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  1. 27east liked a post in a topic by ONEEYEDMIC in America is not broke   
    I hope nobody is counting Catholic School as a private school! I know for a fact that Catholic Teachers get paid crap! After tenure, public school teachers are making more than most cops in Westchester at top pay! I wish the Catholic school system paid like that!
  2. 27east liked a post in a topic by Stepjam in Wisconsin Senate GOP Votes to Strip State Workers of Collective Bargaining Rights   
    I'm a Union member, have been for 25 years, and also served for 15 years as a steward. I am also a slightly right-of-center Republican, and have been for my entire voting life. Thanks to Obama and Crew, I will remain so.
    That said, as a Republican I am embarassed by the Draconian measures undertaken in Wisconsin, and because of them I have no doubt that four years from now, Wisconsin will be just as left-wing looney as the People's Republic of Vermont, or the Commune-wealth of Massachusetts. I also believe this misguided sledgehammer approach will be overtuned in court, because it tramples the civil rights of those workers.
    I am also highly embarassed by Sarah Palin and lately, John McCain. But they are only temporary.
  3. 27east liked a post in a topic by ptwatson in Ossining, county mark start of historic police merger   
    Would it be a cost saving measure if all Westchester Town and Villages changed over to the County PD? In my personal opinion I think it would be great but I'm no expert. I would imagine that the cities would/should continue to police themselves. However, there so many PD's in Westchester. I'm curious if it would be a better system. I'm a big fan of mergers that could save tax dollars while still providing the same great service.
  4. 27east liked a post in a topic by mfc2257 in America is not broke   
    The rest of America calls that a storm drain. A sewer takes waste water from your home and processes it for cleanliness. A storm drain takes runoff and at best has a basic catch mechanism for debris that rolls in off the street. You cleaned debris from a storm drain.
  5. 27east liked a post in a topic by helicopper in America is not broke   
    I stand by my post. I said foreign aid was tens of billions of dollars and it is. I still think it should be reduced (not elminated).
  6. 27east liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in America is not broke   
    So, By your thinking, without my union, the NYC PBA, since 1998 I would have gotten only about a 4% pay increase in the last 13 years. When times were good and the money was flowing on Wall Street, the City of New York had the balls to tell cops and firefighters "sorry, we have no money for pay raises", but I remember Mayor Giuliani giving himself close to a 50% pay increase saying " We need to attract the best possible candidates". Sounds good to me, NOT. My Union tried to negotiate every two years, and the city would drag its feet every time, with the city refusing to negotiate. Every contract ended up in binding arbitration (which could go either way, in fact that was the reason for the $25,000 starting pay a couple of years ago). Even after 9/11 with public support for cops and firefighters at an all time high the city told us to go scratch.. they had no money. How about getting rid of the politicians pension, which they get after one term in office, or their health care, which is better than ours. PS my union provides my dental and eye care, not my employer.
    Without my union I would have to re-qualify on weapons my job requires me to carry on my own time (a day off), but I would have to stay for the whole day, not when I am finished.
    Without my union, I could be judged, and actions taken against me for lack of summons/arrest activity (quota bill)
    Without my union I would have no recourse to complain about substandard conditions we are forced to work in. Ever been in a NYC police precinct, most are falling apart.
    Without my union I would have no legal representation for actions taken at work, even if I did nothing wrong in the course of my employment.
    I could go on an on. So why is my union a bad thing.
  7. 27east liked a post in a topic by x129K in America is not broke   
    You are in the wrong place to be spouting anti-union rhetoric.
  8. 27east liked a post in a topic by Stepjam in Free Speech Is Not Always What We Want To Hear   
    I heartily support the right of an individual to burn our flag, especially if they wrap themselves in it beforehand.
  9. 27east liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in Events of the Past 48 Hours   
    While I also don't know the details of what transpired, nor do I care, I think everyone forgets one thing. This is a private board. Participation by any and all members is at the sole discretion of the board’s owner/operator/staff. The have the absolute right to ban/censor/limit any discussions/topics/etc.
    While I not always agreed with the actions taken on particular topics in the past, I am conscious of the fact that we use this board with the consent of the operators.
    The concepts that a private board is censored dosen’t hold much water. As with any private organization, if you don't like the rules, you essentially have two options. Find another board or start your own. I can only imagine a significant amount of work went into developing this board, and I'm sure you'll find out exactly how much if you try and start your own.
  10. 27east liked a post in a topic by JM15 in Member Issues   
    Well if we are going to talk about it what rules were violated?
  11. 27east liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in (Discussion) Montrose Fire 2-23-11   
    If Buchanan was only called for their cascade unit, there is no reason those responding on it have to be strucutal firefighters, since that is not what they were called for. Other cascade units in Westchester respond staffed by non-firefighters (Greenburgh CD comes to mind).
    If manpower is needed (this isn't specific to this call or to Montrose so don't jump down my throat) then an IC can and usually does call for it. Sounded like enough personnel were there to handle this fire, so stop the hating.
    16fire5 - you're right, people have to right to ask about an incident to learn from it, but if people are on here just to "stir the pot," nobody benefits from that. And you are a smart enough guy to realize when that pot is being stirred. There are far fewer incident discussions, photos shared or even discussions of any kind on here anymore because everyone is a critic and a lot of these "critics" have personal agendas.
    As far as I'm concerned, "all the chips fell into place" for this fire. I've been to a few fires caused in the same manner as this one, and they've resulted in the destruction of rooms and total homes. The homeowner was fortunate that someone drove by and saw the fire, got her out of the house, the FD had a quick response and the fire was mostly contained to the exterior of the home.
    She's lucky and Montrose deserve's a pat on the back. Ignore the haters.
  12. 27east liked a post in a topic by irishfire2491 in Senate bill could allow guns in libraries, parks, arenas, etc   
    If you dont like the new bill move to Westchester, Where you can't get a Full Carry!
  13. 27east liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Senate bill could allow guns in libraries, parks, arenas, etc   
    I have no problem with people carrying firearms in public. It's done in other states and they don't have many reported issues.
  14. 27east liked a post in a topic by jjpinto in (Photo) Ardsley's New Ladder 50   
    Photo of New Ladder 50

  15. 27east liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Ghost Lettering On Fire Vehicles   
    So sorry that you feel that my safety question is such a downer. Dont worry, I will not invite you to one.
  16. 27east liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Ghost Lettering On Fire Vehicles   
    Makes it easier to sneak up on those pesky fires.
    Serioulsy I don't get it. Perhaps a well known chief from one of the more "popular" departments can chime in being that he is a member here. He runs around AOR in an unmarked black Suburban or Expedition. Perhaps he can answer these questions.
  17. 27east liked a post in a topic by PEMO3 in Ghost Lettering On Fire Vehicles   
    With so many members of the public complaining about vehicles being "out of district" the ghost lettering concept could have its benefits. Not easily spotted in a parking lot, on the highway, etc when the light are not activated.
  18. 27east liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Ghost Lettering On Fire Vehicles   
    Makes it harder to id after you cut off other cars causing MVA's.
  19. 27east liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Ghost Lettering On Fire Vehicles   
    Cause it looks cool that they can only see us at night. And looking cool is the most important feature in a response vehicle.
  20. 27east liked a post in a topic by WCFCX613 in New Rochelle 2/14/2011 Church Fire Discussion   
    ' Let me finish by saying I am not looking for fights or hurt feelings and have absolutely no stake in the million dollar toy that collects more dust than mileage, I am just interested in the thought process that would not consider a Mobile Command/Field Comm unit an asset on such a large operation. Lets face it the IC did a great job regardless. '
    YES, You Are 100% Correct, The IC Did A GREAT Job At This Multi-Alarm Fire. I Just Question The Wisdom Of Spending So Many $$$$ On This Vehicle And NOT Utilizing It At Major Fires, Disasters, Etc. I Worked For Westchester County DES In It's Fledgling Days With Austere Budgets And It Seems Like BIG Amounts Of Federal Funds And Taxpayer Dollars Were Spent On Purchasing Many Vehicles
    ( Other Than New Training Engine & Ladder ) That Are NOT Utilized For Maximum Effect. I Serve On An Advisory Board In A New Jersey County That ALSO Spends Lots Of Money On Specialized Vehicles And Equipment But Uses Same To Maximum Efficiency Without Over Duplication !!!!!! I.E. The County Field Comm. Unit Is Staffed By Members Of The Sheriff's Department And Responds To POLICE/FIRE/EMS Incidents 24/7 !!!!!! FYI The County Is Also Building A 35 Million Dollar Dispatch Center At Our Fire Academy That Will Be State Of The Art And Have The Capability Of Dispatching Every POLICE/FIRE/EMS Agency In The County !!!!!! Why Does Westchester Maintain Two Different Dispatch Centers For County Fire And County Police ????
  21. 27east liked a post in a topic by x152 in (Topic Closed) New Haven Black Bear Saloon Incident   
    Which is exactly why the facts of the story should be affirmed prior to public rants.
    I have known the Fire Fighter in question as a friend for over 20 years and have no doubt to HIS integrity. Much like 99.9% of the people pushing this boycott, I was NOT present when the issue arose.
    I am just amazed at how quiet HE is about this and how many OTHER people are running hastily all over the internet without having much detail.
    My organization has worked with these establishments on numerous occasions and have found them to be very friendly to assisting public safety officers. I would hate for the actions of one or two morons to be portrayed as being part of an organized discrimination campaign by a business.
    Looking at what I have heard and read, there appears to be something missing from story. In 2011, for a large business to openly refuse entrance to people because they are of Asian decent, seems to be like trying to put your tongue on the third-rail?
    I could be wrong, but was there any attempt to sit-down with a representative of management (and I am not talking about the bar manager on duty that night) trying to discuss the issue before this thing was shot out of the canon?
    With respect to my quiet and humble friend, it appears that it may have been more prudent and systematic steps that could have been taken, prior to others using his face and background with a viral internet surge.
    Every organization has its misfits, morons, criminals and malcontents (the Yankees have a full roster). However, it is stretch to suggest that the Company is condoning the behavior without the Company having an opportunity to be aware of the behavior and discipline/terminate those responsible and make amends with those harmed.
    The internet posts and Facebook pages were created by Sunday at noon, this incident happened on Saturday night. Kind of hard to allow for a response or answer to a complaint and allow for information to be digested or processed.
    Kind of like prejudicing an entire Fire Department or Police Department because of one bad member or Officer.
  22. 27east liked a post in a topic by WCFCX613 in New Rochelle 2/14/2011 Church Fire Discussion   
    Other Than Public Safety Displays And Parades What Is The Purpose Of The Westchester County DES Field Communication Unit ? A LOT Of Federal Funds Were Spent On This Purchase And I NEVER See It Respond To Multi-Alarm Fires Or Conflagrations In The County !!!
  23. 27east liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in New Rochelle 2/14/2011 Church Fire Discussion   
    I'm not at work so I can't look this up and verify it, but here's what I recall from memory... (NRFD guys please feel free to correct me)
    Initial was probably the usual 3 & 2: E21, E22, E24, TL11, L12, 2302
    10-75 would be E23, 30A1, 2301
    2nd Alarm would be E25, L13, MSU3 with a backfill of 1 & 1 to Station 1 (Pelham & Pelham Manor) and 1 & 1 to Station 3 (Greenville & White Plains)
    3rd Alarm would be another 1 & 1 with an additional backfill (Fairview & Hartsdale)
    4th Alarm would be another 1 & 1?
    5th Alarm would be another 1 & 1?
    I believe NRFD had 2301, 2302, 2303, E18, E21, E22, E23, E24, E25, TL11, L12, L13, L14, R4, U91, MSU3 on scene.
    Greenville E150, Town of Mamaroneck E36, Larchmont TL7, White Plains TL6 on location.
    Pelham Manor E1, Pelham L2, Fairview E174, Hartsdale L46 covering several other runs.
    Eastchester normally is involved early on, but last I knew TL17 is OOS. Again, if I am wrong, let me know.
    I think Larchmont's TL7 was special called to the scene, which IMHO is a smart move. If you're going to prolonged master streams, Towers are much safer than straight sticks. (From what I recall in training with Lt. Mike Wilbur, FDNY)
    It sucks that a historic building, especially a church, had to burn down like this. At least all of the brothers there went home safe at the end of the shift.
    Good job NRFD.
  24. 27east liked a post in a topic by ONEEYEDMIC in (Topic Closed) New Haven Black Bear Saloon Incident   
    I know the owners and many employees of their establishments. Has someone tried to contact management and tell them what happened? I know for a fact they will/would not put up with something like this. They have always been pro cop/ff/ems. They hold most of the 10-13 Benefits here in Westchester and almost always the employees give whatever they make to who the benefit is for. We also don't know both sides to the story! Just keep an opened mind until the whole story comes out!