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  1. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by Stepjam in YFD R-1 Replica-Work In Progress   
    The first set of decals is on, the second set will be white lettering and metallics. The Bare Metal Foil application was tricky, I haven't done it in such a long time. Besides finishing the decals, I need to add mirrors, an access ladder, scene lighting and other fixtures, and miscellaneous details. I also need to paint and install the various doo-dads and gadgets I made for the compartments. I probably won't make the February 28 deadline, but I'm in no rush. ;D

  2. helicopper liked a post in a topic by PFDRes47cue in Events of the Past 48 Hours   
    I by no means have two different names but I do know that is not very complicated to do so and have it go unnoticed. It is a shame that it is happening on this site. But, in the end. this site is still full of grea tresources and information.
    Lets all just get along and stay focused on our common goal.
  3. helicopper liked a post in a topic by PFDRes47cue in Events of the Past 48 Hours   
    I by no means have two different names but I do know that is not very complicated to do so and have it go unnoticed. It is a shame that it is happening on this site. But, in the end. this site is still full of grea tresources and information.
    Lets all just get along and stay focused on our common goal.
  4. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by SteveOFD in Ossining - Working Fire - 2-21-2011 Discussion   
    Here are some of the pictures "Mrs." SteveOFD took of Monday mornings fire.

    The 5" supply line from the hydrant toward the scene.

    Just short of the scene.

    There was snow to contend with that morning.

    Ladder 42 working at maybe it's last job.

    Crew operating on the D side.

    Engine 97 dropped it's whole hosebed.

    Engine 96 pumping from a larger main from Wolden Road up Underhill Road.

    The 5" line coming up Underhill Rd. from Engine 96.

    The 5" line continues up Underhill Rd.

    The 5" line up to Engine 99 for relay.

    Engine 99 at the relay pumping to Engine 97. Approximately 800' from Engine 96, and then approximately 700' to Engine 97.
    Mrs. SteveOFD walked up to the scene to ask if I wanted my camera. I told her I was working the job (at E99 pumping), but if she wanted to take some pictures she could. These pictures were taken as any civilian could have, she was granted no special access beyond what any civilian could have gotten.
  5. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in Hosed...A New Comedy (video)   
    Definitely hilarious.
    On another note, attacks against departments are prohibited by the ToS of this site and will be deleted.
  6. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Hosed...A New Comedy (video)   
    We all must maintain the ability to take a step back and laugh, especially at ourselves or a parody of ourselves. Humor can solve a lot of problems in this world....if only people would lighten up, and laugh a little more. Life's too short.....and I think it's a scientific fact that people who laugh more live longer....
  7. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Hosed...A New Comedy (video)   
    Youtube credit:justonmckinney

  8. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in (Discussion) Montrose Fire 2-23-11   
    If Buchanan was only called for their cascade unit, there is no reason those responding on it have to be strucutal firefighters, since that is not what they were called for. Other cascade units in Westchester respond staffed by non-firefighters (Greenburgh CD comes to mind).
    If manpower is needed (this isn't specific to this call or to Montrose so don't jump down my throat) then an IC can and usually does call for it. Sounded like enough personnel were there to handle this fire, so stop the hating.
    16fire5 - you're right, people have to right to ask about an incident to learn from it, but if people are on here just to "stir the pot," nobody benefits from that. And you are a smart enough guy to realize when that pot is being stirred. There are far fewer incident discussions, photos shared or even discussions of any kind on here anymore because everyone is a critic and a lot of these "critics" have personal agendas.
    As far as I'm concerned, "all the chips fell into place" for this fire. I've been to a few fires caused in the same manner as this one, and they've resulted in the destruction of rooms and total homes. The homeowner was fortunate that someone drove by and saw the fire, got her out of the house, the FD had a quick response and the fire was mostly contained to the exterior of the home.
    She's lucky and Montrose deserve's a pat on the back. Ignore the haters.
  9. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by 16fire5 in (Discussion) Montrose Fire 2-23-11   
    And when they become a chief or IC for that matter they too will have to follow the law and comply with the respiratory standard (2in 2out).
  10. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by X2321 in (Photos) Poughkeepsie Det. John Falcone's Funeral   
    Great turnout by PD, FD and EMS for the funeral of Poughkeepsie Police Det. John Falcone in Carmel.

  11. ems-buff liked a post in a topic by PFDRes47cue in Should A VAC Line Officer Have Medical Training?   
    I agree with you. Except, members not trained in patient care should be on scene if their goal is to become trained in patient care. We have a to of Trainees all of whom are expected and encouraged to become EMT within 3 years latest of becoming Trainees. It is so important for future EMT/Medics to get experience prior to starting EMT class.
  12. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by joetnymedic in Should A VAC Line Officer Have Medical Training?   
    if you are an officer at any vac you should be an emt at minimal. some officers also do QA/QI how would someone with no experience handle that, then there is the task of getting the pcr's to the state. if you are not trained (other than a driver) and you are not trained in atient care, fact is you should not be on scene. Yes I can see the extra hands for a carry down, etc, but I'm just talking patient care here. I'm also one for officers to be senior members with at least a few years in the field to be able to draw off of experience. just my 2 cents
  13. chris liked a post in a topic by PFDRes47cue in Little Black Book   
    Pleasantville VAC has a Rehab Unit (7605). This unit is equipped with basically everything needed to rehab firefighter, police, ems, etc at fire, mva's, or any other extended incident. You can request us 24/7 by contacting 60-Control and asking for Pleasantville VAC Rehab Unit. They will then contact Pleasanville PD who will tone us out.
    On our rehab unit (7605) we have:

    tents cooling chairs non-cooling chairs misting fans cold water/gatorade cold wet towels vital monitoring equipment Carbon Monoxide detector (detects levels in the body) food (typically granola bars) ice oxygen propane heater generator with lights propane heater heated tent (attaches to propane heater) *If you have any questions, feel free to ask!*
  14. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic in Cops to shave their heads for cancer kids   
    To volunteer or donate visit:
  15. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Pump Operators Pump Diagram   
    If you, as a pump operator, need to have that diagram showing you your discharges on your apparatus, well, Im not sure I want to be on the end of a line your pumping. Some people may say it is Idiot proofing, but thats crazy. Just my .02 that may not be worth that much.
    Edited to add:
    Now that I take a 2nd look at the pump panel, I am ASSUMING the farthest most left handle is the tank to pump, with the water level gauge right above it. Now THAT is a good idea.
  16. FF398 liked a post in a topic by PFDRes47cue in (Discussion) Montrose Fire 2-23-11   
    Sounds like a great stop by Montrose FD. Good work!
  17. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by billfitz in WCDES Scene Support Trailers?   
    Here is the original question
    What are they?
    How does one request them?
    What is the response time?
    Who responds with them? ??????????????????
  18. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by JohnnyOV in Priorities in Emergency Services - What is Actually Important?   
    I am going to get on my very young and gung-ho soapbox right now and speak my mind. Feel free to let the flame war ensue since I'll be opening Pandora's Box right now.
    Currently we have numerous, very active threads going on in the main board and that is fantastic. I am happy to be part of a very active discussion board that allows for open discussion on any topic we so choose totalk about. There is always a new post or discussion or someone chiming in on something that provides a new direction, or insight on the topic.
    What does bother's me though, is the priorities that I feel many people have, as to what is actually important to the fire service, and it reflects on the types of threads posted and the activity of each thread. Currently we have threads about types of colors on chiefs cars, blue lights, other secondary/tertiary discussions as to who should have what. I have no problem with these threads as they enlighten others as to certain laws and other regulatory information.
    What does bother me though is when you have a member post a topic about resources in the county and what department has special teams, only one person answers… Why? Do we really care so little about preplanning and foresight before an incident that we would much rather discuss the correct angle of chevrons over running an incident efficiently and smoothly? I know I personally was really looking forward to seeing what departments have around the county, so in case my department ever needs assistance to something we cannot ourselves handle butsomeone else can, they can be called upon.
    We also have the "Tactical considerations" forum, which is a fantastic idea, but it rarely gets used, and when it does, only 2-5 people chime in with an answer. If you're wrong with an answer, who cares? It's only online training and you'll learn from your mistake. It's better done here, then out at an actual incident.
    Sure I like to "buff out" every now and then as much as the next guy and get ideas from apparatus photos, but I think proactively talking and learning from other people about pre planning actual operations, or what an IC would have done differently at a fire is much more important then who won what at who's parade. There is such a vast wealth of knowledge on this board, it puzzles me that no one wants to actually release information for whatever reason they so choose.
    Not a day goes by where I do not learn something new about the fireservice, and this board has definitely supplied me and numerous other people with a plethora of information. I can only hope that more people talk about the operational and tactical side of the fire service, as to me this is what truly matters and where departments stand out. The general population does not care about your roto-ray, or your undercover chief's car. They want their fire put out quickly and efficiently and their family member cut out of their car without any more harm being done. Sure things look cool, but to me, what is far, far more important is providing a homeowner or taxpaying company relief when we show up because operationally, we look like an organized, well oiled army doing everything in our power to help them out.
    I'm not sure if I'm totally off base here and singling myself out, and this is no way a shot at anyone in particular but this is just an observation I have been making over the last few months and felt like it was time to share my opinion.
    edit: transfered from M.Word and the format was screwed up
  19. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Port Chester Multi alarm 1958   
    Multi alarm fire at the A&P lower King st in downtown Port Chester in 1958 or so. Engine 58 [1944 Mack L-85], Engine 63 [1952 American Lafrance 700], and Ladder 31 [1954 American Lafrance 700 100 ft tiller] attack it from the side ! note the famous Texas lunch is across the street in the back ground .

  20. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by x635 in Seth G (X635) quoted in LoHud article   
    Cool. I was looking for that article the other day online and couldn't find it. Thanks for the heads up!
    It's a whole different world down here. It really makes Westchester look pathetic and Westchester is at least 10-20 years behind us.
    More to follow....
  21. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by americanpolice in Seth G (X635) quoted in LoHud article   
    Seth Granville was quoted in a LoHud article. I cant wait to retire and move away from this crazy tax base. It is doing more harm than good. There wont be enough residents to afford taxes and services here.
  22. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by x129K in Brooklyn, 20 firefighters injured at 5th alarm fire VIDEO   
    Thank goodness! Thansk!
  23. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by jjpinto in Pleasantville's New TL-5 & Thornwood's New Engine 88   
    Photos of Thornwood's Engine 88 and Pleasantville's Tower Ladder 5