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  1. markmets415 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Fire Commisioners   
    Exactly what markmets said..
  2. 38ff liked a post in a topic by markmets415 in Fire Commisioners   
    Meetings are open to the public and you do not have to be a taxpayer to vote on items such as resolutions, all you have to be is a registered voter within that fire district to be heard. Our district adopted a public comment section to their monthly meetings just for that very reason "public comments". Sadly it is the same people that attend monthly, the fire commissioners and a few officers, even when we went through the purchasing of the new engine that failed on the first vote, no one from the public attended a meeting, once in a while we get a "hot" topic and a few individuals show up. I personally would like more people from the public to be on the board, instead of just members or past members, I've found that many times some of our own members that haven't seen a fire or been an active member for a great length of time really have no idea what is going on in today's emergency services either so are they really an "asset"? I think not. I would like to have five members that a are financially responsible and not "yes" members to the Chief. As always like you did above, do your homework ahead of time, be prepared, justify your expenditures and make a presentation to the members that have been voted in to over see how the taxes are spent, as well as the public, chances are if you are prepared, you should have no problem with getting approval for items, at least that's been my experience sitting at the other side of the table.
  3. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Hose Testing Agencies Near Albany   
    My district uses these guys.
    Reliant Fire Hose Testing
    67 Lake Road
    Salisbury Mills, NY 12577Phone: (845) 784-6391 We have never had a problem with them, and we have been using them for several years. I dont know how far they wil travel for 5 lengths though...
  4. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Hose Testing Agencies Near Albany   
    My district uses these guys.
    Reliant Fire Hose Testing
    67 Lake Road
    Salisbury Mills, NY 12577Phone: (845) 784-6391 We have never had a problem with them, and we have been using them for several years. I dont know how far they wil travel for 5 lengths though...
  5. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Obamacare and VFD's   
    Lots more info here.
    but this link seems to sum it all up.. http://www.iafc.org/files/1GR/gr_PPACAfactSheet.pdf
    Im not getting into the "is it right/wrong" debate. All Im saying is that fire districts, if this does apply to them, will have to pay for it via either taking it out of fund reserves or raising taxes..... Just another unfunded mandate to be passed on to the taxpayer.....
  6. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Obamacare and VFD's   
    Lots more info here.
    but this link seems to sum it all up.. http://www.iafc.org/files/1GR/gr_PPACAfactSheet.pdf
    Im not getting into the "is it right/wrong" debate. All Im saying is that fire districts, if this does apply to them, will have to pay for it via either taking it out of fund reserves or raising taxes..... Just another unfunded mandate to be passed on to the taxpayer.....
  7. 38ff liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Obamacare and VFD's   
    Good luck with that.
    Remember Obamacare was brought to you by the people that said, "we will find out what is in it after we pass it".
    Well guess what we just found out.
  8. idlewildvfd liked a post in a topic by 38ff in "Chicago Fire" (TV Show)   
    Bring back Johnny and Roy and Station 51!!!!!!
  9. 38ff liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Looking for TIC info.   
    The two main officers if thats what you call them are very very experienced guys that know this stuff inside and out. They also teach it at First Line Supervisors Training Program for NYS that is held in NYC. If you can get access to one of their classes be sure to take it.
  10. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Looking for TIC info.   
    I am looking for a decent deneral purpose TIC. Im not looking for "TV broadcast" abilities, or 200 different colors on the screen breaking down temperatures into 1/10th of a degree for hazmat spills.
    I just want a basic, bombproof and reasonably priced TIC for general firefighting use.. I am checking out the Scott Eagle Attack currently.
    Any suggestions/info?
  11. 38ff liked a post in a topic by CFD048 in Looking for old Motorola Minitor 3/4's in low band   
    we took a bunch out of service a few months ago. will check with commisioners at monday night meeting on weather they were traded in or if they still have them. we will probably need a request on your companies letterhead. not sure how to inbox not on here enough. if u can in box be a note with phone number i will get back to you next week after meeting.
  12. 38ff liked a post in a topic by spin_the_wheel in Vintage Westchester apparatus   
    Somers 1979 Oren/duplex photo by Glen Vincent

    Yorktown Heights 1968 Seagrave

  13. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Firefighters used at DWI checkpoints ?   
    I will 100% agree about doing preventative DWI things. Education, demos at High Schools, etc. You want to borrow the light tower, fine, here is how to operate it and please fuel it up before you return it. But thats where FD involvement needs to end. As for having FD people at a checkpoint in any capacity (or none at all), absolutely not. Way too much liability, not to mention "not my job at all".....
  14. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Firefighters used at DWI checkpoints ?   
    I will 100% agree about doing preventative DWI things. Education, demos at High Schools, etc. You want to borrow the light tower, fine, here is how to operate it and please fuel it up before you return it. But thats where FD involvement needs to end. As for having FD people at a checkpoint in any capacity (or none at all), absolutely not. Way too much liability, not to mention "not my job at all".....
  15. 38ff liked a post in a topic by dave0820 in Brotherhood in the Fire Service   
    My kids are all grown now, but when they were younger and before cell phones, I always told them that if for any reason they were in trouble and needed help, go the nearest fire station and tell them that their dad is a fireman and they would help them. I would hope that fire fighters today with young kids still have that feeling.
  16. 38ff liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Brotherhood in the Fire Service   
    Antiquefirelt, I do think you hit the nail dead center on the head.
    Respect for senior firefighters and officers has been destroyed by self-centered arrogant cocky young pups fresh out of firefighter 1 training who think they know it all too. Technology has taken away that close knit family feeling, and then the younger age coming in today are all "know-it-alls" because their daddy was a chief or their whole family was in the department...wrong. They come in instantly barking orders and demanding respect...wrong.
    When I first joined in Long Island, I kept quiet, listened when a senior firefighter or officer spoke, volunteered for every assignment even if it was cleaning toilets, we had to stand at attention whenever the chief entered the meeting room during meetings or drills, and I never let a senior firefighter pack hose after calls even if I were exhausted. I asked them questions and tried to learn something new every time, even if I was already comfortable with what we were drilling on. I never acted cocky, or arrogant, or touted my own horn. After time, I saw that I EARNED the respect they finaly showed me when I was around the station, and I was able to joke around more. It took time. Today; everyone expects instant over-night success and respect just because they joined. I fully blame that on what was already mentioned a few times; todays kids are getting awards for everything, even just for participating, and they never fail and do not learn that they have to work hard to succeed. They are now turning 18 and joining the fire service expecting to be rewarded instantly for everything, and they dont know how to earn anything. Its sad.
    I guess old timers like you and I are a thing of the past...
    Brotherhood is dead, I dont know when it was on life support or how it ever was allowed to slip away like it did, but people like me, and you (antiquefirelt, Firnatine, and others) will still try to pass on the traditions and share the brotherhood that we have still in our hearts. Its up to the others to accept it and practice it though and thats what bothers me...
  17. 38ff liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in (Delivered) Esopus Fire District   
    You may need to define "custom". While I agree that there are "tankers" that are really pumpers with a big booster and are way more than is needed or can be handled. Cab over designes (which are often considered custom, but do not need to be) out perform the others because of their manuverability.
    The real issue with tankers is always what is its gpm delivery rate per mile? Almost every dept without municipal hydrants that has moved from ISO 9 to 4, 5 or 6 had three things in common;
    1) high performance tankers - faster fill and dump times, better manuverability and the ability to fill and dump with a maximum of 2 people, with the driver staying in the cab. Many of the "standard" commercil units saved money, but did not perform well.
    2) Standardization of all tankers. Same amount of water, same dump & fill times.
    3) Training, Training, preplaning, and more training
  18. 38ff liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Rescue truck front bumpers   
    Like this?
  19. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Single Training Standard for Firefighter in NYS   
    I'll put it this way. We need a 2.5 hose worth of training dollars to flow so instructors can get paid to teach MORE classes, but we are getting a booster line's worth. The state runs the pump panel......
  20. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Single Training Standard for Firefighter in NYS   
    I'll put it this way. We need a 2.5 hose worth of training dollars to flow so instructors can get paid to teach MORE classes, but we are getting a booster line's worth. The state runs the pump panel......
  21. 38ff liked a post in a topic by JM15 in Single Training Standard for Firefighter in NYS   
    I have never heard of this but I am now very curious. So lets say my department called our county Coordinator and said "hey we want to have a Firefighter 2 class for our members" they would arrange and pay for a state instructor to come and teach it exclusively for us? Or am I missing something?
  22. 38ff liked a post in a topic by x635 in Rescue truck front bumpers   
    Can't remember where this one is from, but it is a 2007 Spartan/Crimson that was shown at the 2007 New England Chief's show. The bumper hydraulically tilts for easier access.

  23. x635 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Rescue truck front bumpers   
    Im looking for pictures of rescue trucks front bumpers that contain Hurst type tools to get some ideas on how to spec one. I was told you cant put 2 reels with 2 preconnected tools AND a preconnected 100 foot trashline in a front bumper. Anyone have any pics of their rigs they want to share so we can get some ideas?
  24. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Single Training Standard for Firefighter in NYS   
    I'll put it this way. We need a 2.5 hose worth of training dollars to flow so instructors can get paid to teach MORE classes, but we are getting a booster line's worth. The state runs the pump panel......
  25. firemoose827 liked a post in a topic by 38ff in Single Training Standard for Firefighter in NYS   

    No, is not a joke. Our county says they have very limited hours/money for training. Yes, we have the outreach programs, but there is not nearly enought of them to keep up with the demand (bodies needing training) in the county. This has been brought up in countywide fire district meetings, Battalion meetings, ect. Same story no matter where you go on whatever level.
    I have gotten in 12 new members in the past few months in my district due to a great recruting program done both inhouse and by FASNY that want to be/physically can be "interior SCBA wearing, hose weilding, a** kicking FF's" ... I am able to send 2 of them to FFI class due to county rules, which is 2 members per dept per "high demand" class. The other 10 get told, "well, you just have to wait for the next class" That could be several months off, and even then, it may not be non where near local (within a 45 drive one way). So they start to loose interest (and I dont blame them), .. They say to themselves, "You wanted me here, but you cant officially(read as having state certification saying I know what Im doing) train me, so whats the point".. I'd probably walk away also......

    Ok, fine. As a district, I will pay (out of my budget for something that the state/county does provide, but its not nearly enough as the demand is for for free) for a state instructor, have them teach the OFPC class to the OFPC standards/doctrine, and would ASSUME that you'd get a state certificate. However, this is not the case. You dont get a state certificiate, you get a "in house" one, which is meaningless outside the confines of the district. If I have my inhouse cert, and I want to take a OFPC taught FF2 class, since I dont have a state issued cert, I cant take FF2.

    So as a district, do I pay good money for good training that is meaningless as the state is concerned? What happens when someone gets hurt/killed that had a "inhouse cert" but not a state one? Im sure the lawyers would love that one. It could be a LONG time before I can get my other 10 people thru an outreach class.

    Bottom line as a district, I'd pay for the training but the state makes it so I can not do so AND get a state certificate for the training....... So whats a guy to