Yonkers Layoffs

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That's certainly good news for now, hopefully it sticks.

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How come every time a career department is in danger of layoffs somebody has to open their mouths spouting ridiculous nonsense about volunteers taking over? We just went through this in CT with the New London layoffs. Some jackwagon decided it would be good to write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper suggesting that volunteers be brought in to help alleviate some of the financial strain. A lot of people took him seriously because they assumed this idiot knew what he was talking about because he identified himself as a firefighter in the article.

This stuff pisses me off. For everybody out there trying to improve career-volunteer relations, all it takes is a couple guys with their craniums inserted into their 4th point of contact to ruin it and brand all volunteers as scabs. When my district was threatening to layoff some of our career personnel, we as the volunteers banded together to help our Brothers. If your sandbox isn't big enough for you, go find another one, or advocate consolidation with another volunteer department, but don't suggest laying off hardworking career firefighters and replacing them with volunteers. That's just ridiculous. People don't forget that kind of statement.

Anyone with an attitude like the one illustrated in the above comment give credence to the TINY minority of career firefighters who believe all volunteers are out to steal their jobs. YFD guys, please note this asinine comment does not represent all of us. Most of us stand behind you and hope all this layoff BS gets fixed and you can go back to full staffing.

Edited by helicopper
210, sfrd18, Bnechis and 9 others like this

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Judge blocks Mayor Mike Spano's plan to cut Yonkers firefighter overtime by taking engines off street

A last-minute court order has forced Mayor Mike Spano to temporarily call off plans that would have allowed the city to take fire trucks off the street to cut department overtime costs., New York

Edited by jack10562
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How come every time a career department is in danger of layoffs somebody has to open their mouths spouting ridiculous nonsense about volunteers taking over? We just went through this in CT with the New London layoffs. Some jackwagon decided it would be good to write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper suggesting that volunteers be brought in to help alleviate some of the financial strain. A lot of people took him seriously because they assumed this idiot knew what he was talking about because he identified himself as a firefighter in the article.

This stuff pisses me off. For everybody out there trying to improve career-volunteer relations, all it takes is a couple guys with their craniums inserted into their 4th point of contact to ruin it and brand all volunteers as scabs. When my district was threatening to layoff some of our career personnel, we as the volunteers banded together to help our Brothers. If your sandbox isn't big enough for you, go find another one, or advocate consolidation with another volunteer department, but don't suggest laying off hardworking career firefighters and replacing them with volunteers. That's just ridiculous. People don't forget that kind of statement.

Anyone with an attitude like the one illustrated in the above comment give credence to the TINY minority of career firefighters who believe all volunteers are out to steal their jobs. YFD guys, please note this asinine comment does not represent all of us. Most of us stand behind you and hope all this layoff BS gets fixed and you can go back to full staffing.

Very good posting.

Unfortunately, this happens on both sides of the fence. Most of us in the fire service realize or should realize that we are all on the same team and our primary function is to be there when the public needs us.

For whatever the reason, there will always be a minority of fire service members who enjoy stirring the pot if you will, which only causes animosity on both sides and is best served by not letting reactionary fire service members get under our skin. Instead, we should all be focusing on our obligation to protecting the public and let those who sit in the corner or in front of a keyboard casting aspersions fall on deaf ears. We'll all be much better for it. Just my two cents on the matter.

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name='M' Ave' timestamp='1344480790' post='269238']

Some deputy mayor.....thanks for moving into city limits, finally! Hope you don't need the F.D.......what a zero.

Anyone who thinks this woman is actually living in Yonkers needs to make a doctors appointment most ricky tick. She's simply establishing the paper trail she needs in order to "legally" live here, meanwhile she'll stay in her nice brick home in South Salem with her adopted children and husband, close to an hour away from the city. Its funny to me how its a requirement to be a legal resident of this city for a period of 3 months prior to taking the test, in order to even be considered to get a job as Yonkers cop, firefighter and even DPW I believe. The detective squad will even do an extensive background check to ensure they arent simply making a paper trail to fake the residency. They will knock on doors, talk to neighbors, check your credit, voting registrations, taxes, pay stubs, family history, YOU NAME IT! MEANWHILE, our own DEPUTY MAYOR can set policies and cite new rules and regulations, without ever having even eaten at a Yonkers Mcdonalds, let alone live here. I hope the Police Department does their job in this matter and begins investigating her now as well and conduct frequent sweeps of her residence to ensure she walks in and out of that door everyday. Lets check her mail, car registrations, insurance address, tax info, etc. Otherwise, she should be rejected just as quick as any other recruit/candidate/probie would if they were caught doing the same scam. Typical Yonkers....hasnt changed a bit. Good luck to the men and women of the Yonkers Fire Department! You will win this battle no doubt, cause good eventually always conquers over evil :)

Btw, I'm sorry for your recent loss men...its never easy to lose a brother...

fjp326, CBX4627, x4093k and 4 others like this

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If there is anything to learn here whether its New London, Ct or Yonkers, NY, is that the Political Hacks, or more politally, the Politicians are all the same. But yet we continue to support them with our hard earned money, we put them on pedistals, and sometimes we even campaign for them. When will we ever learn, they are only interested in their own political future.

And Thanks "SageVigiles" for your understanding and support of my many New London, Ct Firefighter Brothers/Friends during their political fascio which threatened to lay off one third of the dept (25 guys). If that had happened, the most junior guy would have had 13 years on. "Yes, those politicians know their stuff don't they".

I am still extremely impressed how those Yonkers firefighters can operate in a city like that with all those hills, narrow streets, and serious exposure problems. They do a Great job.

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Let's see what happens when one of these politicians house burns down. Odds are they'll be singing a different tune

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Mayor Mike Spano upped the ante in his fight with the firefighters union today, calling for givebacks on pay, hours and sick leave before the city considers hiring a new class.

In a press release, Spano said his concerns about Yonkers firefighters’ high starting salaries, fewer average work hours and “generous” sick leave must first be addressed at the bargaining table.

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