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The Radioactive tissue-box

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Radioactive tissue-box cases taken off Bed, Bath & Beyond shelves in Port Chester, Elmsford

8:10 AM, Jan. 13, 2012 - Written by James O’Rourke

Eight radioactive metal tissue-box holders have been removed from the shelves at two Bed, Bath & Beyond locations in Westchester County.

Full Lohud Article


Official Poster, courtesy of Lohud

Edited by firedude

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Not that big of a deal. Cobalt-60 emits beta and gamma radiation. More then likely these tissue boxes were emitting beta radiation, which would be absorbed by but not pass through the dermal layer. The only danger would be if the beta particles contaminated (not irradiated) the tissues where they were then inhaled by an individual, causing that person to be irradiated internally which could potentially pose a health risk.

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Every cloud has its silver lining.

Look around your local Bed Bath and Beyond...there are no Roaches!


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Every cloud has its silver lining.

Look around your local Bed Bath and Beyond...there are no Roaches!


I do not buy it. After the H-Bomb was dropped in Bikini, they said the roaches were the only thing that did survive.

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The scary part of the whole matter is why was the NRC testing it ? There had to be more to this story than meets the eye. The only time the FDA gets involved if there are sickness' or deaths. Why on earth would the NRC pick this product to test, and what about other products. It makes me laugh that production of materials for our daily lives are being made in other countries and not properly tested until a health alert is out or death from products. This matter makes we wonder how did the manufature get there hands on Cobalt 60.

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The scary part of the whole matter is why was the NRC testing it ? There had to be more to this story than meets the eye. The only time the FDA gets involved if there are sickness' or deaths. Why on earth would the NRC pick this product to test, and what about other products. It makes me laugh that production of materials for our daily lives are being made in other countries and not properly tested until a health alert is out or death from products. This matter makes we wonder how did the manufature get there hands on Cobalt 60.

Cobalt 60 is a commonly used isotope in the medical and Industrial fields. More then likely contaminated metals from a medical or industrial device were melted down and used to make these tissue boxes without any knowledge that they were contaminated. Obtaining radioactive isotopes is not significanly difficult. Improperly discarded medical equipment may contain Cobalt 60, Commercial smoke detectors contain Americium 241/243, commercially available soil density probes contain Cesium 137, etc.

Also if you read the article, these items were discovered to be radioactive when a truck carrying the tissue boxes was intercepted after setting off a radiation detector. A further follow up investigation was conducted and it was discovered that the tissue boxes were in fact radioactive, leading the NRC to get involved. Despite what you may believe, it doesn't seem there's more to this story other then the straight forward facts that has been presented so far.

wraftery, firedude and helicopper like this

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The scary part of the whole matter is why was the NRC testing it ? There had to be more to this story than meets the eye. The only time the FDA gets involved if there are sickness' or deaths. Why on earth would the NRC pick this product to test, and what about other products. It makes me laugh that production of materials for our daily lives are being made in other countries and not properly tested until a health alert is out or death from products. This matter makes we wonder how did the manufature get there hands on Cobalt 60.

My guess. Someone must have gone nuts whe his PRD kept on going off in the bathroom.

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Cobalt 60 is a commonly used isotope in the medical and Industrial fields. More then likely contaminated metals from a medical or industrial device were melted down and used to make these tissue boxes without any knowledge that they were contaminated. Obtaining radioactive isotopes is not significanly difficult. Improperly discarded medical equipment may contain Cobalt 60, Commercial smoke detectors contain Americium 241/243, commercially available soil density probes contain Cesium 137, etc.

Also if you read the article, these items were discovered to be radioactive when a truck carrying the tissue boxes was intercepted after setting off a radiation detector. A further follow up investigation was conducted and it was discovered that the tissue boxes were in fact radioactive, leading the NRC to get involved. Despite what you may believe, it doesn't seem there's more to this story other then the straight forward facts that has been presented so far.

And don't forget the bananas you had for breakfast, and the airplane trip you took for vacation. The guys from Orange, Putnam, and Dutchess get more radiation than those of us at sea level. Let's start Engine Companies doing weekend checks of garage sales (once they get an Awarensee course on recognizing Fiestaware). There's still got to be some of those orange bowls around somebodies house.

Don't anyone get's winter,and I'm inside because it's cold and windy, just having a little fun. Did you know that the US is one of only a few advanced countries that does not irridiate their food on a large scale?

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We're irrational. You can't combine radiation with hysteria. Even after you explain that irradiated food is not in itself radioactive, people start getting uptight about free radicals and other molecular damage to food. They ignore the studys showing similar molecular changes in the control groups that were exposed to a common oxidizer. I have found a solution. This will also sharply curb the spread of infectious disease. Eliminate the oxidizer!! It causes all these changes and free radicals; we can save humanity. How important is oxygen anyways?

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The little atom came home crying "Mommy I lost my electron."

"Are you sure?" Said the Mother>

"Yes,I'm Positive."

PEMO3, x129K, sueg and 5 others like this

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