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Posts posted by MoFire390

  1. And the Director of Homeland Security does not oversee EMS. The county ran at least 12 mass decon classes for the volunteer Fire & EMS agencies. Very good turnout from volunteer fire. Actually everyone was shocked at how good the turnout was. The VAC's were a no-show. They were response. They were offered training at their buildings for there schedule (day, evening, weekend) response, so they were never trained in mass decon.

    Good thing we are "key" in a terror attack.

    Anyone know how many taxpayers commute to NYS each day, that in an attack might be coming back contaminated?

    How many are volunteers in Westchester, is another interesting question.

    this is the first I am hearing about this. Knew that the Montrose VA went up with Haz-Mat 3. From my understanding it was an invite only party.

  2. What's there to elaborate on? Couple of the folks looked pretty bummed out...when i asked what was up they voiced confusion/concern as to what was going on w/ the company. I felt bad because i remember what it was like working commercial and companies being sold/taken over/changing hands and the stress that brings to many. Am i not allowed to be a nice guy?

    I'm sorry. I miss read your post. Yes, some of us look like we have lost our dog. Especially with recent changes in the schedual. The crews out of the fishkill station aren't as happy as we used to be. But, thats another story for another day.

  3. Commercial EMS is commercial EMS. I'm not really sure anyone is judging any individual providers but you need to take into account that the company in question has some pretty muddy history. I had an issue during an encounter w/ the company in question which i chalk up to the individuals on that crew - it happens. That said, i always felt bad for some of the guys i saw working Care 1 - many of them always look so sad/unhappy. Hopefully things get better for you guys as things level out.

    do you care to elabrate???

  4. Just to clarify, their Mutual aid assignment for tankers tankers was 1st Goldens Bridge, Croton Falls, Pound Ridge, Vista and Ridgefield, CT. Their next tanker would likely have been from Somers, Katonah, Bedford Hills, New Canaan, Yorktown, Banksville and/or Armonk. E142 from vista was their pond relay engine with 2403 from Pound Ridge as the Water Officer.

    thank you kyle...I didnot read the I/A was just going on what the Tanker Taskforce is. and was hoping to get some of it correct

    firedude likes this

  5. A mile of supply line? That's quite a distance. Hate to be the poor probies tasked with picking it up, especially if it was icy. How many pumpers were used in that line, or how was it structured with pools, tankers, etc?

    Thank you for any additional info you could provide. Or anybody else wants to pipe in here, please feel free, especially if you were there, and your fingers have thawed enough to be able to type.

    I agree with the recent poster who talked about using Class A foam to "stretch" that water supply. Very good post.

    None of this is meant as MMQBing ( but get ready for somebody to post "we've posted about this before!" B) lol

    Capt to answer your question to some extent. I believe South Salem falls into the "Tanker Taskforce" catagory. So they get a tanker from Vista, a Tanker from Banksville, A tanker from Croton Falls, A tanker from New Cannan CT, a tanker from Millpond CT, and their tanker. If I'm not mistaken they use one of their own engine as the pond relay engine. (I dont know what the location looks like if it was up hill I would think they would need another engine in there somewhere to help get the water up hill.) I'm not sure who they used as the source pumper for refilling the tankers I believe there is a fill site at South Salem's firehouse. Hope this gives you a good idea capt.

    Side note: Sounds like the boys and gals from South Salem had a tough fight. Hope all was safe.

  6. He did do his research. That is what he found. If he is mistaken, please correct him with the proper information.

    that is correct. the three men who bought the company have many nursing homes. Care1EMS is NOT licensed in NJ. only in PA, and NY. The new owners are trying very hard to expand the territory they have now. Many changes are comming along. I have also heard a possible bid for the Putnam ALS contract when it comes up. The new owners have been intouch with other companies to get a better working relationship between companies. Considering we are all in the same line of work and are here to help people. I hope my input helps sorry it took so long to respond.


    effd3918 likes this

  7. DISPATCH: 60 Control to _______VAC, **M1, _____ Main St, 2nd floor unkown medical.

    Unit: **B2 enroute, **M1 enroute

    60 Control: K both units responding @ time....Units be advised pt has blue hands and blue feet...

    UNKOWN UNIT: I sure hope he was finger painting

    **M1: (laughing) 10-4 on the blue hands and blue feet.

    **11: 60 control show me enroute to the Blue hands and blue feet call

    60 control: 10-4 Capt. got u enroute (voice in the background.) He wants to finger paint too!!!

    **11: Yes I do. Is that ok with you???

    60 Control: thats a negative Capt. as long as you make me something pretty.

    **11: 10-4 Making you something pretty.

    BFD1054 and ems-buff like this

  8. No idea what you're referring to... best one ever was the foot injury in the HVHC parking lot at like 3am...

    You: "39M1 to 60 Control."

    Me: "60 Control is on."

    You: "John, are you serious?"

    Me: "Yup, she is standing in the ER entrance awaiting your arrival."

    Lmao...I remember hearing that!!!!!

    John u have to have more then that...I mean I hear you all the time busting someone you know's chops.

  9. Sorry everyone, but i want to discuss a topic that is a big pet pieve of mine: Freelancing or "buffing" of calls.

    Manpower is always a hot topic here on EMTBravo and rightfully so. But i want to discuss another form of manpower, the kind that just shows up.

    Why is this (or at least seems to be) an accepted practice in many areas? Time and time again, i see members of agencies that havent even been requested showing up to fires.

    Better yet, i see members of agencies who HAVE been requested who show up on scenes in their POV's. If your agency is requested M/A for an engine, Truck, FAST, etc, why wouldnt/shouldnt you go to your respective station to "staff" the apparatus? Wouldnt it make more sense for EVERYONE to know who they have and if they can properly fill out the request?

    It seems that there is way too much freelancing that occurs. This leads to a less uniform response and operation.

    More importantly, it leads to lack of accountability and makes for a free-for-all on the fireground.

    Im just curious what other members think of this, or does nobody else see it as an issue? Perhaps some of you feels its an acceptable practice?

    This is obviously a volunteer issue. But any of the career members on here, please, feel free to chime in with your thoughts.

    Im curious if any agencies have SOPs/SOGs regarding this?

    Personally, i feel if people are found to be freelancing, they should be sent packing from the scene.

    Manpower is great, but only good if its known/recorded.

    Ideas, thoughts, opinions?

    Thank you and stay safe!

    Mikey, I must say I'm not a big fan of "buffing" calls. While at one point I have been guilty of "buffing" a few calls it kinda drives me crazy that I would ever think of something like this. While having a family now I understand the importance of staying home and letting the host department "play". If the pager goes off then I'll go. But the days of me leaving home without the pager going off is over.

  10. This came up on another thread, so lets look at this issue.

    Hopefully everyone understands the importance of this issue.

    How does your department handle accountability?

    And does it really account for your personnel?

    Do you handle the 1st rig or 2 different than once you have established a "full" command structure?

    How are mutual aid agencies addressed?

    How do you account for members (career or volunteers) who arrive on-scene without apparatus (i.e. buffing, POV, call back, etc.)?

    Good topic...

    Montrose we have different color tags to ID interior, from exterior firefighters. Interior- Green Exterior- Red. Usually a deputy chief or Chief gets the tags of the firefighters who are operating inside the structure, members riding the rigs usually tag out on the pump panel so the driver knows who was on his rig. we also have our names on both our helmets, and coats. as well as having our badge numbers as our identifier for our company issued protables.

    Mutal aid companies I'm not too sure about sorry I cannot answer that question. I will attempt to find out for you.

  11. Hey all im posting this here as it pertains to the topic. I would like to know if someone could point me in the right direction as to start a program where school districts with small budgets are able to recive AED's to be placed in their buildings. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Again I'm not sure if there is something out there like this already. would just love to help some schools out who really need it.



  12. MoFire, I think you might be missing the point of the thread. They aren't asking for the standards for equipment on a rescue truck. They are looking for the standard of manning and training requirement of that manpower on the apparatus, across the board in Westchester County. All the fancy equipment in the world is useless without capable personnel to use it when the need arises. A rescue company is a total different thing than a rescue truck.

    Unfortunatly, the need to have the newest and shiniest apparatus and equipment to flaunt in parades has taken the focus off the need for manpower with skills and knowledge capable to use that equipment successfully.

    was acutally looking to answer some of the other questions that were asked on here. but since u just so happened to quote me i guess i will add what i think.

    1. i thought that FDNY Rescue companies do alot of specialty work such as tech rescue, and could be utlized as a truck company to do search and rescue at a fire.

    2. i see where this is gonna lead, and like every other topic its gonna come down to paid vs vollie. because vollies dont have as much training as career staff. it gets kinda old and seems to be popping up more and more frequently. i know im not the only one tired of seeing it.

    x129K, peterose313 and texastom791 like this

  13. Not for nothing but if the patient wants to video his care and not allow me to do my job as an EMT to help him. Then I believe I have the right to ask him to turn off his/her phone. and you can be sure I will be documenting the incident in my PCR.

    There have been many times where i've had patient's family members ask me over the phone what's going on. I explain to them that if they would like to speak with me they can do so at the hospital. patient privicy is one thing that i respect. regardless if they are family of not. I have a pt that i pick up on a daily basis everytime we leave her room she puts the blanket over her own head. So I asked her one day why she does it. and her statement to me was she hated when peope looked at her on the strecher. and that it made her feel uncomfortable.

  14. Its not like he passed his interior ff class or better yet competed on an entrance exam. I would think its Physically impossible for him to stretch the 5 lengths from the rear top of a typical engine. If his boss tells him to grab a six foot hook, so he grabs an 8 instead. And there's always ladders for the other stuff!

    REALLY???? members on here have educated us about members of FD's that are short and have been more then capable of doing their job.

  15. From what I know, and I'm sure the chief can verify once he knows more on here is that we settled with the insurance company and are looking to move foward as fast as possible to replace our rig. We are obviously looking to KME to replace R35 and I have seen some drawings of possible replacements.

    Will keep you posted as the info becomes available.

    i hope u guys get a new truck quickly. good luck i hope everything works out

  16. I've known you for a long with that know I'm open and honest with communication so here it goes.

    Hate to tell you..but you're the one that is dead wrong. You just called someone out that you have no idea who they are..which I do...and you couldn't have missed the boat more on that one my friend. I have to wonder..I pretty much say the same thing he just did all the why not call me out?

    Now moving along...I always like when cute little quips come out. First...professional providers bust their rear just as hard...which by the way if I remember correctly you work as a professional in the field. raising awareness of issues that many other won't for the lack of a better term "man up" to, he is being part of the solution by using facts and caring about service. The public and those of us who are forced to wait for ambulances don't give a damn (sorry but that's the word I feel needs to be used) that you or anyone else feels they are busing their rear to do the best you can. This isn't making a delivery or service call to get cable installed or fixed...this is public safety which their are standards that should be adhered to. Most of us are understanding that mutual aid at times will take place...but to me this should be 1% or less of total call volume. So yes...I often do have a problem with substandard inconsistent service. So know what? Is it too bad for me? Or too bad for the public when there are agencies who can find money in budgets and have billing opportunities to have a more consistent service? But what do I know...I'm a professional who when I wake up tomorrow I will be focused on nothing more then my profession and as part of the solution raising awareness of coverage issues..will be labelled anti volunteer, and apparently now unknowing of the hardships of those volunteers trying to cover calls with limited manpower.... Oh part of the solution right? Here's a solution...stop worrying about control, pride or whatever else holds up progress and hire staffing.

    so if im not doing my best what am i doing??? my career is that of an EMT in a commerical agency. but that isnt realivent. Am I or any other volunteer Emergency Medical Service personal becoming a neusance in a field that should be run by a career staff??? because pretty much thats how ur post is starting to read. there is a key word that some people keep missing and thats VOLUNTEER...I've been one for 8 years on the EMS side and 6 almost 7 years on the fire side.

    KRF, if in any way i offended u please allow me to appoligize in person. feel free to pm me would love to meet with u.