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Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing

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Folks, a rare treat...... this is probably the most intelligent point that I have read on this site in the last two years. And in the same thread, another poster directs those ignorant of Islam to learn from the unquestionable source for all things factual- Youtube!!! Classic, and one of the dumbest things I have read on here in two years. Why not add Wikipedia as well? You can go on Youtube and find all kinds of groups (or "friends" thereof) that post junk. I can't beleive that after all these years, there are still people that believe that "it's on the internet, so it must be true".

I agree. The internet has stuff that's made up, false, hearsay and so on. I used Youtube because it also contains alot of easy-to-find valid info. Allen West is a retired Colonel and member of Congress. I wouldn't have cited it if I wasn't sure and I should have made that clear, Thanks for bringing that up, fireguy43 and PR5012.

Just so ya know, EMT Bravo is the internet too!

Edited by wraftery
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Yes, I think your math makes sense. We'll probably never know the true number, but 5-10% does indeed seem reasonable. And I think we can both agree that no number, bent on Holy War, is acceptable. No one disputes that.

My point was, is it reasonable to treat the other 95% as terrorists? And by treat, I mean, discriminate against them? That was the only point I was trying to convey.

Actually we from time to time get some hints. For instance after the London Subway bombings there was a poll of muslims in the UK and a shocking number felt the country deserved it or was partly responsible. What alarms many of us is although there are few willing to carry out attacks there are plenty willing to fund them, look the other way, and feel they are justified.

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Just so ya know, EMT Bravo is the internet too!

So your post most be true......hehehehe :D

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So your post most be true......hehehehe :D

It may not even be my post.

You could be hacking my computer, Barry

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It may not even be my post.

You could be hacking my computer, Barry

I believe this was done before Chief? NO? You really do need the $3K to get home? :ph34r:

Edited by Firediver

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Any one read or even hear of "44 Ways"? How about who Jihad JAne is? or even Anthony Joseph Tracy? I can not express the level of HATRED these radical Islamists have for us "Infidels" from the West. If you really put your nose in the books and on some sites and read, the FACTS that are laid out are absolutely astonishing and mind-blowing on who met who where and how long ago (most never even make the news). What does a radical islamist really look like? dark hair, brown eyes olive skin, middle eastern descent? What about Blonde hair blue eyes? The homegrown threat is just as real. Terrorism is a thinking enemy moving through the path of least resistance. Scum bag Al- awlaki has become a household name and IMO IS the #1 threat right now and to think we actually gave him a scholarship to school here as a foreigner not an american (as he was born right here in New Mexico). :ph34r:

WE have the watches, but THEY have the time!!!! Please never forget that!

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WE have the watches, but THEY have the time!!!! Please never forget that!

Nice post Hurley. I just wanted to point out another saying: "We have to succeed 100 percent of the time in stopping terrorists before they pull off their sick plans. They only have to succeed once."

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Who knew the attack on the USS Cole was the 2nd attempt? The first was on the USS The Sullivans in Jan of that same year but their little boat sank (guess they had their kapoks on, DAMN!). After 9/11 we as a country backed Pres. Bush in the fight against these extremists with an open check book and IMHO we failed, we made significant progress since but the threat is still real and alive (regardless of what some think), How in the world are we going to win with Pres. Obama (not being political just he is the guy in the seat now) who is on a short leash? :ph34r:

If we spend ALL our time looking in the rear view mirror we will NEVER see the accident coming!!!!

Lastly, some food for thought (and this goes for everyone regardless of your profession) How do we know what we don't know?

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I believe this was done before Chief? NO? You really do need the $3K to get home? :ph34r:

Yes I was. What a pain in the Wazoo.

But I think some guys paid the guy to KEEP me from coming home.

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They're doing it again, this time in Texas at a Six Flags. Better watch out for those hijab wearing ladies. It's my understanding Six Flags has no policy restricting headgear. I noticed CAIR is one of the sponsors. CAIR has a long history of relationships with "shady" groups around the globe. I can't help but think, this is a well organized stunt to pull this off in many parts of the country, as the 10th Remembrance of 9/11 approaches, and all of a sudden all the muslims wanna go out and ride the rides.....hmmmm

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They're doing it again, this time in Texas at a Six Flags. Better watch out for those hijab wearing ladies. It's my understanding Six Flags has no policy restricting headgear.

After the 1st one gets it caught in the wheels of a roller coaster, I suspect they will have a policy. Can the group then riot for not discriminating against them?

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Nice post Hurley. I just wanted to point out another saying: "We have to succeed 100 percent of the time in stopping terrorists before they pull off their sick plans. They only have to succeed once."

Just to get the quote right Cap it was "Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always."

The speaker was Patrick McGee – the IRA bomber who blew up the Grand Hotel in Brighton, in an attempt to assassinate Margaret Thatcher & her cabinet.

Still, worth remembering.


Edited by abaduck

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After the 1st one gets it caught in the wheels of a roller coaster, I suspect they will have a policy. Can the group then riot for not discriminating against them?

The sad fact is If nothing happens then they will claim that they were picked on only because of their religious dress. The problem is you have two amusement parks. One is a modern park that was constructed to the latest safety standards and may or may not need the restrictions that Playland has in place. Playland was built in the twentys were the only real standards were in the mind of the architect. There has been some modernization over the years but the Dragon Coaster was one of the original rides.

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Just to get the quote right Cap it was "Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always."

The speaker was Patrick McGee – the IRA bomber who blew up the Grand Hotel in Brighton, in an attempt to assassinate Margaret Thatcher & her cabinet.

Still, worth remembering.


Thanks for the history Mike, but I've heard many similar sayings from our FBI both before and after 9/11. Did they plagiarize it a bit? Maybe, but the point remains the same. It's just your quote came from one of the IRA bombers, mine comes from one of the good guys (just please don't ask me for a name, I'll have to rummage through a dozen books lol).

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Should've let em ride and gitten their hajibs caught in the wheels

Then they would of sued the county for not protecting them and some American lawyer would have had the retainer form ready to sign

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This is a ridiculous blanket statement, and this along with comparing the Muslim brotherhood to the vast majority of Muslims shows that you have only a vague and/or slanted understanding of Islam.

Look, I agree that the rules are the rules and that no one, regardless of their religious practices, should be exempt from rules that are designed simply to keep them safe. Its obvious that head coverings of the kind at issue here would be dangerous on a number of rides in the park as they could become caught in tracks, etc. And I agree that the event organizers, having been informed of these rules, didn't do a very good job of communicating this to event goers ahead of time. You'll get no argument from me that this is largely to blame for this incident occurring in the first place. But I also know from accounts of people who were there (and no one has mentioned this possibility so far) that the park rangers involved in the initial altercation didn't do a very good job of diffusing the situation. It's mentioned in one of the articles cited here that they pushed some of the women who confronted them which, unless they truly felt threatened (and come on, seriously?), just seems like a really bad idea. Putting your hands on a woman in a confrontational way in front of her husband or any male relative would surely escalate any situation regardless of the religious persuasions of those involved. Oh and by the way, those rangers are totally fine.

Long and short? I'm saying that there's blame to be placed pretty equally on both sides of this situation. And chalking this up as some kind of anti-American Islamic riot or an attempt to impose Sharia law in the US is just completely absurd. It was the unfortunate result of poor planning and poor communication, nothing more. This could have happened with a Jewish group, a Sikh group, or anyone else who's religious beliefs happened to conflict in any way with park rules. Making this out to be the fault of Muslim "animals" trying to take over our country as many of you have just makes you sound like close-minded buffoons. Sorry, but it's the truth. Should we blindly adopt some of their more out-dated (and little-followed) views as our own without questioning them? Absolutely not. But should we, by the same token, write off all their beliefs as "savage" and demand that they give them up without first questioning that logic? Absolutely not. A little cultural sensitivity isn't the same as being stupidly "PC" and a little worldly education goes a long way in averting this kind of incident.

Bring on the hate, I know it's coming.

For my very first post on this forum, I'm going to thank you. I had clicked through a few pages and was was honestly a bit disturbed by some of the responses. Level headed logic is like a breath of fresh here.

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For my very first post on this forum, I'm going to thank you. I had clicked through a few pages and was was honestly a bit disturbed by some of the responses. Level headed logic is like a breath of fresh here.

For your very first post here maybe you should have introduced yourself, and given us an idea of your education. I'll go out on a limb and guess "multi-culturalism" is/was a big part of your college experience.

And let me ask you one question; were you 8, 9 or 10 on 9/11/2001?

Welcome to the boards.

voltage1256, Just a guy and 16fire5 like this

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I was looking at the ages of the guys that are arguing with me. Many are 21-24, and so you were in 4th to 8th grade on 9/11. Do you remember your parents crying? Do you remember them opening the paper each morning and scrutinizing the "Missing" list on page 3? And the funerals...over and over.

Your teacher may be the one who fed you that peace and love line and you believed it. I'll bet she told you Columbus discovered America,too?

Yes Chief, I do remember those things. And yes, the teacher fed me the peace and love line, but I was too angry to buy that BS, because I watched the people of Palestine dancing in the streets burning the American flag that afternoon on international television...

Great post.

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I was in music class when someone called the teacher and he told us there was a plane crash but never told us the extent (I was in 3rd grade so I think it's clear why the truth wasn't told), my school didn't close either which looking back on things I find strange. My main room teacher's father ran Grace Construction which was one of the companies asked to help in debris removal, as you can imagine things weren't peace and love in that class room. I wasn't told the truth until I had gotten home. The part that really scared me at that age was that I had wanted to be a pilot since the age of 3. Going from playing with US Airways airport play sets and pretending the dining room table was La Guardia and my room was Ft. Lauderdale to fearing getting on my favorite machine to visit grandparents in fear I was going to get hi jacked was what still remains drilled in me. I checked the cockpit on every single flight from then until about 7th grade. Clearly I wasn't a responder, but I thank everyone who helped out on those days, months and years to follow from the sincere bottom of my heart for what they did. Down here at flight school, we have to take a success class and one course component is about being tolerant of all different cultures. Do I think every Muslim/ Middle Eastern person is out there to get us? No. Do I agree with others that there are those out there looking to hurt us and we need to remain vigilant? Yes. Do I look at someone a certain way when I'm at an airport or on a plane because of how they look, Yes I do but I find it sad that events in our lives have led to that.

Just my .02 sorry for the rant....

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Another offering from those lovely people across the globe:|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk2|103515

They'll get that "Caliphate" established any day now.....

I was about to post this! What the hell is going on these days, and how the hell are they still getting in here?!! CNN reported one is still at large..

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For your very first post here maybe you should have introduced yourself, and given us an idea of your education. I'll go out on a limb and guess "multi-culturalism" is/was a big part of your college experience.

And let me ask you one question; were you 8, 9 or 10 on 9/11/2001?

Welcome to the boards.

Of course, where are my manners?

I'm 21, a senior philosophy major, with a background in Cinema studies. As far as my education in multi-culturism goes, I've always been disinterested in the study of culture. I don't mind it being celebrated, and i can respect it to the point of reason, but truth be told, I'm really not one for tradition.

As for my memory of the attacks on 9/11, much of it is very vivid. From the whispers among teachers, the looks of panic as we asked what was going on. They lied. Something about downed power lines, I believe it was. Walking home was surreal, I remember helicopters overhead. At the age of 11, i couldn't fully comprehend what was going on. I knew that it was an attack, that the twin towers had been knocked down, and that people died. I remember wishing that when i visited the towers several years before, I had gotten a pressed penny with a picture of them on it, instead of the Lady Liberty imprint.

I remember the patriotism. The US vs THEM. To a child,it was good guys and bad guys, black and white. I remember poorly constructed flash games in which the player had to navigate a maze with a missile to bomb Osama bin Laden. I may have been a bit young to truly say this, but i grew up in both a pre and post 9/11 United States.

Nobody in my family has ever been a firefighter. I'm the first. The culture and mannerisms are still slightly alien to me, and i expect they will be for quite some time (I tend to get defensive when anybody starts "busting my balls".) The topic of 9/11 in the fire service, even a decade later still resembles a healing wound. It wasn't until quite a few years ago that i started to actually appreciate the magnitude of what had actually happened.

I digress. My take on the whole issue is that it's being treated as a cultural conflict. There is a dress code to ride, and odds are it's for safety. Life before culture. It's that simple to me. Of course, because the conflict was not between two people of the same heritage, it's cause for controversy.

It's not an attack on our culture.

We're not imposing on their freedom of religion.

Of course, this is just my perspective.

And thanks for the warm welcome.

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