bad box

TV 'Reality Show' Disrespects Memorial for 9/11 Firefighters

8 posts in this topic

Reality shows have us sinking to the lowest levels of all time, sadly this disrespectful garbage gives them publicity and nowadays to these wannabe stars any publicity is good publicity. Some links to Bravo execs and sponsors would be nice so we can hammer them for supporting this trash.

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I emailed them earlier...

You are encouraged to share your disgust, opinion and thoughts with any of the following individuals:
Andy Cohen-Exec VP Programming:
Julia Nietsch-Manager-"Princesses: Long Island" Call Julia At 212-664-7459
Dan Realson. Director, Digital Media Sales, East Coast Call Dan At 212-664-6012*Amanda Bertoncini:
Amanda Bertonccini e-mail:

OR Contact Them Here:

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IMHO there should be a code of conduct that is ENFORCED at the 9/11 memorial.

I went down there is January and left after being shoved out of the way while reflecting at the west pool so some tourists could take a peace sign photo.

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While I hold the Bravo Execs and the stars ( and I use that term loosely) fully accountable for this reprehensible act, one mus also hold accountable the local town executives and employees that authorized the permits to film at this location. When it comes to locations such as memorials, houses of worship and cemeteries there must be a certain level of vetting that should occur before a permit is just given to the highest bidder,.

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I was speechless watching the Little Wayne stepping on the flag just another example of clueless, disrespectful people that just don't care.

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Email sent.

IMHO there should be a code of conduct that is ENFORCED at the 9/11 memorial.

I went down there is January and left after being shoved out of the way while reflecting at the west pool so some tourists could take a peace sign photo.

I totally agree i also made it down to the 9/11 memorial last summer and was disgusted by the kind of tourist attraction feel. People posing for pics with big old smiles like they were at the amusement park. It seems people have lost the reality of what happened there.At one point even my son asked why i wasnt smiling and i explained to him that nothing good happened there( he was one on 9/11).I then had him watch the documentories on the History channel and he got it. These people DESERVE our enduring respect i wish more people would show it.

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i had the honor of working with jon when he was in the Fire Patrol stationed at patrol #2.we only worked togather for a short time but i knew jon was a great guy...the show is an insult to all who were murdered on the years go by it seems to be slipping from memory what happened that day.we in the fire service will never forget......please keep the memory alive for jon and all who died.please say a prayer for keith roma fp-2 the 344th member ...god bless...

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