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Posts posted by x1243

  1. Congrats to Arlington Firefighters on their save............... What about my salary now????? Ask the two victims what they think you are worth!!!!!!


    The local Paper, Poughkeepsie Urinal couldent even post it. Bet your a$& if it was bad press it would be on the front page...

    Boycott that crappy newspaper.

    My Salty PV buddy looking all shiny in his class A. Go Rock....

    x134, TAPSJ, x129K and 1 other like this

  2. A lot of the recent occurences have been related to:

    Posttraumatic stress disorder[note 1] (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma.[1][2][3] This event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to one's own or someone else's physical, sexual, or psychological integrity,[1] overwhelming the individual's ability to cope. As an effect of psychological trauma, PTSD is less frequent and more enduring than the more commonly seen acute stress response. Diagnostic symptoms for PTSD include re-experiencing the original trauma(s) through flashbacks or nightmares, avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, and increased arousal—such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, anger, and hypervigilance. Formal diagnostic criteria (both DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10) require that the symptoms last more than one month and cause significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.[1]

    It is not just soldiers coming back. Police, Fire and EMS can have this just as well...

    However the higher numbers are Active Guard members, or members that have returned to a normal life for us, however totally different for them. So when these soldiers come back from providing us with freedom lets give them the best!!!

    And that includes the Local, State, and Federal budget cuts. Services needed to help combat these issues are being cut.


    x635 likes this

  3. When in doubt "Arc em". Back in the ole day you would have just got shot. I would rather catch some volts than some lead anyday.... Besides some people say it is invigorating for your nerves. One Cop had back issues and after qualifying he never had an issue again....

    Better than being hit with a 40 caliber <_<<_<


  4. Good find bro. Kudos to Santa on a job well done, even without his ANSI approved vest :P

    Reminds me of an incident a few years ago, my FD was doing our santa run and stopped at an MVA, my Father dressed as santa started directing traffic and wishing a Merry Christmas to passing motorists as the yelled about the road being closed.

    Yeah no ANSI vest, just the 3 inch white trim. I wonder if it is reflective? :blink:

    FFEMT150 likes this

  5. Date: 12/20/2011

    Time: 08:08

    Location: 22 Spring Street

    Frequency: DC, Dispatch, Response,Command

    Units Operating: Pawling 54-11, 13, 31, 51,

    Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy, 44 degrees

    Description Of Incident: Garage Fire

    Reporters: x1243, FIRECHIEF63

    Writer: x1243

    08:08 Pawling dispatched for a possible garage fire, smoke coming from a detatched garage.

    08:11 54-3 is on the scene with a working garage fire.

    08:19 DC911 advises of equipment on the road, Pawling command advises "give me another dispatch county"

    08:28 DC911 advises Pawling command that they just went fourth dispatch for equipment, "what would you like"?

  6. 911 doesn't even bother with dispatching Empire/Regional/Hudson Valley Paramedics/Care One on the off hours because they know they dont post a truck in the valley during those times. I quote a manager from HVP "they get what they pay for". MLSS picks up all the slack nine times out of ten

    While I totaly agree with you, the original contract that was set fourth by the previous regime guaranteed off hours coverage. The new regime knows EMS costs and operations are is not feasible for the current contract agreement.

    Its not really "you get what you pay for" its a matter of a town board that saw a price and was snowballed and also a operation (HVP) who thought that it could be done for the cost of peanuts.

    This is just a crappy agreement on all sides, everyone pays:

    1 Empire/Care2/Hudson Valley Paramedics for losing on the contract. Like I said that was set fourth by the

    previous regime.

    2 Town Residents because now they are paying their taxes for daytime services and being hard billed on the off


    Response times, between dispatching and no units, now the call is tossed to the next on the list. Depending on

    what card the County pulls for that day.

  7. not really true...dc911 still dispatches HVP (care1ems) when plesant valley cant get out. and usually the kingston crew covers the call since we have been posting them in plesant valley on the weekends and over night during the week.

    Not really true either.....

    Not just when Pleasant Valley cant get out. It is usually for the off hours on ALS alarms when Hudson Valley does not cover. (1700-0500)

    There is only a couple of companies who would supply ALS coverage without a contract or for free.

    As for the Kingston crew on the overnights and weekends, I havent heard of them calling out, just the Mobile tone hitting minutes after the primary dispatch.