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Puzzling-New Yonkers FD Ladder Truck - Additional

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Below you will see the article that appears in today's Journal News, relating to the much rumored additional 3rd Rear Mount Ladder Truck, piggybacking on the bid they agreed to in November with Smeal, for 2 Read Mount Ladder Trucks. What is PUZZLING, is Commissioner Pagano's Comments relating potentially where the 3rd Truck will be stationed. He menions the Shonnard Place Station (Station 9) where Ladder 72 resides. The Current Ladder 72 just got 1 of the 2 New Smeal Ladder Trucks a few years ago and I can't think that this truck has already seen the light of day on the West Side, to be ready for replacement already? The other potential site Commissioner Pagano mentions is Station 3 on Vark Street. Currently there is NO commissioned front line Ladder Truck working out of this station (Reserve T/L 77, I believe is housed there, next to Engine 303). If the rumor/talk about adding a New Ladder Company (77) to the City, come to be, then what about the talk that this New Ladder Company would be positioned up at the New Ridge Hill Fire Station (or the rumored move of Station 10 to Tuckahoe Road and having it now be a 2 Company Fire Station for Engine 310 and Ladder 77)? OR, is Commissioner Pagano's Plan to bring this New Ladder Company into service PRIOR to the Ridge Hill Project being approved and the New Fire Station built, having it temporaily housed at Vark Street and then eventually move it to the New Ridge Hill Station? (although I can't figure out why YFD would need an additional Ladder Company down in Southwest Yonkers, where maybe, if you were to look for it to be "Temporarily Housed" you would think maybe Station 11 on the East Side would possibly make more sense (you could put the Collaspe Unit Rig behind Squad 311 and have Ladder 77 work out of the 2nd bay?)

Does anyone else have any thoughts or insights on this matter, as it remains puzzling?

YONKERS — The city yesterday exercised an option to buy a third ladder truck for the Fire Department off a $1.2 million contract approved in November.

The $611,916 option with Smeal Fire Apparatus Co., which locked in the price of the first two trucks, was unanimously approved yesterday by the city's Board of Contract and Supply. It was the largest of several public safety-related expenditures approved by the board, led by Mayor Phil Amicone.

The Fire Department was the main beneficiary of the board's actions, receiving nearly $50,000 in other equipment in addition to the firetrucks. The board also approved $9,920 for two Searchcam Breaching Systems — gas-powered drills and drill bits that enable firefighters to drill through different types of materials while searching for victims at building collapses and in other confined spaces — and $9,676 for search cameras used in technical rescues.

"It just keeps enhancing our abilities to perform the duties we have after 9/11," Fire Commissioner Anthony Pagano said.

Smeal will deliver the first two trucks by November and the third truck by early next year. The first two will be assigned to firehouses on Central Park Avenue and Radford Street, and the third will go to a firehouse on either Vark Street or Shonnard Place, Pagano said.

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Rescue 3,

Read the press release on just in case the newspaper overlooked a key point of information. Which happens often.

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Dr. Zuki

I was able to review the '' site and the specific press release pertaining to the purchase of the 3 ladder trucks. While it does confirm where Commissioner Pagano indicated in the Journal News report, where the first two are going (Ladder 70 and 74), there is NO mentioned in that press release regarding where the 3rd Ladder is going. Therefore, all we have to go on is that 'puzzling' statement regarding either Vark Street (???) or Ladder 72 (which just got a brand new Smeal Ladder 2 years ago). Any additional thoughts?

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E mail the boss and

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there is a handy feature called "Private Messaging".

Not so fast DFFD, some people may want to hear this stuff

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Hey Rescue 3, got a little to much time on your hands? Who cares what they do with their apparatus. I didn't realize that fire departments had to explain their actions to you before buying equipment. who are you to tell them where to place apparatus?

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I believe that allot of the members of EMTBravo would be interested in knowing what plans Yonkers has for this 3rd Ladder Truck, and exactly what Commissioner Pagano is talking about. Does anyone connected directly with YFD have any insight as to what Yonkers plans are exactly for this 3rd New Ladder Truck?

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i know i am extremely interested R3...haha, if you didnt start this topic, i prob. would have! good to go...

i think when it comes down to it (to maybe even those on the job in yonkers), no one knows EXACTLY whats going on except the top officials, but hopefully i'm wrong, and we can ask around and someone will fill us in...

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Smeal will deliver the first two trucks by November and the third truck by early next year. The first two will be assigned to firehouses on Central Park Avenue and Radford Street, and the third will go to a firehouse on either Vark Street or Shonnard Place, Pagano said.

Vark St.?????????????

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YonkersR3, the problem is that you make all types of comments (and assumptions and speculation) about YFD that makes you look foolish. You're not in YFD, nor are you even a current Yonkers resident.

Why does something have to "make sense to you"????? How are you qualified or knowlegeable enough, or even in the position to be telling YFD where they should be placing apparatus??? Do you have any idea about station capacity, the maximum weight the stations floor can take, personell it can accomadate, and all the other little factors that go into where apparatus is put???

Also, who the heck are you to say that we don't need another ladder company in Southwest Yonkers, or to question whether a ladder is due for replacment? Again, maybe there's factors you don't have ANY idea about. Maybe if you just ask instead of trying to present yourself as a YFD know-it-all people would be more forthcoming with you.

No wonder why no one want to give you any info.

Once again, I will tell much as you pester for it, you're not going to get any information that's not confirmed yet....and keep the tone of your one is going to want to give it when it is....

Even if you were a taxpayer, that doesn't entitle you to every little buffy detail.....

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seems to me like this topic is starting to get a lil rough....

as a yonkers resident, i can say that i would love to hear any details that do concern the city in which i live, especially with the fire department. its all information that either way we're going to hear about anyways in a matter of weeks, months or even years whether it be in the newspaper, gossip or on this website, so its not like we are discussing "top-secret" files that are forbidden for us to know...but on the other hand, it is also true that this is pretty much like beating a dead horse. there are some bits of info in which either we are not entitled to know at this point (or maybe ever) OR just simply that information just hasnt come out yet, so there really isnt too much of a need to keep pushing the envelope. we have some of the top city and department officials still working on this project, and i'm SURE things will change along the way and although we'd love to have the constant update (whether your a yonkers resident or not), its obvious that we just cant expect that ... this post is public, and i'm sure that when there is something to know, somebody will more than likely post it...

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I'll be at the factory on Monday and I'll see what they have heard. Hopefully the first two are on the line and I can get a spy shot for all of you.

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I'll be at the factory on Monday and I'll see what they have heard.  Hopefully the first two are on the line and I can get a spy shot for all of you.

that'd be awesome! B)

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I have a few questions (and I'm not directing this towards anyone):

What's so "puzzling" about a Ladder going to Station 3? So there's no commissioned ladder out of there. Can't we add one there?

So Comm. Pagano mentioned Station 9 on Shonnard. Is it possible he made a mistake? Maybe he meant Station 8, which only runs Engine Co. 308? Why can't we put it there? Would that make more sense, or be "puzzling", too?

Maybe Ladder 72 will get the new truck, and the current L72 will go.................???

And why does any new ladder company have to be Ladder 77? We don't have a Ladder 76. Yet..........

There are going to be a lot of apparatus changes in the next year in this department. A lot. And most of you have no idea what's going on or what to expect from what I've been reading on this site.

My best advice to anyone wondering or over anxious to know where the new ladder will go, where new houses might be built, and companies relocated or added is just wait and see.........................most of us are wondering the same things amongst ourselves.

Edited by yfd910

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Kudos to both STEVE and YFD910, for also having an interest in how the City's Fire Services are being handled. Commissioner Pagano makes a "Public Statement" and people have the right to have questions regarding his statements. I am ashamed at the Administrators within EMTBravo (Seth) for allow the "On Line/On Site" personal attacks and bashing to continue. Apparently there are separate rules on EMTBravo for the Professional Firefighter, The Volunteer Firefighter, the Fire Buff and the Concerned Citizens. This is not, what I understood, what Seth wanted out of this site, but it is getting out of control and it should be stopped. Seth, step up and ellminate and reprimand the bashing without ridiculing those who just have an interest, which, by the rules of this site, are allowed.

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maybe the commishes from FDMV/YFD shook hands and the new ladder is going to be in sta #4 in MV?

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I never post comments about other departments and this is not directed towards anyone in here either but I feel we best let Mr. Pagano purchase and assign his apparatus where he deems fit. As a chief myself who is in the beginning stages of specing out both a ladder and a rescue those involved in my department are going to purchase what we deem fit for our community as well as our members. Let Yonkers worry about where the new ladder goes and we can worry about what our departments do. :)

Andy Mancusi


Hawthorne FD

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I guess when a responsible approach to the earlier statement about a Ladder Truck proposal is directed toward the original thread creator, the proper answer is to cry discrimination and throw the ball into Seth's lap?

Let's let Yonkers decide how best to deal with their own Department and fleet assignments. I certainly believe that the members of the YFD can effectively handle how/when/where to deploy their apparatus and personnel.

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as yonkersr3 has said...the only thing people on this post have been doing has been stating their comments, concerns and questions. no body at any point has made a negative comment against pagano, necessarily, nor has any one on this post made an attempt to tell YFD how, when and where to place the new apparatus. like i said, this is a public post where people have to right to talk about a PUBLIC matter that we are all going to hear about anyways soon enough...its no different than talkin about current events over a cup of coffee...

and also like yfd910 said, things are going to change alot within the year and the next, and it is also possible that mistakes have been made along the way...and although we are all anxious to hear about whats going on, we just cant expect to know anything right away for obvious reasons.

this is a great topic which will naturally bring out many questions and comments, and thats the whole point, and to tell someone to pretty shut up is absolutely uncalled for and disrespectful. if you dont like it, read a different post, but dont expect people to not express themselves, because you have a problem with it...

thanks :)

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I am ashamed at the Administrators within EMTBravo (Seth) for allow the "On Line/On Site" personal attacks and bashing to continue. Apparently there are separate rules on EMTBravo for the Professional Firefighter, The Volunteer Firefighter, the Fire Buff and the Concerned Citizens. This is not, what I understood, what Seth wanted out of this site, but it is getting out of control and it should be stopped. Seth, step up and ellminate and reprimand the bashing without ridiculing those who just have an interest, which, by the rules of this site, are allowed.


First off, I am now leaving this thread and all the comments up so I can reply to you, since you addressed me on this thread. I know I say no bashing, but bash me publicly AND personally...emphasize personally.....on this forum and I WILL reply to it. Getting real sick of running this forum and all the BS.

I've been at work and out the past 24 hours, with no access to this forum.....thanks for immediately throwing these accusations at me, and not even giving me a chance to even look at or attempt to resolve the issue.

I CANNOT BABYSIT THIS 24/7. I work full-time, have a LIFE beyond this site, amongst many other things going on in my life right now. I also do not have the time to read every single thread. I depend on the members to use the report post feature to bring matters to my attenion.

Personally, I know if someone who's not on my job,not on the job or ever has been, got on here and started making comments abouts the ways things should work, I'd be a little annoyed too.

By the way, if you want to "question" the Commisioners statements or actions, why not call his office or show up at a City Council meeting? What is your purpose of doing it on this forum? Why do you demand this information, some of it which may not yet even be available, over and over? If you're truly a "concerned citizen", this isn't the place to be looking for reolution to your issues. And you don't have the right to know everything a department does...when the information is will be shared on this forum.

As far as seperate rules for seperate people..that's BS. I work to maintain this forum mainly for the credible people who come on here and share valid and useful information. People who want to criticize a department or another member will be dealt with accordingly.

Once again, to make it clear. I CANNOT BABYSIT THIS SITE 24/7. I make every attempt to deal with the issues in a timely manner, and also when they are brought to my attention.

The answer is simple. If you don't like this forum, and want to throw false accusations at me, then leave this site. Please

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Since you responded to me, then answer this question? Isn't the intent of to provide a forum for the exchange of information and to allow all to ask questions relating to Fire, EMT, and other Emergency Services, that one may have. If true, then that is what has been done and all I ask. I have been refered to by City Officials, to address my questions with Commissoner Pagano or Chief Fitpatrick. Commissioner Pagano, to whom I have great respect for, apparently does not have a working e-mail address, and Chief Fitzpatrick, well, let's just leave that one alone. No problem, I will deal with my questions outside of

I rather just drop it, since apparently, others (but not all on this site) find freedom of speach insulting to them, if not directly associated with the department (wasn't that way 25 years ago, when I could walk into the Chief 's Office ([o Commissioner at that time], and be welcomed, as a citizen to talk about the department, with dignity and respect. Boy oh Boy, have times changed)


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You haven't answered my question.

Why do you need to know this information so bad? And from my recollections, you can't be a concerned citizen, since I remember you telling me you lived out of state.

Yes, 25 years ago it may have been different. Nowadays, I'm sure FD administrators don't have the time to be listenting to buffs tell them how they think they should be running the department and giving them every little detail. Unless you're not a buff, and you're a credible fire service professional or Yonkers FF.

You're not asking questions, or trying to get information, you're speculating, starting rumors, and basically criticizing the department, which I've said won't be allowed on this forum.

Once again, step up. If you legitamatly want to know this info, come out from behind your screen name and go through the proper channels to get it.

Don't spout about "Freedom Of Speech" either....that DOESN'T mean you can just say whatever you want. You have responsibilty for what you say and the consequences that come after it And I've warned you that the intesity of your posts have rubbed many the wrong way, but you chose to say that I was FOS.

Sorry folks, I had some great photos to post tonight, but had to spend my time dealing with this.

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Seth - I have to respond to your comments. Pleaes - Stop crying in your soup. Talk about Whinning. Gee Wiz !! I don't hide behind anything. I was a proud resident of this city for many many years. I have never made any accusations towards anyone in the city. Yes, I do now reside out of state, but what difference should that make. Gee, Im sorry that you could not take the time to post photos because you had to take 2 minutes to respond to me (???). Enough is enough Seth. Allot of the members of this site appreciate the right to ask question (as I do). Talk about hiding behind something. It is apparent that you don't want to upset the "Rank n' File" in fear that allot of them will cease to come on this site and contribute. Trust me when I say that there are allot of "Members Of The Various Departments" within your coverage area, who would continue to support this site, regardless of their brothers/sisters, who feel that comments and questions on this site should ONLY be reserved for those within the departments themselves. Seth, don't humiliate yourself by telling us all how much time (?) you had to take away from time you would have spent posting photos. Your members of this site are much smarter than that.

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