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Its a joke, and the way you all stand up for these incompetent people is also a joke. No one here can ever just agree when someone criticizes, it is always the person with the complaint who is wrong. This is the same apathy that many people deal with when dealing with municipal workers, always the reason when people ask me for help or a stupid question I take the time to answer it or help them get the information they want. This lazy POS was sitting in a chair in an office not doing 55 mph on a highway in a 4k pound missle.

I am so glad I don't have to work with many of you, cause you would have a miserable time.

highwaybuff likes this

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Its a joke, and the way you all stand up for these incompetent people is also a joke. No one here can ever just agree when someone criticizes, it is always the person with the complaint who is wrong. This is the same apathy that many people deal with when dealing with municipal workers, always the reason when people ask me for help or a stupid question I take the time to answer it or help them get the information they want. This lazy POS was sitting in a chair in an office not doing 55 mph on a highway in a 4k pound missle.

I am so glad I don't have to work with many of you, cause you would have a miserable time.

Yes, it's everyone else here... No one here has an issue with criticism, when the criticism is warranted, legitimate, and reasonable, which your criticism was significantly lacking.

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Its a joke, and the way you all stand up for these incompetent people is also a joke. No one here can ever just agree when someone criticizes, it is always the person with the complaint who is wrong. This is the same apathy that many people deal with when dealing with municipal workers, always the reason when people ask me for help or a stupid question I take the time to answer it or help them get the information they want. This lazy POS was sitting in a chair in an office not doing 55 mph on a highway in a 4k pound missle.

I am so glad I don't have to work with many of you, cause you would have a miserable time.

Is it really all of us who don't get it, or is it just you? It's been clearly established you were wrong. Just plain wrong. Yet, you continue to want us to take your side over this calltaker, who it sounds was just doing her job, and doing it well. Why should we blindly side with you over your unwarranted and nasty criticisms? Just because your "on the job"? Your not impressing anyone here. Everyone here is "on the job". You keep doubling down, yet you remain in the wrong. Why should we side with you? You have the nerve to come on this forum, call out this dispatcher, and now, in retrospect, we see it's for no legitimate reason. In all your posts, you have failed to identify how this woman was incompetent.

As for your last thought, I'm glad I don't work with you either, because you seem to have a poor attitude, no attention to detail, and a short fuse. I would have a miserable time dealing with that full-time. Additionally, if while driving "55 mph on a highway" you can't see the MPM, then you may have serious vision issues. I don't want someone like that backing me up. I also don't want someone backing me up who doesn't have the integrity and fortitude to admit when he or she made a mistake. Finally, I don't want anyone working with me who sterotypically believes workers may be inferior, just because they are female. So for once, you said something I agree with, I don't want to work with you either. :-)

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Its a joke, and the way you all stand up for these incompetent people is also a joke. No one here can ever just agree when someone criticizes, it is always the person with the complaint who is wrong. This is the same apathy that many people deal with when dealing with municipal workers, always the reason when people ask me for help or a stupid question I take the time to answer it or help them get the information they want. This lazy POS was sitting in a chair in an office not doing 55 mph on a highway in a 4k pound missle.

I am so glad I don't have to work with many of you, cause you would have a miserable time.

Do you know she was sitting in her chair in the office? was she maybe trying to answer multiple calls at once? Have you ever worked in a dispatch center that handles the volume that TMC does? It's not an easy job. Maybe you should try and understand before you criticize. I'm actually glad I don't have to work with you. Seems like you have a short fuse.

Maybe next time you can try this... Pull over and make the call. That way you 1- are not distracted by the phone call, 2- have the ability to look around you and recognize landmarks, and 3- don't put others at risk while ranting and driving.

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Its a joke, and the way you all stand up for these incompetent people is also a joke. No one here can ever just agree when someone criticizes, it is always the person with the complaint who is wrong. This is the same apathy that many people deal with when dealing with municipal workers, always the reason when people ask me for help or a stupid question I take the time to answer it or help them get the information they want. This lazy POS was sitting in a chair in an office not doing 55 mph on a highway in a 4k pound missle.

I am so glad I don't have to work with many of you, cause you would have a miserable time.

Try being that "lazy POS" sitting in a chair all day yielding phone calls. I've been there, done that, and it sucks...mainly because people like you have your head so far up your (self) that you don't even want to consider the other end of it. I agree with everyone on this thread, that is, except you.

And as far as that last comment, "cause you would have a miserable time." That is just messed up. You make yourself sound like a trouble maker, which coerces my opinion of you. You should give up the argument. You are severely outnumbered on this, and I wouldn't mind if this thread disappear from the front page.

FFEMT150 and sueg like this

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It's because of arrogant know it all people like everybodygoes that we (dispatchers) have to ask those (mildly retarded) questions.I don't understand how I have job knowing that somebody like this can do it so much better. He knows all, Has experience in every aspect of emergency services. Why is he not dispatcher trainer of the entire state is beyond me.

Can I say : "Job Security"

Thank you

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I imagine the people who work at TMC have a difficult job, and aren't paid enough.

Hey "everyonegoes", how's that workin' out for you, acclimating to a Forum of brother and sister firefighters, cops and medics? And you wouldn't want to work with them? lol

Quick story down here in FLA. I called from my mobile while driving the 18 Mile Stretch through the Everglades because a rage roader drove into the back right corner of a slower car on the one lane highway. About two minutes later, a Florida State Police chopper was hauling *ss up the highway to take down the crazed motorist, who continued all the way out of my sight speeding on the shoulder. Got to Florida City....they had HER in cuffs!

Strangely the woman's car had Michigan tags on it.

Thanks whoever answered my call. You probably saved a life or two. Now that's good service. B)

210, PCFD ENG58 and FFEMT150 like this

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Anyone know someone who works there? I spoke to a female dispatcher yesterday who was mildly retarded at best. I called to report a disable vehicle practically in front of the building, this woman asked me for a mile marker, after she sensed my displeasure with the response, look out the window she made a quick exit. How can these people NOT know where the Taconic meets the Bronx River?!?!

I just read your post with some concerns. I know several people who work at the TMC where you supposedly called. In fact, I am one of those individuals. I have a couple problems with what you wrote. First off, "mildly retarded"? What kind of statement is that? It is apparent you should look in the mirror prior to making such a remark such as that. All dispatchers are trained, regardless of location, to ask for a mile marker to verify location as many, many 911 callers interpret their location incorrectly. Second of all, the Taconic does not meet the Bronx River Parkway until the circle down by Kensico dam. So, you did not obviously know where you were and that is why ALL 911 dispatchers verify the mile post marker. Now, I will agree with you that the dispatcher should not have hung up. However, dealing with individuals such as yourself on a continous basis does test the patience of the person on the other end of the phone who is trying to help you. Hava a nice day and be safe...

Edited by bigbaloo

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everybodygoes I strongly suggest you find out how to apply for an observer shift at the TMC. Maybe a Friday night of a holiday weekend or a rainy night when the Sh-t really hits the fan. See what they really do and how the "mentally challenged" can multi-task in ways that would make your head spin and have you crying for your mommy in about an hour. Do not toss criticism out until you have walked a mile in someone else shoes. Remember hind sight is always 20/20 and Monday morning quarterbacks always win the game but this is life not fantasy land. Do that tour then come back and tell us if you opinion is still the same.

efdcapt115 and BigBuff like this

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Its a joke, and the way you all stand up for these incompetent people is also a joke. No one here can ever just agree when someone criticizes, it is always the person with the complaint who is wrong. This is the same apathy that many people deal with when dealing with municipal workers, always the reason when people ask me for help or a stupid question I take the time to answer it or help them get the information they want. This lazy POS was sitting in a chair in an office not doing 55 mph on a highway in a 4k pound missle.

I am so glad I don't have to work with many of you, cause you would have a miserable time.

You go take their place and dispatch all of those NYSP units and town units for a night, and you see how busy it is. You do not know what this lady was doing at the time, if the caller hadn't screwed up on giving where it was, then it wouldnt have been a problem. and how we "stand up" for these dispatchers, well, would you like to be called a lazy POS? I dont think so. It was 1 mistake and if shes not good they wouldn't keep her there, obviously.

And to all who are saying why isnt he a dispatcher- he "knows it all only behind the computer" I would guarantee that he would not say the kind of stuff he is in the thread, to someones face.

Edited by BigBuff

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Sorry I shouldn't expect someone to know their job or the locale they work, or the fact that saying you would need to access this point from either 9a entrance to the TSP or from P'ville road. Same thing happens when you call NYC 911, you get some dope who asks you for an exit number, sorry, 233 st is not exact enough for you? Yet another reason I usually never call to initiate help for people. And just note that the prior times calling all the MEN I spoke to were professional as could be!

You must be very popular at your firehouse, it is always nice to have some one around that knows everything and never makes mistakes. It is also nice to know and I'm sure you take pride in the fact you "ususally never call to initiate help for people"

Edited by streetdoc
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