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FDNY Firefighter who flunked physical injured 10 days into job

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This just has to be an unfortunate coincidence.

A firefighter who was allowed to graduate the Fire Academy despite failing physical tests has already gone out on medical leave just 10 days into the job, The Post has learned.

Probationary firefighter Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder injured herself Monday while conducting a routine check of equipment at Queens Engine 308 in South Richmond Hill. Getting off the truck, Doirin-Holder missed a step and landed on her left foot, suffering a fracture, sources said.

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Why does this just have to be an "unfortunate coincedence" and not the predictible result that comes from lowering (or ignoring) performance standards in order to achieve a diverse workforce regardless of fitness/ability to actually do the job?

FF398, sueg, dwcfireman and 3 others like this

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Let's get to the bottom line. An individual who did not meet the physical standards of the FDNY was nonetheless graduated and placed into service. That individual, ten days into their career, has suffered a significant and no doubt career ending injury. This individual will now be on medical leave which will eventually become permanent disability leave and the taxpayer will support this individual for the the rest of their life. This was a line of duty injury to a person who could not meet the physical requirements of the job but was, for the sake of diversity, allowed to advance.

Capejake72, FF398, sueg and 3 others like this

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She was a disaster from the beginning She should never have been given the chance to be a firefighter. Couldn't do any of the evolutions in probie school. Just another part of the agenda that is the city of New York and the fire department thanks to this f****** judges ruling.

FireMedic049 and AFS1970 like this

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