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  1. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by Westchester in Hurt feelings and bruised egos   
    I'm so happy someone other than myself feels the same way. I 100% agree with you FFEMT150, but in the world of lawsuits, slander, and bullies it seems almost impossible to say, write, or type your feelings, opinions and facts. I wish I can thread about some articles or comment about certain things, but I did that done that and got heat about it. I never wanted to use a false I.D, but in todays baby sucking nipple world, who wants to her crap about what I said. We all have stories about the FD service or EMS service. It's hard for some to (Q.T.I.P), especially Chiefs or Captains of certain departments. Things are not what they used to be. There was also a time you can have a beer together and shoot the s*** during social events and the next you know your being suspended or fired. There is no thick skin anymore. Most go running home to mommy with tears in there eye, a business card of a lawyer name in one and false statements in the other. Thick skin got feeled off a long time ago most take it personally and there the ones that I see on this site.
  2. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by FFEMT150 in Hurt feelings and bruised egos   
    I'm not really looking to have a discussion but if one insues, so be it. I have noticed in a few threads recently that some people aren't able to take criticism or jest very well anymore. I would like to take this opportunity to bring back an acronym that was used by many on this site. Q.T.I.P. Quit taking it personal. Guess what kids, this is the emergency service. You are posting on a forum that is dedicated to us. If you say something out of line or just plain stupid, you will get your various parts busted. That's just how it works. Thanks for your time guys and gals. As always, stay safe.
    P.s. If you are going to be a keyboard tough guy, sign your name.
  3. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by houlidsa in The Hosebed With A 15" Walkway   
    Anyone note the load? With so little hose how about just dropping the divider heights and make wide low loads. With narrow tall packed loads the guy standing on the back step still is loading over his head. By lowering the loads its safer for more than just one guy. Plus if they are stretching off the back step easier for the nozzle FF.
    Also is that a walkway or just a currently unoccupied section of hose bed? The hose is not or not entirely pre-connected so just maybe currently vacant storage
  4. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in The Hosebed With A 15" Walkway   
    If you have space to spare like that, you spec'd the rig poorly. I can't say I agree with it being all too difficult to simply stand or kneel on one hose load to pack another.
  5. sueg liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    When I became a lieutenant for the first time my father share with me a story of a problem he had to mitigate when he was chief. There were two guys in my fire house, one was a captain and the other a senior firefighter. Both had hot tempers, and got into an extrememly heated debate over something menial, almost to the point of a fist fight. This was happening in front of the entire department, so my father grabbed both of them and dragged them into his office. My father yelled at them, telling the captain that he was in a position of leadership and acting way out of leadership role, and the senior FF that he had been around the firehouse long enough to know how to act in front of the guys. After my father was done with his tirade he sat down in his chair and said, "Well, since you two were about to fight anyway, you may go ahead and do it here in the office." Both the captain and FF were stunned enough by that statement that they actually just ended up settling their differences and were nice to each other from then on.
    I know this is a strange way to mitigate an issue, but I thought it was a bit hilarious and wanted to share. Sometimes leadership needs to be creative to fix a departments day to day issues.
  6. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by ks1980 in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    10 million ? Are you Sh!ting me!! What the hell for cause some body got all butt hurt. Forgive me but what am I missing ? Suspension yes definitely but 10 mill for damages ? Crazy ....
    this stuff should be in house matters. And delt with internally like the not so long ago.
    Was he wrong, yes but come on forgive my lack of P.C., but we all throw around derogatory words to each other and it doesn't leave the house and nobody cries over it.
  7. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    I would like to refer my answer to the top line of your profile picture.
  8. sueg liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    When I became a lieutenant for the first time my father share with me a story of a problem he had to mitigate when he was chief. There were two guys in my fire house, one was a captain and the other a senior firefighter. Both had hot tempers, and got into an extrememly heated debate over something menial, almost to the point of a fist fight. This was happening in front of the entire department, so my father grabbed both of them and dragged them into his office. My father yelled at them, telling the captain that he was in a position of leadership and acting way out of leadership role, and the senior FF that he had been around the firehouse long enough to know how to act in front of the guys. After my father was done with his tirade he sat down in his chair and said, "Well, since you two were about to fight anyway, you may go ahead and do it here in the office." Both the captain and FF were stunned enough by that statement that they actually just ended up settling their differences and were nice to each other from then on.
    I know this is a strange way to mitigate an issue, but I thought it was a bit hilarious and wanted to share. Sometimes leadership needs to be creative to fix a departments day to day issues.
  9. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    I would like to refer my answer to the top line of your profile picture.
  10. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by firefighter2711 in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    Proof why you have to try to mediate problems when they first occur, before the blow up to huge scandals like this. Obviously the issue has been brewing since the expelled chief was a captain. Hopefully we all can learn from this, and motivate us to remedy these sort of incidents while they are still in their infancy.
  11. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    Who wants to take bets on the BAC of the parties involved at the time of the incident?
  12. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by FFEMT150 in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    Well played sir. Well played. I may have just popped a lung laughing.
  13. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    I would like to refer my answer to the top line of your profile picture.
  14. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by FFEMT150 in Ex-Brewster assistant fire chief, kicked off dept. for using racial slur, sues for $10M   
    It's s*** like this that makes all of us look bad. This is also why I hate parades. Having a melt down because two members didn't march? Grow the hell up! Can anyone tell me, is there any positive aspects to being a volunteer firefighter anymore? Because all I see is bull s*** and drama.
  15. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by x635 in West Webster, NY   
    Thoughts and prayers are with all those involved in this horrific and tragic situations. Let's also not forget the two firefighters who were shot and survived.
    It hasn't been published in the media much, but the killer's motive was spurred by his mother leaving all her money to the West Webster FD when she passed away.
  16. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in West Webster, NY   
    I had the honor of meeting Tomasz's family and some of the Members of West Webster FD at NFFF Memorial Weekend this year. Great people, the department sent down about 100 people to the service.
    Received this from WWFD after the service:

  17. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in West Webster, NY   
    One Year ago (now) yesterday two of our brothers were killed and two more injured in a savage attack by a crazed man with nothing more than the ambition to instill terror into our minds. We will always remember Tomasz Kaczowska and Mike Chiapperini for their selfless efforts to do exactly what they signed up to do...to help others in need. They paid the ultimate sacrafice in an unusual condition, but may their memories never be forgotten.
    (Photo is not mine. Photographer is Unknown)

  18. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by FF1 in Merry Christmas   
    I want to wish all the members a very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Also, to the members of the emergency services that will be working and cannot be with their families. Last but not least, the military personal, who are fighting for our freedom and cannot be here with their families.
  19. x635 liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in (Photos) Rochester, NY 2nd Alarm 12-18-13   
    No. About 4 or 5 years ago the RFD went back to the Ening/Ladder system. The ladders are still quints, for the most part. I think only 1 ladder is not a quint. I remember one of the midi's went to the academy, the rest were sold off.
    On another note, good job to the RFD! That's an old building, and undoubtedly a tough fire to extinguish.
  20. EMTbravo liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in (Photos) Rochester, NY 2nd Alarm 12-18-13   
    Aha! There they are. These bad boys are sitting outside the PSTF, last I recall. I brothers in Monroe County tell me these midi's get used at the academy for career classes and when vollie departments cannot produce an apparatus for a class.
    As far as the RFD returning to the Q/M system, keep dreaming. It'll be a long time before the political structure of Rochester even considers it. They're having a tough enough time trying to NOT become the next Detroit!
  21. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by x635 in (Photos) Rochester, NY 2nd Alarm 12-18-13   
    Thanks for the excellent info, 22 Truck. Much appreciated as I was wondering what happened to the Midi concept that I've heard about in the past.
    I noticed a Line Deputy Chief at the fire. What is the function of a Line Deputy Chief?
    I saw 2 rather lightly used looking Midi's sitting at the academy/shops. Are they going to be keeping those? I know the current Chief is stepping down, and there is going to be a new mayor, any chance the Midi's may be brought back?

  22. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by 22 Truck in (Photos) Rochester, NY 2nd Alarm 12-18-13   
    RFD returned to Engine/Truck in 2008 after the then Fire Chief was tasked by city council to make budget cuts. His plan was to reduce the number of Firefighters/Chiefs in total, going from a department of 8 Engines, 9 Quint/Midi's, 1 Rescue, 1 Safety Captain, 3 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Line Deputy Chief to 13 Engines, 6 Trucks (Quints), 1 Rescue, 1 Safety Captain, 2 Battalions Chiefs, and 1 Line Deputy Chief. While the current number of vehicles seems more, each Quint/Midi co. consisted of 2 vehicles and 6 firefighters who could act as an Engine, Truck or split to be both. The current RFD operates with 4 firefighters on all apparatus. RFD also lost a BC (4 Chief's) and in 2012, was in the process of cutting the Safety Captain position completely when a heavily involved house fire occurred burning several firefighters while searching for possible trapped children. While not the way any of us want to do business, it was all of the ammo needed to go to city council to keep the Safety Captain (he was browned out that day).
    All of the 6 current Trucks are "Quints", (Truck 10 is the only platform, it is also a Quint as you can see in the pics, the other 5 are all 110 ft. Quints) though the Chief wanted them called "Trucks" so the firefighters could get in the new mindset of what their "only" task was. Each of the Trucks have their own first due area, smaller than each of the Engines, but they will run alone on car fires, outside fires, etc.
    Prior to the closing of the Q/M's, if the Quint/Midi co. was first due to a house fire, the Officer and Tip/Irons FF would stretch a line off the Quint, Quint Driver would pump, Ladder FF and Midi Shotgun would go the roof, search or throw ladders, and Midi Driver would finish water supply, then assist the first line or pump back to the Quint if a long lay. Now, if a Truck is first due to a house fire, Officer and Irons search, Ladder and Driver go to the roof or throw ladders, no line will be in place until an Engine arrives (unless it's ridiculously obvious the Engine is too far away, then they will pull a line but it's highly discouraged.
    Ask any RFD FF or Line Officer, they want the Quint/Midi system back.
  23. x635 liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in (Photos) Rochester, NY 2nd Alarm 12-18-13   
    No. About 4 or 5 years ago the RFD went back to the Ening/Ladder system. The ladders are still quints, for the most part. I think only 1 ladder is not a quint. I remember one of the midi's went to the academy, the rest were sold off.
    On another note, good job to the RFD! That's an old building, and undoubtedly a tough fire to extinguish.
  24. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in Not good for Public Perception   
    Other than the taxpayers, who wouldn't know the difference of what type of vehicle it is or why it's out of district, the only people who really seem to care are US idiots on EMTB! Everyone who has or has had a take home car has abused the privelidge in some way, shape, or form. Some people take it to the grocery store, others take their kids to soccer practice, and others go to a fancy restaurant in the next county. But, who really cares? The abuse of the take home vehicle, both career and volunteer, has been going on for years, and will continue forever on into the future because the only people who can legally stop it (the taxpayers) aren't going to take the five minutes out of their days to write to the commissioners about the "vehicle" found three counties away! I know some of you here "ovey the rules" of the take home car, but face it, any one that has a free ride is going to use it.
    I just find it to be a moot point for us to argue over when we're not the people who can fix it.
  25. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in Not good for Public Perception   
    Other than the taxpayers, who wouldn't know the difference of what type of vehicle it is or why it's out of district, the only people who really seem to care are US idiots on EMTB! Everyone who has or has had a take home car has abused the privelidge in some way, shape, or form. Some people take it to the grocery store, others take their kids to soccer practice, and others go to a fancy restaurant in the next county. But, who really cares? The abuse of the take home vehicle, both career and volunteer, has been going on for years, and will continue forever on into the future because the only people who can legally stop it (the taxpayers) aren't going to take the five minutes out of their days to write to the commissioners about the "vehicle" found three counties away! I know some of you here "ovey the rules" of the take home car, but face it, any one that has a free ride is going to use it.
    I just find it to be a moot point for us to argue over when we're not the people who can fix it.