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Verdicts are coming in!

Komisarjevsky guilty of murder,kidnapping and capital felonies so far!!!!


Great news. Fry him indeed. I still don't understand how the first Jury could only reach a verdict on 16 of their 17 counts? I'm curious what their qualm was about that last charge.

BFD1054, IzzyEng4 and sfrd18 like this

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They should do the same to him as he did to that poor family. Hopefully this brings some peace and some closure to Dr.Petit. God bless the Petit family may they suffer no more.

sfrd18 and IzzyEng4 like this

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Great news. Fry him indeed. I still don't understand how the first Jury could only reach a verdict on 16 of their 17 counts? I'm curious what their qualm was about that last charge.

The other trial they could not get him on First Degree Arson but got him on second degree arson. Komisarjevsky actually had gasoline on his cloths thus pointing to him he was the one that initiated the fire in the home thus being able to secure teh guilty charge on first degree arson. With Hayes, he did not have any gas on his clothing if my recollection is correct, thus why they couldn't get him on it.

Edited by IzzyEng4

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Great news! Justice has been served!

As for the poor family members that he took part in brutally murdering, may they eternally rest in peace.

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I'm glad the jury was able to see past the defenses' sickening attempts at justification.

These 2 are savages who don't deserve to walk amongst the living anymore or breathe the same air we do.

Although savage 1 has already been sentenced to death and I'm pretty sure savage 2 will also be sentenced to death, I don't think the state of Connecticut will ever get a chance to execute them.

If there ever was a death penalty case this is it but i think politics will get in the way of the executions

SageVigiles and efdcapt115 like this

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I'm glad the jury was able to see past the defenses' sickening attempts at justification.

These 2 are savages who don't deserve to walk amongst the living anymore or breathe the same air we do.

Although savage 1 has already been sentenced to death and I'm pretty sure savage 2 will also be sentenced to death, I don't think the state of Connecticut will ever get a chance to execute them.

If there ever was a death penalty case this is it but i think politics will get in the way of the executions

Absolutely agreed. Our numb you-know-what "Governor" has already said he's against the death penalty and will sign a ban against it. Hopefully our Legislature is afraid of what will happen if they do such a stupid thing, but its Connecticut, so I'm not holding my breath for intelligent actions by our state government...

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i quite frankly think they deserve to be raped and set on fire. Hell, I'll even throw the match, however I think there'd be a long line of volunteers in that respect. That said, This is one case I don't think the appeals process should be used for as these guys couldn't have been caught in the act any better unless you were inside of the house while everything was happening. But of course we have to embrace the system. I highly doubt we'll put either of them to death either as the only reason we took Ross out was because he basically asked us to put him out of his misery. But these are just my feelings and sorry if I stepped on any toes here, although I am sure that at least one or two people here will agree with me.


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