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Posts posted by ex-commish

  1. The kids need to know somehow the effects of heroin. As a retired correction officer of 25 years I have seen many addicts go throuring tygh some of the most horrific withdrawls....banging heads on walls, shaking, puking, scratching the paint off the walls, ramming their headhs into steel bars, crying, etc in a setting where no one really cares wether you live or die. They need to know heroin will either get you dead or locked up. Instead of trying to mess with the 2nd amendment or trying to ram this new common core program in the schools money needs to be spent on programs to deal with this. I also know a few kids that have died in the past from herion and the effect left on the families is horrible.

    x635, MoFire390, Bnechis and 2 others like this

  2. In reading the article I see the decision to suspend him was 4-3. I feel the suspension was excessive. It's not like he took the bus for a joy ride or was driving drunk. He took an oath to save lives and he made a decision based on what was best for the patient. While I wont comment on another agency's SOP's I will say I would sided with the 3 that voted against suspending him. I hope there can be a resolution to this that will have a good outcome for all involved especially the public.

  3. Sore subject with me brother, can I please vent a little to all of you??

    We had our "popularity contest" (elections) last Monday night. I have been serving for the past three years; 2 as Captain and one as assist chief which I held proudly. This past year, our two captains finaly finished their FF1 training, one even took the FF2 as well (thats right folks we had 2 captains serving without basic training. They based their qualifications on being able to work all equipment and knowing the department...) This year for nominations one of the two Captains and another member were nominated over me for 1st assistant, I was nominated for nothing. The other current Captain was nom for 2nd asst. Both current Captains have no officers training and very little if any experience as interior firefighters. I was beat out by someone fresh out of FF1 with no experience all because I was making a push to change things, focus more on safety and upgrading equipment and the department obviously didnt like that so they voted me out.

    That bothers me, and the more I make a stink about it the more they get in my face and tell me its done so live with it. Another more experienced member 35 years in the service made inquiries into their training records and they have next to nothing besides FF1 and 2 yet our SOP's require FF1 with 5 years in the department, EVOC, Haz-Mat Ops, FBAA/Principles, and at least 2-3 officers courses like NIMS 700, ICS 100, 200 etc etc. They have none of these.

    Who can I contact that would get the best results to fix this issue? FASNY? OFPC (or do they even handle stuff like this) local government? State government?

    It realy sucks too since we just moved into our first house, in this district so I cant move to another area with a better department... :(

    Sorry for the rant, just realy bothers me to no end...this backwoods redneck volunteer we-dont-have-to-follow-the-rules BS thats going to kill someone if not changed....help.

    Moose I am in total agreement with you. It is 2013 and we still elect officers. As far as FASNY or OFPC there is nothing they can really do being we all operate under home rule especially when it comes to officer selection and training and I do not believe either organization would want to get involved in local dept operations.

  4. FAST / RIT is not supposed to be a special op's resource or a special team, county team, select group of folks who are trained differently or to a higher level than other firefighters, etc. FAST / RIT skills are necessary for EVERY firefighter every bit as much as any other firefighting essential functions are. When a MAYDAY is transmitted, IMMEDIATE action by knowledgeable, skilled firefighters is required. FAST / RIT operations are often required very early on during an incident, obviously we all need to be ready to perform appropriately and immediately when a firefighter requires assistance due to entrapment or medical condition while in a hazardous location. FAST / RIT training absolutely needs to be a requirement for new firefighters prior to certification. Currently certified firefighters who are not FAST / RIT certified should be required to attend the course and become certified. Firefighting is not a game, a passtime or a hobby, it's about life and death. Those who don't see it that way need to find a different calling.

    Well said