
The "7/7" Tribute @ The 2012 Summer Olympics

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The 2012 Summer Olympics are off and running. Many of us here probably watched the Opening Ceremony. Danny Boyle who directed "Slumdog Millionaire" put it all together.

For some reason the National Broadcasting Company decided there was a segment of the ceremony that would be edited out, and while it was happening we here in America got the treat of a Ryan Seacrest/Michael Phelps interview.

That segment it turns out was a tribute to the victims of the 7/7/2005 London bombings; Great Britain's 9/11.

Here's a link to view it. It's quite a beautiful and moving performance.


Never Forget.

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NBC did not show this most likely becasaue the Olympic Committee didnt honor those Massacred at the 1972 Munich Games, it is the 40th anniversary of this tragic event. The olympic committee stated that it was not appropriate to have a moment of silence at the Olympics for this. So it was held days before the event.

Always remember

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How quickly we forget that other nations were there to aid and comfort us in the days and months after 9/11. Even France has a 9/11 memorial, which in and of itself, speaks volumes.

Don't forget Great Britain has been at our side since the wars began in the wake of 9/11. They've suffered tremendous casualties and paid a tough price just like we have. They are a civilized ally in a very uncivilized world, and have had the fortitude to stand up and do what has needed to be done.

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And IIRC, the USA had their own memorial during Opening Ceremonies to the 2002 Winter Olympics, but of course NBC was sure to show THAT!

I think its disgraceful as well as all the stupid useless banter the announcers made during the Opening Ceremonies for these games. I would prefer to WATCH and LISTEN to what is going on instead of Matt Lauer, Bob Costas and Meredith Vieyra's mindless scripted commentary!



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