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Everything posted by 27east

  1. so then where does the WCFTC do their live training?
  2. possibly a spare? or mabye a second haz-mat unit?
  3. are these overtime personnel?
  4. I think the current Res1cue would become a spare.
  5. I was looking for some basic infomation on Fairview. I know that they have two stations, 174 & 175 Engines, Ladder 1 and Rescue 3. But I was wondering which Engine is at Station 2 and then really about staffing. Which rigs do the officers ride on? I don't think there is a duty officer's car like some of the other combo departments have. Thanks all, Enjoy the weekend...we sure need the rain that's comming....
  6. In the article I was reading today about David Lee Roth taking over for Stern, he is pictured in front of an OLM bus, with the caption saying he is an EMT, but the first line of the article calls him a paramedic. Unbelieveable. That always happens in the papers. K-rock, LIR...all good stations...GONE...
  7. thanks x635! Is there a Ltu/Capt as well on the engines or truck? Also, what is their manpower like? How many on what?
  8. Does Lifeline still have the agreement with OLM to do the private transports (not 911 - OLM EMS does that)?
  9. At this time, I do not believe that Citiwide has any contracts with any of the voluntary hospitals in the FDNY EMS 911 system.
  10. LOL Skooter.... we also have fire and the wheel here in NYS
  11. The Journal News has managed to make bad WORSE.
  12. Park Place Bagels Park Place, Bronxville Quite possibly the best place Bronxville has to offer us
  13. Lotus King Mill Road, Eastchester
  14. Is the FAB in a separate location? Also who are Cars 1, 1A, and 3 and is Car 6 a FAB truck similar to Hartsdale's? Thanks.
  15. I think its down in the Dominican Republic.
  16. I can't get them in at all. I get no tone, no voice on 33.96. All I get is the company calling 10-4 that they got the run. (I'm in Eastchester, I used to get them just fine, but 46.06 has always been bad.)
  17. Does NYSEG have locations in Northern Westchester, or do they run out of Putnam? thanks
  18. Great book: I have the last three....(and will get this one as well)
  19. I was reading another thread on here (http://emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=5680&st=0) and I came across a post that said Indian Point was not in Buchanan's first-due area. Whose is it? And is there a on-site fire brigade? I think I read once that there is a plant out in Jersey that has a paid on-site brigade? Thanks all.
  20. It's good to hear that the State Police are up there in addition to Plant Security. I remember watching News 12 once and they were doing a report on the plant, and during the live broadcast, a Trooper pulls up and chases the reporter away, saying it was a restricted area or something to that effect. (I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was hysterical.)
  21. I'm guessing that the brigade is made up of plant employees who have other jobs at the facility, not a paid, seperate group? I'll try to find that article I had read about the paid fire service at another plant. BTW: cant beat the response to the question...within 7 minutes I had two replies. NICE job guys!
  22. LONG TIME!!! since I last heard that
  23. WOW! thats alot of runs!!! how big is the area that 33 covers?
  24. x635, Glad to hear you had a great trip...I was wondering though, how busy is the LACoFD? I know that they have taken over fire protection in some of the small cities in the County and I'm curious as to roughly how many runs they get out there at some of those more rural stations.
  25. Coldstone is WAY to expensive and then to wait on that line...really not worth it.