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  1. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    Hold on....lets get a few things straight here. "Joe Samaritan" doesn't get to go start his own fire company because he wants to do good. It doesn't work that way. The City of New York is protected by the FDNY from fire and emergencies. The FDNY is also charged with enforcing fire and building codes. Additionally, FDNY and it's personnel have the ability to enforce and issue summons for a slew of other infractions. Every FDNY apparatus has multiple summons books. Sounds like we're a long way away from "'s not the FDNY's job to enforce anything".
    Aviation VFC is a band of freelancing buffs. They're not needed and they're not helping anyone. One of the FDNY's greatest assets is staffing, assignment of standardized riding positions and response matrix, all of which give us the ability to work efficiently and safely at any fire. We as firemen know what our specific task is and chief officers know who's supposed to be where. It's a highly coordinated effort and the last thing that anyone needs is a rig no one expected taking a hydrant, blocking out trucks and stretching a line that could end up opposite ours. I don't care what their intentions are, their behavior is wrong and they're going to get someone hurt.
    As for training, all I've heard is talk of FF1 or Essentials, ect. Those courses do little more than scratch the surface, they're not a bench mark. An FDNY Proby receives about 1,000 hours of intense training before graduating and being assigned to a field unit. After that, he will respond, on average, to anywhere from 600 - 1,500 alarms a year while on duty. Please, tell me how Aviation is going to achieve training on that level.
    The Fire Commissioner of NYC has called for them to cease operations. He's the final say on all things fire in New York City, who are they to thumb their nose at that? If they are found to be operating in some claimed official capacity it should be handled in a legal manner.
  2. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by bad box in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    Have you actually been on enough emergency scenes where this Aviation group operated to be able to honestly make that statement?
  3. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in The EMS Mess in Saratoga Springs   
    Municipal FD (City & Village) in NYS are allowed to bill for EMS Transport (ALS & BLS), Fire Districts (towns) are not.
    Currently there is proposed legislation to include all FD's. But it has been proposed many times before and never passed.
  4. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in NYSP Tentative Academy Class   
    After a 4-year hiring freeze, NYSP has TENTATIVE approval for a class of 140 positions to begin in April of 2012. If you'rer highly ranked on the last list, good luck.
  5. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by BBBMF in 2011 Run Totals   
    ALSfirefighter gets awarded 2 gold stars for humility....
    Nice job to everyone to for taking time out of their daily lives to help others in their most trying moments!
  6. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in Care 1 EMS   
    I think 'some' people misinterpret my simple statement that DC911 will now officially be calling it Care1 EMS, as a shot at the company, when it is no such thing. There was simply a question back in November why they were not calling them that. IIRC, it was still 'in the works' for the OFFICIAL name change to take place, through whatever applications were made, I am sure with DoH, and any other entities. Can't just wake up and decide to change your company's name and it happens right then and there.
    Also, in reference to the contract held by PVFD, the CONTRACT was decided by, and signed BY the TOWN itself, NOT the FD. Since those hours for contracted coverage were decided by the town, it said nothing about who HAD to provide coverage after that time. I will not speculate into how pleased/displeased PVFD was by the off-hours service, but word was passed onto the dispatch agency that MLSS would be dispatched during the non-contracted hours.
    I should also clarify that the Care1 EMS will also be dispatched as they normally would in order of preference by agencies that use commercial agencies for transports (i.e. correctional facilities), and any mutual aid, NOT just as multiple calls in PVFD area.
    I fail to see how stating this is so terrible. **shrugs**
  7. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by Danger in Care 1 EMS   
    Everything is fine! Stop playing word games by describing it word for word Nathan! Company is great success, yes?

  8. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by Goose in Care 1 EMS   
    What's there to elaborate on? Couple of the folks looked pretty bummed out...when i asked what was up they voiced confusion/concern as to what was going on w/ the company. I felt bad because i remember what it was like working commercial and companies being sold/taken over/changing hands and the stress that brings to many. Am i not allowed to be a nice guy?
  9. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Sorry, You're Going To Love This Story   
    with a 12 gauge shotgun.And the poor girl's husband had just passed away on Christmas Day!
  10. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Westchester Career Firefighters Academy Graduation   
    But there are 1,200 fire dept. employees.
  11. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by 1075thebox in Wearing of the Uniform/Turnout Gear   
    I think a Chief at a LODD Funeral for one of his own men could - at the very least - take the @#%&* bluetooth out of his ear! Perhaps spend a minute fixing the snake on your hat too...
  12. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic in Hartsdale Fire District Residents Head To The Polls   
    OK. I'm going to bite at the dangling carrot, but I want to say I am writing this as if it was any fire district or municipality. I have no opinion of the one mentioned in the original post other then there are some very dedicated and talented personnel that work there.
    Outside of the incumbent which there is at least one person who its clear would not vote for her, I have this one simple question? On average what does a 7% increase actually mean on average to the taxpayer? While its nice and I see it all the time those who are opposed to tax increases always and consistently throw out the increase in the percentage number. I mean if I weren't versed in statistics and math I would initially look at that 7% and even think to myself..."7%..that's utterly ridiculous and an unbearable and unreasonable increase!" But..being I do understand statistics, math and even how statistics can be turned to support or defend a cause, I know that 7% overall really means nothing but a number. I've seen 10 and 15% tax increases that people were up in arms in and when in a college government class, we broke them down and found that it equated to a tax increase no more then what equated for homeowners to a pack of cigarettes a month (yes NY prices) or 3 lattes. And it can also be shown that cost increases for more staffing can be offset with savings on fire insurance premiums.
    If you look at any district or municipality there are things that flat out simply cost money, personnel being a huge one. Pension and health care costs have risen sharply every year. Equipment needs to be maintained or replaced, buildings need maintenance and in many of our cases needed to be replaced 10 years ago..not 10 years from now.
    I have no intimate details about the hartsdale fire district so I cannot comment on them...and even if I did I wouldn't as its none of my business or my concern being I don't work nor live there. All I can say is that if the tax increases were a huge problem for people they would find a way to either change leadership or become active in the discussions. There are laws that require certain types of disclosure and I'm sure they'd have to be meeting it or someone would be on top of that. Also on a side note, why not have polling stations on every corner..there are those that don't vote for president, governor etc and they don't make it any easier for them. Even fire commissioner elections are governed by similar principles.
  13. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by helicopper in Hartsdale Fire District Residents Head To The Polls   
    I've had the same argument countless times with my dad and he maintains that there are term limits. They're called elections. If people choose not to vote someone out or vote new blood in we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
    It's a cogent argument. Drives me nuts!
  14. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Covicted Cop Killer Mumia Abu Jamal given life w/o parole   
    For those of you who aren't familiar with the case, On December 9, 1981 at 0350 hours Philidelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner conducted a traffic stop at the corner of 12th Street and Locust Street. PO Faulkner was attempting to arrest Wesley Cook when Cook's brother wesley (AKA mumia abu jamal who is a confirmed black panther) ran across the street and cowardly and like the piece of s*** that he is, shot officer Faulkner in the back. PO Faulkner was able to fire one round that struck mumia in the chest. PO Faulkner then collapsed to the ground. Mumia abu jamal in a second cowardly cold blooded move then shot officer faulkner 4 times at close range including once in the face.
    The backup units arrived 90 seconds after the call for backup and found mumia next to officer faulkner holdig a gun, the gun that was used to murder danny faulkner. Mumia was identified by 4 witnesses as the man who murdered officer faulkner.
    Mumia was found guilty in 1982 and sentenced to death. In 1989 the PA Supreme Court upheld the conviction and denied a request for a retrial. The US Supreme Court refused to hear arguments on mumias claims.
    In 2008 a federal appeals court in their infinite wisdom ( please note the sarcasm) decided abu jamal should get a new sentencing hearing on the grounds that the instructions given to the jury in 1982 "may have been" misleading.
    Yesterday, the Philidelphia DA decided to not seek the death penalty again and instead chose to seek life without parole.
    This case had a mountain of overwhelming evidence and this mans guilt is undeniable but it seems that the pressure that was put forth by the likes of susan serandon, ed asner, maya angelou, alec baldwin, the beastie boys, harry belafonte, the black eyed peas, and the city of st. denis in france even named a friggen street after him - a street named in honor of a cop killer - UNREAL.
    It is no secret that society sees the lives of police officers as expendable. It seems that today it is socially "hip" to be anti cop.
    For those of you who took the time to read this rant I thank you. Very rarely do I let things get under my skin but I see the support for this murderer as a direct assault on myself and on police officers everywhere. Death would have been too good for this murderer but death is what he deserved. This animal gets to live out his life treated like a hero by those around him in jail but where is the justice for danny faulkner who is THE REAL HERO...
  15. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Thanks for the support   
    LOL...Thanks, but Only Seth can do that here. In NR only time will tell.
  16. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by robert benz in South Fulton, TN responds, but watched home burn... again   
    I have a couple of thoughts, this isnt anything new, been going on for years, the people know about it, and roll the dice. No different than laying off police and firefighters and the residents clap and say sorry but i want lower taxes, (but in turn expect the same services).
    I hear this "moral high ground" sentiment and have to think, what if a firefighter got injuried during the fire that his dept, in writing, isnt supposed to be involved in, does the municipality have the right to then refuse to pay for treatment. Or how about the injuried firefighter sues the officer for sending him into a situation that is clearly outside of his dept sop's.
    The "we are firefighters and have to do something" has to be based on sound principal's and training. 50 - 60 % of deaths at confined space incidents are would be rescuer's.
    What about the thougt process that balances 75.00 against your home.
    We dont have this problem on the east coast yet, but listen up as the people weigh taxes against services in all communities, career and volunteer.
  17. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in South Fulton, TN responds, but watched home burn... again   
    200 years ago, here in the US, you purchased fire inurance for your home and were isued a firemark ( placque) for your front door. It signified that you were insured by that company. The volunteer fire companies were funded by insurance companies, and were not public agenies. If they pulled up (actually pulled up because their equipment was hand-drawn)and you did not have a firemark, they didn't put your fire out. So, the problem in Fulton is nothing new.
    I see talk about a lack of morality on the part of the firefighters, What about the morality of the Fulton homeowners who would not pay their $75/year? They know the deal because the same thing has happened before and was widely publicized. Not only did they take a chance and lost, but by not paying, they lower the FD's ability to protect the community because its funds are lower.
    I have known and worked with Chief Benz for a long time, and agree with his thoughts about life safety of the non paying homeowner, potential FF injuries, etc. I know full well that Chief Benz would pull up and take ALL these thoughts, analyze them, and do the right thing. Remember, however, that this analysis has to take under 30 seconds and a decision has to be made. Personally, I am quite certain that I could let that house burn and protect the paying exposures. If the non-paying homeowner was not accounted for and possibly inside, I would have to extend my size-up to 45 seconds and then render my answer.
  18. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Pleasant Valley fire uncovers drug operation   
    "Pleasant Valley Command to 911....dispatch the Ladies Auxillary to the scene...with 50 pizzas...some Cheetos...and Skittles...we need Skittles!"
  19. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in NYS Annual Firefighter Required Training   
    >>"...I was asked to respond to your question regarding required training for volunteer firefighters. Let me preface this answer by saying that PESH does not differentiate between volunteers and career firefighters; both are considered employees under State law." <<
    While PESH does not differentiate between career and volunteer, NYS Law does. NYCRR Part 426 (Minimum Standards for Firefighting Personnel) requires the following:
    § 426.1 Purpose.
    The purpose of this Part is to establish uniform minimum State training standards designed to increase competency and reliability of fire service personnel; improve and expand the professional training available to paid fire service personnel by developing uniform minimum standards for basic, in-service, advanced in-service and promotional supervisory training programs, with emphasis on proper subject content and better instruction;
    §426.7 In-service fire training.
    (a) Permanently appointed firefighters and fire officers normally assigned to command company operations at emergencies shall annually receive a minimum of 100 contact hours of in- service training in the following subject areas:
    The 100 hours technically does not acknowledge the "8 hour" OSHA/PESH requirements, but can easily accomidate it under the required subject matter.
    Each career firefighter/officers training must be documented and submitted to NYS annually.
    I have seen a number of complaints from the volunteer firefighters that they are no allowed to have MTO (municipal training officers). MTO's are mandated by NYCRR Part 427 to facilitate NYCRR Part 426. So until Part 426 requires all firefighters in NYS to have 100 hours of annual inservice (plus the initial and officer training) MTO's will not be allowed.
    The NYSPFF fought very hard over 35 years ago to creat this legislation. FASNY fought very hard against it and the result is the above legislation and a divided fire service.
  20. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Want to get on the Job?   
    Here's a pretty good article about FF hiring in Virginia for those who might be looking for the job.
  21. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Care 1 EMS   
    "Skilled Nursing Facilities"
    "Assited Living Facility"
    "God's Staging Area"
  22. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in New Rochelle reduces minimum staffing for Fire Department, cites finances   
    No, 3 members per (plus DC & Aide). We use to have 4 on engines (3 on trucks) until the layoffs 20 years ago. Back then we were doing about 4,000 calls/yr. they cut the Engine manning by 25% and now we have doubled the call volume.
    Why do injury rates go up when manpower is reduce?
    When we operated with 4 member engines: The average amount of weight carried by each member when operating in standpipe buildings (we have over 500 of these) was 127 pounds. Thats including: Turnouts, SCBA and standpipe equipment.
    With 3 member engines: The average amount of weight carried by each member when operating in standpipe buildings is 154 pounds.
    We still need the same equipment to do the job, but with less personnel, each member is carrying 27 additional pounds and walking up 4-6 stories.
    Knees & backs can't take 20+ years of this.
  23. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in RIP Hal Bruno   
    For those of you that didn't know Hal he was a member of Fire Patrol & Rescue Co #1. Port Chester New York Fire Dept He was the man that changed our company from a Fire Police to a true Heavy Rescue company . In my Volunteer days we fought side by side in some of the biggest fires that hit our dept, riots of the 70's 3 story cold water flats burning on both side's of the street at the same time. He worked in the Media in the city and gave all his spare time to the company. He could not be tied down and because of this he got a job offer from Newsday to be a Politcal Journalist in Washinton D C . He also servied while in DC for the Chevy/Chase Maryland Rescue, He was one of the first on location at the Pentigon 9/11 driving that big Kenworth Rescue they had. When he retired the President of United States made him chairmen of the Fallen Firefighters Foundation because of his background in the fire servrce. He servied his Village, his Fire company, his job, and his Country ! His last trip to Port Chester he had a meeting in the city to give out monies to the NYC children and widows fund and took a Senator [?] with him to ride Rescue 40 [PCFD] for the day. My son[rescue40] had the privlege of taking them on a few runs that day and it was good to see him back in the saddle where he belonged . R.I.P. to a good Friend, and a great Firefighter. The Fire service lost a great one . Angelo
  24. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in When Do You Need A Chief?   
    Some Chiefs think most people under them are dumb.
    Other Chiefs think most people under them are smart.
  25. firefighter36 liked a post in a topic in Rye Brook FD?   
    how about for the port chester residence? They went down to one guy the other day and had a container truck on 95 on fire. The port chester chief toned out for the volunteer engine twice before calling rye because they could not get the rig out. What happens when PCFD send their engine to RBFD with the only guy working during the day and leaves PC unmaned, hoping a volunteer shows up to back fill station. It's going to take someone dying for things to change and it should be a crime, and the town board/leaders of fire department should be held criminally responsible for their actions. This doesn't come down to a paid volunteer thing it just comes down to safety for the man power operating and the safety of the residents.