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Everything posted by 64FFMJK

  1. what is more disterbing is not only the lack of cooperation between the police and ems but what almost looks like an atempt at a cover up due to the refusal to hand over an internal investigation. :angry: from the second article:
  2. the other thing that I don't think many people will think about is the effect of the lights and equipment on the alternator and batteries since that light bar has the highest draw in amps of any bar on the market. I think that it is a nice idea but wouldn't it be more of a benifit to the environment to convert the FDNY fleet to run on biodeisel than to put a handfull of "token" hybrids on the road?
  3. yes another true display of profesional behavior by fellow member of the EMS comunity :angry: personaly if I were a commisioner for one of the districts or on a town board I would ask them to remove the name from the unit since it only a contracted unit and not owned or operated by the town itself. Sorry it does look nice but the little concern of liability would concern me since when a lawsuit gets filed when that unit gets in a MVA the lawsuit will beagainst every one and sine the towns name is right there I am sure a lawyer will add them to the list.
  4. Its the cookie cutter commercial bus that are "IN STOCK" at most dealers thus if you can write a check you can get one in a matter of days or weeks instead of months. Its all about timing and the bottom line since price is also a major issue for profit driven companies.
  5. Not that it matters but if I had pulled a stupid move like that and my father found out I would have trouble walking into the court to plead guilty. Its a sad time when teachers and police have to do the jobs of parents since people don't want to take responsibilty for the actions of their children.
  6. Not exactly HE PLEAD GUILTY http://www.lohud.com/article/20090122/NEWS...3/1241/NEWS0222
  7. Yes it is more photos of it here Hudson river drill May 08
  8. I love seeing East Fishkill in action. For an all volunteer agency they act as if they train every day like setting up tarps to put tools on and usualy have a decent turnout of manpower from what I have seen. Was the truck laying across the median thus closing 84 in both directions? Great photos as usual.
  9. Arlington in Dutchess is using it. I like it so far. We have amonitor set up as soon as you walk in the door at my station so you can see who is on the way to the station or scene. it was also used to plan manpower during storm standbys by having members log into the system and update if they were avalible to respond from home or enter the hours they were avalible to be at the station for standby. I know it also has the ability to text mesage members with information but I am not sure as to the details. Deputy Cheif Pells can probably give beter details.
  10. Sure see you Monday New York State Deptartment of Corrections MAXIMUM security prison / Downstate Correctional facility If you can make it past the gate
  11. I can't take my STATE vehicle to get a meal so its in how you look at it I have this realy cool item called a lunch box. I carry enough food for 16 hours of work at all times since I can get stuck at work with out warning. So I see a fire vehicle used to get a meal as a waste of taxpayer money
  12. I wonder how many miles carrer staff put on department vehicles and fuel usage for runs to the store for food during the average shift. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME PROFESION WE NEED TO START WORKING TOGEATHER AND STOP PLAYING CARRER VS VOLUNTEER SINCE ALL THAT SEEMS TO BE DOING IS CAUSING MORE PROBLEMS
  13. and you realy think that joe on the street can tell the differance when they called an ambulance. I think not since I have been both and have first had experiances that prove that they can not.
  14. I know that Staatsburg Fire talked about retrofiting their ambulance into a rehab / suport vehicle with tents, seats, and suplies but I don't know what ever happened with the plans after I moved out of the district
  15. I was not trying to single out the Poughkeepsie Fire Dept at all. I to have worked with them in the past and will work with them in the future. I was trying to refer instead to all the Carer FF's that were bitching that the question was even asked. I am sick of all the animosity between Voluneers and paid FF's wwhen we need to work togeather at lowering the number of brothers injured and killed each year and if that means looking back at photos of a scene after the fact and trying to see what we did right, what we did wrong and what we can improve on then so be it.
  16. post with the photo in it http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopi...mp;#entry166094 Now do I think its a big deal. Yes and No. By looking at all the pics it looks like most of the FF's from City of Poughkeepsie are not wearing the straps. Now am I going to cry about i no I won't but I will raise hell the first time that they complain about the way a volunteer does something since it seems that carer FF's can do no wrong when a volunteer asks a question he gets called safty police. Maybe if we had Safty Officers at scenes then we would not have such a high number of LODD's. As I was instructed at the NYSDOCS academy once you get complacent about the job thats when you get killed. The same applies to the fire service.
  17. ver. no. r02.15.02 however A-1 stated they had to upgrade firmware when I bought it used a couple years ago. I am going to try to get it reprogramed soon since I change Depts and I dont like the way A-1 programed it in the first place. They programed a pager channel however they siad that the county tones were not long enough for the radio to open and that it opened fine when they tested it in the shop since they can generate the tones at the right lenth.
  18. I do not have a clue about programing radios however I am wondering if any of you have found a way to get the 1250 to open for the pager tones used by Dutchess County 911. I own one that I use for Fire and A-1 tried to get it to work as a pager function but couldn't.
  19. I am a new member to Arlington. I transfered to Arlington from another district when I moved into the district 6 months ago. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me and I will let you know how the application, orientation, and process work. I know that one of the two people that are in charge of recruitment is away for a couple weeks, but I will try to point you in the right direction if I can.
  20. ok is it the lighting in the photo, did it ripen after it got delivered or was the Truck repainted ?? what is the deal with the photo of the new Truck vs the spy shots posted last month???? http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=28676
  21. Friday 12/12 @ 10pm there is going to be a show called "Brink" on the Science Channel (761 on Cablevision), It is going to be about the FIt 5 Fire system. I saw a comercial for it this morning and have set my Tivo to record it. http://science.discovery.com/tv-schedules/....125922.36569.x
  22. Well thats why they are cuffed, waist chained and Leg Ironed. Notice were one of the CO's is OUTSIDE. I am suprised that there is not a trooper car next to the bus per DOC's SOP's, however I am sure that the troopers were busy at the time.
  23. I second that. How many times in the past couple years have they screwed up the forcast. Now how many of you think that the schools will all close on the forcast alone. :angry:
  24. I belive that 91, 92, 93, 96, and 97 are the only ones still in use since both of the psyc centers have been sold off by the state to some extent. IBM has contracted services from whacenhut for emergancy control
  25. Police or Peace officer could effect an arrest o a person that commits a felony or misdormenor that was witnesed. Now the problem with an ambulance or fire chief etc pulling over a individual is that you can actuly damage the case against the suspect. Police need probable cause to effect an arrest that will yeaild a good case against a suspect and what do you think a good defence lawer will do with "well the fire dept. pulled them over and I arived 2 minutes latter." most likely the case would be dismissed and the dept could even be liable fo unlawfull arrest. When I am off duty if I were to observe something I would notify the police and continue to observe the activity of events. I woud only get involved personaly if there was an iminate threat to the life of myself or an other person. As instructed at the NYS Corrections academy the best thing that any off duty officer can do is get a good over all view of what happened and then make a good witness on the stand at trial.