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Posts posted by fire2141

  1. 26 minutes ago, INIT915 said:


    Do not try an introduce open-mindedness, common sense or any attempt to try to get to the bottom of this story. It will delay the mob mentality response, which must proceed unabated! Flying off the handle at the slightest slight, real, perceived or completely imagined, is the way to get things done!

    Maybe some of us that live in the area and have friends in Arlington FD have a better picture as to what's actually going on there. If the chief as well as the chauffer's have no issues, why then the commissioners? Who better then them knows what's safe or not.  Remember, these people are in the public safety business. Last I knew commissioners weren't driving the apparatus. People are burning flags across the country and when our brothers answer their final call and there coffins are draped with them this flag ban stings even more. This is arbitrary and capricious. If the size of the flags were an issue then how about a smaller flag rather than an all out ban?

    fdalumnus, AFS1970 and COH Bulldog like this

  2. Some of the outrage may have been sparked by what happened in Coventry Rhode Island when a commissioner there stated "They look like a bunch of yahoos," Gralinski said at a board meeting. "Like in the paper, like ISIS is Syria going to take over a city. I don't think they need that big flag on the back of the truck. That's not America to me. Those are a bunch of terrorists. So, I'm going to ask you to take the flag off the truck." I think this recent flag ban may be a thinly veiled attempt by the Arlington commissioners to do the same. I support the flags, especially at a time when the country is so divided.


    fire patrol nyc and AFS1970 like this

  3. On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 2:06 PM, SOUSGT said:

    Memorial Day is a day that we are supposed to remember our honored dead of the armed services. From the birth of our nation, to the conflicts of today, the soldiers who are supposed to be remembered on Monday are somewhat forgotten by our society in place of more secular endeavors. This holiday has become like many others, a few days to shop for discounted merchandise, or just a chance to get away for a few days. We tend to forget why some of us have the day off.  If it wasn’t for the sacrifices of those who gave their life for their country, we may be speaking a foreign language or living in a culture completely different then we are today. We owe our very way of life to the solders and sailors who have served in the past. This weekend, we shouldn’t think of the politics that got us into the past conflicts but reflect on those who did their duty and paid the ultimate price. We should also remember those in the emergency services that have died in the line of duty. Their sacrifice is none the less important. They also gave their life in service to their community.


    While we are grilling in the back yard, riding in a patrol car or working in a fire station, take a minute and say a prayer for those whom we are supposed to remember this weekend. Remember freedom isn’t free, many paid a heavy price for it.


    Amen to that.

    fire patrol nyc likes this

  4. 10 hours ago, Bnechis said:

    Yes and still do.


    Apparently if Isis gets their hands on flow data the region is doomed. National security says no one can know this info.

    That is BS, I work for NYCDEP and the flow rates are broadcast over the two way radio from Shaft 18 in Valhalla to Hillview in Yorkers hourly, 24/7. If it were sensitive information they wouldn't be doing it.

  5. 16 hours ago, Morningjoe said:

    What if certain firefighters don't place their trust in god. Maybe since the department and community is so heavily involved in religion, that they're terrified to speak their mind for fear of being shunned or mocked. Or what if they place their faith in Allah? This isn't about political correctness, but about what your department is now representing. Technically it's a government entity and it should not be endorsing ANY religion or lack there of. Could you imagine the uproar if the department placed "There is no God," or "Allah Akbar" on the side of their apparatus because someone donated their time and money to put it on?


    I'm all for individual PEOPLE believing whatever they want to believe. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhist, Amish, Scientology, Atheism, Pastafarianisim Flying Spaghetti Monster, but leave it out of the organization of the Fire Department. Don't ram it down my throat, or try and convert me, and I won't ram my beliefs down yours and try and convert you. And before people think I'm bashing religion, or accuse me of being someone who think's religion is evil, if what you believe makes you happy, doesn't harm or hamper anyone else's happiness or way of life, I'm all for it.

    Since liberals are so quick to point out that Allah is God, it would appear that all bases are covered in stating "in God we trust" with the exception of atheist and the PC crowd.

  6. I live in Mahopac and did attend the town hall meeting, I found it informative . The meeting was attended by elected officials and Fire dept member and residents of Mahopac. The residents made up about 10% of the crowd. No change is coming to Mahopac in my opinion. This was the good old boys club at its best. I as a mahopac tax payer am annoyed that the dept as a whole has not offered a apology or explanation how this has happened. Its under investigation, cant talk about it. I feel 1 of the chiefs should write a letter to the local paper (Mahopac News) and explain. If I cashed my paycheck and dropped $5 on the way home from the bank I may not notice ,but if I dropped $500 I'm sure I would notice and the rest of my family also wonder where our money went this week. Before everyone forms their opinion of me let me say I am a paid fire officer and I do not believe the volunteer fire system works so my view is 1 sided, I do know several families that have volunteer firefighters in them and I can say they are stand up men and women who want to serve, but lets look into the latest UL fire studies on how todays fires burn hotter and give off more BTU's early in development and reach flashover quicker. I work in a large dept and we are in the firehouse waiting for a structure fire to come in and we still lose buildings and people. What are you really saving in a rural community with the reflex time it takes to get a piece of apparatuson scene with the needed manpower to start a fire attack. I know whats needed thank god most residents don't

    I've been on both sides of the volunteer/paid argument having served as a firefighter in the military and as a volley for many years. With that being said I'm not biased one way or the other. The fire service in this country was built on the backs of men who volunteered for their communities. Is it perfect, no. The paid fire service from what I've read of late is also far from perfect. There have been many discussions on here about lack of manpower and over utilization of mutual aid, shoddy equipment and other caveats. Additionally studies of fires burning hotter is of equal consequence to both paid and volunteer. The point of this discussion was originally about misappropriated funds and the FD's apparently bloated budget. Can you imagine how large the budget would be with a paid compliment? Last I looked, Mahopac wasn't loaded with foundations. There has been many houses saved in your community. My question to you is, if you know what's so direly lacking and have a wife and possibly children, then why are you endangering yourself and family by living there?

    SOUSGT, AFS1970 and GAW6 like this

  7. Joseph Manstrelli of Goldens Bridge passed away March 5 at Northern Westchester Hospital after a long illness. He was born in the Bronx to Joseph & Catherine Manstrelli on February 15, 1938.Joe was a lifetime member of The Goldens Bridge Volunteer Fire Department since 1957. He served as a firefighter for many of those years and was currently captain of The Goldens Bridge Fire District's fire police, a position he had held since 1983. Prior to his retirement in 2001, Joe worked in the super market industry for 44 years.Joe is survived by his wife of 53yrs, Margaret; his four children, Donna Vogler of New Milford, CT., Christopher & Chuck Manstrelli of Goldens Bridge, NY and Robert (Jennifer) Manstrelli of Pawling, NY; six grandchildren, one great grandchild and many nieces & nephews.

    Family will receive friends on Monday, March 9, 2014 from 4 to 8pm at Clark Associates Funeral Home, 4 Woods Bridge Road, Katonah, NY.

  8. Not sure how consolidation fits into this discussion. Needing eight tankers is needing 8 tankers. True that a county department would (hopefully) allocate resources in a more even fashion so areas with the need for tankers would have them. But anyway...

    For those of you not familiar with tanker operations, there is a formula that determines how many tankers you will need. For example, a 2000 gallon tanker driving a three mile loop can only supply 150 gallons per minute. Sooo, if they were flowing 1200 gallons a minute, they would need...8 tankers. Or if the three miles was over crappy roads, you just might need the 8 tankers to flow even less water. Having been a water supply officer on a similar fire, until all those tankers get in the right line, and into the flow, it seems like more, more, more is the answer.

    Consolidation is all about getting the unions all exited about putting in more paid staff.

    Bottom of Da Hill likes this