on Indian Point's future recently by reiterating his opposition to the nuclear plant and its efforts to stay open through 2035.

So instead of Indian Point we should buy our electricity from Canada? Where's the logic in that.

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I guess he is turning towards Canada to supply the 25% of the electric needs the IP present fills. I hope the infrastructure is in place to supply the need.

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Yes... Lets close Indian Point and put people out of jobs, cut funding to schools and local FD's, and raise property taxes... Good plan! Can we have the blind guy back? The worst he did was gave us yellow plates!

firedude, DaRock98, FF398 and 1 other like this

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Bury an electric cable under the Hudson upto Canada. Sure the tree huggers will go for that. Until the cable leaks and electrocutes some fish. Be real easy to inspect too, NOT!

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This is in absolutely in no way unexpected. Both he and his father have a long history with the Rive Keepers. River Keepers have been fighting Indian Point since day one. River Keepers are run by the Kennedys. Cuomo's ex-wife/mother of his children is one of those Kennedys. thanks to the small Democratic margin in Albany I don't see this happening.

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Yeah, I wonder how much of this is playing to the crowd and not really expecting it to go through but singing the tune?

A bit like the pols trying to win points that have suggested shutting down Sing Sing?

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ahh yes the indian point battle begins! was only a matter of time before. yes closing indian would be bad for all of us taxes would through the roof. this area would look like downtown detroit. NY is expensive to live in already. closing indain point would make it that much worse. ive lived near indian point for almost 23 years keep it open its not doing any harm to anyone. the moment these people from the city realizes this the easier it would be for them to except that.

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He can oppose until he's blue in the face. Fortunately its not his decision; he has no say in the matter.


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Yes... Lets close Indian Point and put people out of jobs, cut funding to schools and local FD's, and raise property taxes... Good plan! Can we have the blind guy back? The worst he did was gave us yellow plates!

Well put! :lol:

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He can oppose until he's blue in the face. Fortunately its not his decision; he has no say in the matter.


Excellent point, just look at the position Vermont is in, while the state legislature failed to renew the license for another 20 years, the federal government approved it and now there is a show down in court that the state is almost promised to lose.

Additionally Cuomo can't have his cake and eat it too. If he wants green energy fine, I totally dig that but you cant oppose nuclear and be for green energy, one is the other. We as a nation get 10x more energy from nuclear power than we will from any other form of green energy out there for the next 50 years. There are trade offs with every form of energy: coal, oil, wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal, draft animal etc; I for one am all for trading the damage of coal with the risks of nuclear.

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