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Bath Salts - The New "Fad" Drug

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I know a lot of you guys are running into this stuff out there on the streets these days and I don't envy yous. West Haven PD here has managed to get most places to voluntarily pull this stuff from their shelves - SO KUDOS TO THE WHPD!!! For those of you who don't know what this stuff is, here's a little video for you to watch and learn from. This is some bad crap.

Stay Safe Out There....


Edited by joetnymedic
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These things are big up in my neck of the woods. We've been dealing with 3-4 "bath salts" patients a week since August or so. Hey make you wish for good old heroin overdoses. Heir behavior is so erratic with violent delusional outbursts that our local hospital is paying for 24/7 police coverage in the ED for the immediate future. Our department is wrestling with our PD as they routinely are too understaffed to provide an officer in the bus to ensure the safety of the medic in back. The Maine EMS Council is considering emergency protocols to allow medics to "snow" bath salts users with Versed (sp?). Luckily our state made possession and sale illegal fairly quickly, though it appears the Feds just passed a more signifcant law regarding the sale of bath slats.

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VERY big down here (Florida), apparently the new "fad" at colleges, it was a main point in my class two weeks ago when we were discussing drugs, overdoses etc... and colleges in my campus EMS class.

Edited by voltage1256

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Another fad drug, at least here is California is "Spice". A synthetic drug that mimics marijuana, isn't detectible in drug tests but accelerates psycosis in moderate to heavy users. Many military members were using it, but were found out and are now being discharged (on what charges I can't recall. Many cities in San Diego County have put regulations in place to control the sale of spice and salts in smoke shops, while the state attempts to pass legislation to make these illegal.

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Synthetic marijuana has been growing here. Extreme paranoia and psychosis which can very quickly lead to violence. Luckily we've had an EDP sedation protocol as a medical control option for a little while now, and our doctors are becoming more and more comfortable with allowing it. As this point before it even turns violent I'm on the phone getting orders. I've witnessed enough PD, EMS, and even patients suffer some pretty significant injuries. Its never been worth it.

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Very scary stuff indeed.

There was a very interesting article in JEMS (I believe) in regard to these salts. It discussed signs, symptoms, treatment & some cases.

I meant to try and post a link to the article on here, but forgot. Ill have to see if I can find it again.

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Synthetic Drugs Sending Thousands to Emergency Rooms

Maine Responders Have a Growing Epidemic on Their Hands -- Bath Salts

New Drug Has Dangerous Potential for Patients & Providers

Bath Salts Treatment Gains Traction

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I was in Maine this summer, and I always buy the local papers. Every day was a new story about this stuff and the violence of its users. They all seem to go berserk, destroy stuff then become catatonic with no memory of what they did. During the summer, this stuff was legal in New Hampshire, but has since been banned there. I don't wish this stuff on anyone.

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Yeah Bath Salt calls are numerous now. And no real way to treat it at the moment. I've had some bad calls for bath salt patients. I've had some where they aren't going berzerk, but more in complete wonderment of everything around them while extremely hyper. Worst part is you never know what stage your gonna catch them on....since the high from bath salts lasts soooo long. Are you gonna get there in the first few hours of the high? or the 4th day of the high? This stuff is crazy. One of our crews got a call out to 2 unresponsive teens.....they ended up on a scene of a party with about 25 teens completely blitzed out on bath salts.....not something you wanna be in the middle of.

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The ONLY person I know who still bathes and doesn't shower, my Great-Aunt from our family roots hometown of Soundview in Da Bronx......I noticed she's been acting weird lately, I'd better warn her......

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That's just vodka. People have been putting booze anywhere they can think of for quite a while now. I've seen rectal, ocular, inhaled, and IV used with varying levels of success.

Edited by ny10570

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This topic and new drug was just on this evenings "Spike TV" show "1000 ways to die". Pretty crazy substance

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Guess I'm lucky that heroin is still highly available in my area and that crack is probably cheaper then the bath salt. We are dealing with more and more Dextromethorphan (the "DM" in Robitussin) OD's.

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