Just a guy

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Everything posted by Just a guy

  1. The strength of P.O. Castillo's family should be an inspiration to us all. God Bless them and God Bless P.O. Castillo and P.O. Haworth.
  2. I dont know if PCP is a huge problem out there but dusted people getting naked in the street is a nightly occurance in yonkers. I actually had a guy last week that was so dusted that after we handcuffed him he was laying on the ground in the rain licking the pavement and saying " umm goood." He then sits up and looks at the grille of the car in front of him and starts yelling " kit are you there kit, this is michael, kit do you hear me." He them starts head banging like he's listening to metallica and began to yell " knight rider knight knight rider." It was pretty amusing, thankfully he was calm but thats almost never the case when it comes to dust
  3. This clown destefano has a history of doing stupid stuff like this. As the link to the new haven register shows, the first few senators that they polled, both dems and reps said they would not support the proposal. Even if liberal lightning strikes and this resolution passes, it is a direct violation of the constitution and would inevitably be struck down as such.
  4. New York State Senator Greg Ball has renewed the call to reinstate the death penalty in New York for anyone who murders a police officer. The link below will take you to an online petition that senator Ball has started, I would urge you all to take 2 seconds and sign or at least read up on this effort. It seems that every time a cop is killed in New York, the call is renewed for the death penalty but it never seems to get done, Hopefully this time the senate and the assembly will act quickly to make this law. Even if it deters one person from killing a cop, that's one life saved and to me that's worth it. Stay safe and stay vigilant my brothers and sisters. http://www.nysenate....lty-cop-killers
  5. I think Seal Team 6 would have been a much better "Person of the year"
  6. Rest In Peace My Brother
  7. For those of you who aren't familiar with the case, On December 9, 1981 at 0350 hours Philidelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner conducted a traffic stop at the corner of 12th Street and Locust Street. PO Faulkner was attempting to arrest Wesley Cook when Cook's brother wesley (AKA mumia abu jamal who is a confirmed black panther) ran across the street and cowardly and like the piece of s*** that he is, shot officer Faulkner in the back. PO Faulkner was able to fire one round that struck mumia in the chest. PO Faulkner then collapsed to the ground. Mumia abu jamal in a second cowardly cold blooded move then shot officer faulkner 4 times at close range including once in the face. The backup units arrived 90 seconds after the call for backup and found mumia next to officer faulkner holdig a gun, the gun that was used to murder danny faulkner. Mumia was identified by 4 witnesses as the man who murdered officer faulkner. Mumia was found guilty in 1982 and sentenced to death. In 1989 the PA Supreme Court upheld the conviction and denied a request for a retrial. The US Supreme Court refused to hear arguments on mumias claims. In 2008 a federal appeals court in their infinite wisdom ( please note the sarcasm) decided abu jamal should get a new sentencing hearing on the grounds that the instructions given to the jury in 1982 "may have been" misleading. Yesterday, the Philidelphia DA decided to not seek the death penalty again and instead chose to seek life without parole. This case had a mountain of overwhelming evidence and this mans guilt is undeniable but it seems that the pressure that was put forth by the likes of susan serandon, ed asner, maya angelou, alec baldwin, the beastie boys, harry belafonte, the black eyed peas, and the city of st. denis in france even named a friggen street after him - a street named in honor of a cop killer - UNREAL. It is no secret that society sees the lives of police officers as expendable. It seems that today it is socially "hip" to be anti cop. For those of you who took the time to read this rant I thank you. Very rarely do I let things get under my skin but I see the support for this murderer as a direct assault on myself and on police officers everywhere. Death would have been too good for this murderer but death is what he deserved. This animal gets to live out his life treated like a hero by those around him in jail but where is the justice for danny faulkner who is THE REAL HERO...
  8. A quick story that I can now tell because the captain that this happened to is long retired. After weeks of coming to roll call and giving roll call training about securing your R/C at a scene or on a traffic stop one afternoon this captain is in an unmarked yet very "police" looking impala on a traffic stop in front of FD headquarters on new school street. There happened to be a gentleman walking by the R/C who in his drug induced haze couldn't see that it had strobes flashing and a uniformed officer standing only a few feet away. This fine citizen proceeded to get in the car and start to drive away. On the radio you hear the victim captain advising headquarters that "someone just stole my radio car." The offender now realizing what he was hearing on the radio in the car was refering to him, abruptly stopped the car and began to run south on palisade avenue toward getty square. I was in uniform in those day so upon hearing the radio transmission, the 5 of us that were standing under the clock in getty square began to run north on palisade Avenue and lo and behold the suspect then ran into a wall of blue. It was not a good day for the perp but it turned out to be a good day for the cops, except the captain who should have taken a little of his own roll call training advice.
  9. This is another prime example of the general public not using their heads
  10. Our large ESU rig mainly comes out when called however it is on the road quite frequently for special assignments. ESU does operate multiple smaller ESU rigs that are on the road all the time and not only respond to truck jobs but they back us up on patrol jobs where there is the mention of a weapon, large fights etc .... There is only one of these large rigs in yonkers. I got a tour of the large rig when I was out at the ESU garage one day and it is impressive to say the least. Seeing pictures just doesn't do it justice. The amount of equipment is incredible and the crew cab is spacious and comfortable. It's a good feeling to be at a job that is going south quickly and you see and hear that rig roaring toward you... at that point you know you have the upper hand.
  11. "Where's the dingle dangle" that was pretty funny I still like him better when he was T.J. Hooker
  12. I've drank a lot of booze in my life and at one point even admittedly had a problem with it but even when I was at my worst I would never even consider doing something like this..... vodka in your a**, vodka in your eye.... people's stupidity never ceases to amaze me
  13. My thoughts and prayers go out to my brother in his time of need.... Keep fighting bro
  14. These protesters may be your friend but they certainly aren't mine. These people don't care one iota about civil servants or even the common man. There have been many media reports about small businesses in the wall street area that have had to lay people off due to the decrease in business since these miscreants have shown up. I support the constitution and people's right to protest and I don't agree with corporate greed. I think the system is broken and needs to be changed and there are ways to change it however those ways don't include running through the streets like a bunch of animals, pissing and shitting on police cars, raping, stealing,using drugs and in the case of occupy oakland, shooting people in the head. This is not an organized protest this is an occupation with no clear goal or purpose. The protesters don't care about lower taxes and higher wages because most of them DON'T WORK and DON'T WANT TO. Watch the news reports, read the signs, they want to be given what you have worked for.. they want to take money for student loans and then NOT pay them back. They believe that if I work hard and make money that it should be shared with them ... f*** THAT. There have been signs that advocate the overthrow of the government, the ending of capitalism and the rise of socialism. Rudy Guiliani said it best, "Instead of Occupying wall street, how about you occupy a job"
  15. I support the constitution and people's right to protest - HOWEVER...... You can protest peacefully and without causing trouble for the police and for the people around you that want nothing to do with the protest. It seems that these days there is a school of thinking that if you aren't causing trouble for the police then you really aren't protesting. This is no longer a protest, it is an occupation. The rights of these liberal dipshits have been protected long enough, now it's time to protest the rights of the people that actually do live in the wall street area that have had to put up with this nonsense long enough. It's time to protect the rights of the struggling small business owners who have to try to keep these people out of their bathrooms because they are using then to bathe. The crime in and around zuccotti park is increasing as is the boldness of the protesters. They have erected tents which is against the rules of the park but they cry and hide behind the constitution whenever someone tries to correct them. This is not an organized protest anymore this is just a subversive subculture that accomplishes nothing. It is time that the NYPD ends this occupation now and return the wall street area back to the citizens who ACTUALLY live there.
  16. This is just another example of how dumb the general public can be. This reminds me of the "white powder letter epidemic when we were getting 30-40 calls a day for "suspicious letters with white powder in them." People would bring them into the precinct and dump the powder on the desk before the desk man could say anything. We eventually had to put a sign on the door that read " if you are here about a suspicious letter, please leave the letter outside the door and then you can come inside the door."
  17. I say shame on the department for taking such a hard line on this. I am so proud of everyone and all the businesses and companies that have gone pink to support breast cancer. One of the above posters mentioned something about dinosaurs and I think thats more than likely what this is... some old backward thinking that is not allowing these guys to wear pink. All departments in the emergency service need good public relations and supporting breast cancer awareness month is a great way to do that but now the backward thinking has turned something positive into a black eye for the department.....
  18. I'm glad the jury was able to see past the defenses' sickening attempts at justification. These 2 are savages who don't deserve to walk amongst the living anymore or breathe the same air we do. Although savage 1 has already been sentenced to death and I'm pretty sure savage 2 will also be sentenced to death, I don't think the state of Connecticut will ever get a chance to execute them. If there ever was a death penalty case this is it but i think politics will get in the way of the executions
  19. It has to do with people posing as cops and committing various crimes but as I said before it is a knee jerk reaction to say "don't use unmarked cars." This past weekend I drove up to massachusets and I observed many CT Troopers and Mass Troopers in unmarked cars doing traffic stops. Like I said before, they are an essential part of the business.
  20. Most departments utilize unmarked cars for patrol, traffic enforcement or for plain clothes operations. The executive order was a bad idea then and it's a bad idea now. This is another example of politicians that know nothing about policing sticking their nose where it doesn't belong... politicians should stick to politics and leave policing to the cops. Unmarked cars are an essential part of the business. Yes there have been cases of people getting pulled over by fake cops but the answer in no way was to limit the use of unmarks. If you go by that thinking, there have been a lot of cases of people doing home invasions dressed as plain clothes cops and the answer to that isn't to limit an agencies use of plain clothesmen.
  21. Ive been to tons of domestics but this is some low down dirty s***
  22. I have just read the articles in which the commissioner makes the claim to have this capability. First off, he wouldn't say it if he didn't have it because that would mean his job. Second, if they have it then the feds already know about it and acknowledge the need for it.... the NYPD isn't going to and could not purchase S.A.M.S. or anti aircraft batteries without the knowledge of the armed forces. I would hate to think that we would ever get to that point again where we would have to consider shooting down an aircraft but I am glad to know that the capability exists to do so if needed... this is a sad reality of the world we live in but it is what it is and we have to deal with it
  24. Just a follow up to my post of Yesterday, Last night I had in service and I had the opportunity to use the Doron driving simulator and the FATS machine. The driving simulator is an exact mockup of the inside of the radio car including computer and radios. There are 6 screens to give you a panoramic view as you are driving. THe machine reacts exactly as a car would. We were only doing accident avoidance drills but it was still very good. The fats machine was unreal. I am told that the machine we have is top of the line. This is the closest thing to being in a real situation. They even gave us a flashlight to use and when the scenario started it was in a dark stairwell but when I turned the flashlight on, it lit the screen up just as it would in reality. The machine has a debrief mode where you replay the scene and it tells you your shot placement, and how long it took you to react to the first shot from the suspect. There are also no shoot scenarios, double threat scenarios. etc.... This training is some of the best that I have had in 13 years and I hope to get some more time on the machine in the near future