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Everything posted by TRUCK6018

  1. Only three? It's a daily occurance in Somers. Not too mention their tendency to blow fire police lines when were operating at MVA's.
  2. A moderator does more than just delete inappropriate posts, whether it be a member flaming or spaming. They have the capability of merging posts if there are mulitple posts on one topic. Moderators are also urged to keep forums interesting by posting new topics. Some of the moderators were appointed because of their expertise on a topic. Others, because they have way too much free time! Regardless of the reason, the goal of this moderator is to have keep an informative forum and to keep bashing to a minimum.
  3. No not a new one. It would be a used tower ladder. But like I said that's just talk right now. With any luck the new ladder truck will be in by the summer of 2005. I was thinking another department a little to the east of you that currently has a 2000 Seagrave/'Scope. That time frame wouldn't put it quite at the 10 year mark.
  4. Sounds to me like another local FD may be getting a new truck.
  5. Fire pumps will work in salt water with out any problems. The problem lies when you don't flush out the pump and waterways immidiatly following use. The salt will eat away the pump components and fittings with prolonged exposure.
  6. This must be an indication of how much "free time" we really do have!
  7. 10-30 does mean under control. I wasn't at the fire either to comment the specifics on that fire being called doubtful being followed by 10-30. What this is, is a good example on why only one person (the incident commander) should be making these calls.
  8. The answer to 4) why am I awake, must have something to do with you being at work!
  9. The Motorola III and IV pagers are intrinsically safe from the factory. If you send one out for repair, it will likely come back with a big blue sticker on it saying it is no longer rated for explosive environments. According to Motorola, the HT750 and HT1250 are intrinsically safe for use in Class I, II, III, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D per Factory Mutual requirements. The Motorola HT1000 is not intrinsically safe for explosive environments. Cell phones are not intrinsically safe Even the most common hand tools used in the fire service can be hazardous in explosive environments. For this reason there are "non-sparking" tools avalible but costly. A simple 6 piece tool set is over $200. Included in the set is a wrench, 2 pliers, regular and phillips screwdrivers, and a pry bar.
  10. Thanks Seth! It's Executive Order #35 issued on April 17, 1996. Ffdexpler I did not forget the last line. Read the last line of my last post:
  11. If you find a copy of the executive order or bill that was passed i would be honnored to see it... But i can almost garentee you wont because there is none. What are you basing your information on? I can't find the exact law BUT here it is right from the NYSP web site: Specifically the last Q & A: For the record, I stand corrected, according to the web page, it only pertains to NYSP.
  12. There was a bill (or executive order) signed by Gov. Pataki approximately two years ago limiting the use of unmarked cars. The reason for the law was because of police impersonaters hijacking cars.
  13. By the battery dying, it shouldn't have an effect on the programing. There is no secret reset button or anything similar on the Motorola pagers. There are computer programs to program the pagers but as far as the symtoms your describing it's best to have your chief send it out for repair.
  14. NO NO NO. A fire hydrant is a marker that shows the cops where to park.
  15. You can run, but you can't hide. :twisted:
  16. Space and maintainence are contributing factors in not keeping it. There is a new brush truck in the budget for 2005. Upon completion of that, the current MA-14 will likely replace the current U-5.
  17. There are no forms to speak of to register members. The county encourages it be done via internet, however, fax is acceptable. The permission slips that the chiefs fill out are brand new. Plus there are two different slips. One for courses utilizing SCBA's (FFI, FF2, etc.) and another for the rest of the courses.
  18. Boston
  19. Too Much!!!!! There's an election coming up in my town in less than two months. Would you be interested in running???
  20. The Yankees did not win for one reason only. The BoSox played better ball!
  21. Yeah huh? 8) The equiptment used in stops also comes into play. Example: Radars must be calibrated. Unmarked cars are illegal to make traffic stops (they can run radar but can not physically stop speeders). In examples where an officer makes a stop other than the one running the gun, he's making a stop on here say! If you ask for a supporting deposition, they both must write one up.
  22. Somers is not regularly served by zone 5. Zone 5 only responds in when zone 4 is unavailible.
  23. Another plus with the current scheduling is the FFI classes are being given at varying times. Example: In the past classes were limited for the most part to week nights only. Since the summer, there have been week long summer classes (2 consecutive weeks, you're done!). Varying week nights and most recently all weekend (Sat and Sun) classes. If the county keeps up this type of schedualing, there should be little reason that people can fit one in their schedule.
  24. There has been two FFI postings in the last week or so. The problem isn't just the availibility of courses and instructors (which is improving). The other problem is a maximum cut off of 20 students per class. Because of the limited class size, when the courses are posted, they fill up almost instantly. One of the last classes filled within 4 hours! The county is now trying something new to take care of that problem. Registration for classes won't start untill a week after the announcement is made. This will give all of the departments a fair shake to get students registered. Anyone can add your email to the county's list to receive the notices. The link is on the DES website or click here: After you get the announcment, talk to you chief to register you.
  25. Only one person knows what really happened (or what his intentions were). I think the ump's made the right call. Looking at the replays it definately appeared the ball was intentionally knocked out of Arroyo's glove.