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Everything posted by uvfd67

  1. Someone who carries three radios with them at work. It's ok Scott there is help for you. LOL!
  2. 154.205 is Orange county fire paging.
  3. "The Lord, the Lord Jehovah has given unto you these fifteen... Oy! Ten! Ten commandments for all to obey!"
  4. No hard feelings at all. Unfortunately what we have in this county is a "this my sandbox" mentallity and it crosses both spectrums. We need to look at how we do business on both sides and we need to do what is best for the residents we serve. There are alot of things like moggie6 said and maybe just maybe we should not be afraid of another dept. coming and taking over from us and just work together Paid, Combo, and Volunteer.
  5. I wasn't refering to the M/A agreement I was responding to something previously posted. I tryed to quote it in my post but I had trouble with it sorry for the confusion.
  6. Don, I did not see your post before I put my last one up. All I am talking about is what this topic is about calling the closest unit and it just seems that its ok not to call the closest unit if there is an agreement between departments. That is kind of how the responses to my question have been.
  7. This whole topic has been about calling the closest unit vs. personal preferences, but I guess it's ok because it was Arlington and Lagrange and they have an agreement with each other. If It's about a bill if Union Vale had responded and one of the Lagrange or Arlington medics rode with Union Vale then there would be no bill.
  8. I am not upset at the fact that my ambulance was not called to the scene that is far from the fact. I was just stating an opinion that is all.
  9. I think at this rate were all gonna be driving power wheels. At least they make one with lights on it already lol. untitled.bmp
  10. We sit here and we talk about how the closest unit not responding is just about volunteer's not calling other departments because of a fight or for whatever reason. Well what about these so called paid departments not caling the closest available unit m/a because they're volunteers. A prime example of this would be today twice while a certain "paid" department in dutchess county was busy with multiple calls it called another "paid" department to call probably a good 10-15 miles while a volunteer ambulance sat 4-5 miles up the road and was not called. Now I know some of you will say that the volunteers are only BLS and it was an ALS call. Well isnt it better to get an ambulance on the scene to treat and TRANSPORT the PATIENT to the CLOSEST HOSPITAL which the last time I checked was definitive care in NYS not a paramedic and from all the things I have read the main thing is the well being of the patient. So with the being said I ask is it not better to have someone there quickly to treat and take the patient to the hospital even if they are volunteers, than to wait 20+ minutes for for a Paid/Paramedic ambulance to respond? Oh and just so I dont get accused of hiding behind a keyboard and runing my mouth my Name is Mike Murphy and I'm a FF/EMT with Union Vale.
  11. CMT actually stands for Cooperstown Medical Transport.
  12. Now I hope the Firefighter that is taking up the whole left side in the last picture is getting his bottle changed out. It might just be a little hard to breath in there with out any air.
  13. We'll be back in four years.
  14. I kind of saw that as a conflict of interest. If I was sick or injured the last person I'd want there to rescue me would be the funeral home.
  15. Here are some photos of our new PL Custom Ford F-450 Type 1 ambulance. Delivered and placed in service on 9/26/08.
  16. DC911 is using the backup freq. until the simulcast on the main freq is up and running. The freq is 151.205 this is just until they finish setting up the simulcast.
  17. Good luck Kevin. Stay safe were gonna miss ya.
  18. Union Vale Fire District www.uvfdny.com
  19. It's a nice building. I've been taking EMT there for a few weeks now, actually ive got class tomorow night.
  20. http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/myfox/pages/Ho...mp;pageId=1.1.1 This is absolutely insane.
  21. Yeah the New England Fire Chief's Expo was this weekend at the Big E.
  22. Found this online the other night and thought it was pretty cool. Watch the whole video. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7022359219327649172
  23. Emergency manager dies at 67 By Michael Woyton Poughkeepsie Journal VERBANK — Friends and colleagues Sunday mourned the death Friday of Edward F. Jacoby Jr., 67, a leader in wildfire prevention and emergency management. Jacoby had been diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, in which the body doesn’t produce enough blood cells, about 21⁄2 years ago, said Matthew Jacoby, his son. “He let his family members know that he felt his illness was related to the time he spent down at Ground Zero,” he said. Edward Jacoby coordinated all state agency responses —search and rescue and recovery operations after the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. Help others at Ground Zero Matthew Jacoby said his father wanted his feelings made known so it might help other Ground Zero workers with health-related problems. Edward Jacoby spent 44 years working for state government, starting with the state Conservation Department, a precursor to the Department of Environmental Conservation. He worked his way up the department, eventually being appointed superintendent for the state Forest Rangers. He served in that position until 1995 when he was appointed director for the state Emergency Management Office. Former county emergency coordinator DeWitt Sagendorph had known Jacoby since his forest ranger days. “He was a real gentleman,” Sagendorph said. “And a forward thinker. “He was always looking to meet the needs of the future.” Union Vale Fire Chief Richard Guiliani spoke highly of Jacoby, a 50-year life member of the department. “He was a tremendous leader,” he said. “He was just a person that people wanted to follow. He was well respected in the community as well as the county and state.” In addition to Matthew Jacoby, Edward Jacoby Jr. is survived by his wife, Jane; two other sons; a daughter; nine grandchildren; four nephews; an aunt and a sister. Funeral services will be held Wednesday. Michael Woyton can be reached at mwoyton@poughkeepsiejournal.com http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/apps/pb...GtQzDOxmRiZU%3D
  24. Heres the way I see it were all in it to help in a time of need whatever that is. I do this to just be there to help my friends and neighbors and thats why I love doing it. You may never get thanked for what you did and more than likely were gonna get belittled but in the long run it works out for the best because when you get up to those pearly gates lord willing that its a long time from now that were all gonna be asked what did you do to help your fellow man. All i can say to that is i tried my best to help. Mike Murphy Union Vale Fire Co. and Rescue squad Union Vale N.Y.