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Posts posted by 50-65

  1. While slavery was the driving issue of the civil war, the greater issue was that of states rights to govern themselves vs an overbearing central government. The Confederate flag is a symbol of a war lost. I don't believe that slavery as it existed in the 1860's was morally correct. Unfortunately, the greater issue was also lost as we have seen in the 150 years since, especially in the last 7 years as the central government has taken or attempts to take over nearly every aspect of our lives. Not through the legislative branch as designed, but through the judicial and executive branches and the regulatory agencies that have no oversight.

    I have a Confederate flag. I am not a racist. I think there are those that want to make it a symbol, a cause if you will, of an unjust time in our history. The leftist, socialist elites that permeate our society are intentionally sowing strife and discord between the races. That flag has a place in our history. I, and others, may not agree with your reason(s) for displaying it, but I support your right to it.

    Will the government next try to abolish use of the Gadsden flag as a symbol of those that do not agree with their overreach?

    And after that?

    This country needs to wake up and people need to open their eyes to what is going on and what's going to happen.

  2. Societies exist under three forms, sufficiently distinguishable: (1) without government, as among our Indians; (2) under governments, wherein the will of everyone has a just influence, as is the case in England, in a slight degree, and in our states, in a great one; (3) under governments of force, as is the case in all other monarchies, and in most of the other republics.

    To have an idea of the curse of existence under these last, they must be seen. It is a government of wolves over sheep. It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the first condition is not the best. But I believe it to be inconsistent with any great degree of population. The second state has a great deal of good in it. The mass of mankind under that enjoys a precious degree of liberty and happiness. It has its evils, too, the principal of which is the turbulence to which it is subject. But weigh this against the oppressions of monarchy, and it becomes nothing. Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietam servitutem. Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs.

    I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.

    Thomas Jefferson, 1787

    The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, & what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusetts? And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it's motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always, well informed. The past which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive; if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13 states independent 11 years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure.

    Thomas Jefferson, 1787
    The worst of rebels never arm
    To do their king or country harm,
    But draw their swords to do them good,
    As doctors cure by letting blood.

    -Samuel Butler

    AFS1970 likes this

  3. In the Poughkeepsie Journal today, an article confirms what has been long suspected. Compliance with the "SAFE" Act as far as registering newly (albeit incorrectly) defined "assault weapons" is at about 4%.

    After FOIL requests asking for information about the registration were denied, S.C.O.P.E. sued for the information. Although no one can say for sure how many "assault weapons" are in NY, it is widely assumed to be 1,000,000 or more. About 44,000 have been registered on a little over 25,000 applications.

    Maybe, just maybe, everyone is in compliance. Those that kept theirs registered them and everyone else sold them out of state as required. As we have seen since the "SAFE" act was passed (in the middle of the night, without debate, in violation of the state constitution), there has been a tremendous decrease in the crimes committed with these "dangerous" weapons.

    Don't you feel much safer now?


    AFS1970 and SageVigiles like this

  4. For me personally, I drop by from time to time. Sometimes days in a row, sometimes not for weeks. I'm just not that active in the fire and ems community anymore. It wouldn't affect me one way or another what happens to this forum. But what others have said, social media, of which I do not participate, has largely replaced a lot of these types of forums

  5. I get it, but I just don't see the logic. Your everyday citizen can't get an SBR (w/o the NFA hoops), but if the buttstock is replaced with a steadying device for "one-handed" shooting, it's a legal pistol? What's the purpose of regulating SBRs if the same firearms can be a legal pistol? It appears the only substantive difference is the steadier aim of the buttstock?

    Like most regulations concerning firearms, they don't make sense. They are often put into place based on the science of emotion and gimmicks, not for any real crime reducing purpose.

    BFD1054, AFS1970, ex-commish and 1 other like this

  6. That's what I was thinking. Not a big deal to me personally. As a matter of fact I've been somewhat interested following the whole rifle/handgun transformation. If appears that the newest rules/allowance don't care about the concealablity of a rifle as long as you don't have a buttstock to assist in aiming? You can have an AR with a 16" or greater barrel with a buttstock or one with any shorter barrel with a strap on steadying device, but not a stock?

    If the barrel is less than 16" AND you have a buttstock, that is a short barrel rifle (SBR). That is legal (in some free states) so long as you pay the $200 tax and register it with the ATF under the guidelines of the National Firearms Act (NFA). This is the same act that regulates silencers/suppressors and fully automatic or select fire firearms.

    Without the buttstock, it is a pistol if the barrel is less than 16". Which again, is only legal in free states, not the Empire of NY.

    Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency.

    SageVigiles and AFS1970 like this

  7. This only applies to the "green tip" M855/SS109 projectile in the 5.56mm cartridge. These are a 62gr, steel core, jacketed projectile otherwise known as "light armor piercing" or "penetrator" rounds.

    This all stems from legislation from 1986 banning the use of "armor piercing" ammunition in handguns. Since you can now build/buy an AR type handgun (in some free states, NOT NY), that now places this ammo into that catagory.

    This ammo was previously exempted from the ban on AP rounds, but because you can now use it in a handgun, the ATF is seeking to remove the exemption.

    It does not "threaten" the AR as such. Most of the ammunition used in these is the 55gr lead core. That is by far the cheapest and most produced type.

    And yes, AR type rifles can be had in nearly every commercially produced caliber and numerous "wildcat" cartridges. .223/5.56 and .308/7.62 being the most common.

    antiquefirelt likes this

  8. Better rush out to get your milk and bread then. These are the same folks who predicted 20-30 inches last week.

    Don't forget the eggs. Forcast of snow always brings on french toast syndrome. Get all the eggs, bread, and milk you can find.

  9. Really? Not from where I sit. Do I miss the fresh white blanket of snow draping the pine trees and homogenizing the landscape? NO!

    Yeah, yeah. Sent my son a pic of Saturday's snow (he's in Flagler Beach/Palm Coast). He sends me back a pic of the back deck with the beach and ocean in the background. Little S@#T!

    BFD1054 likes this

  10. 1) than 90% of all police, fire and EMS calls should not have RLS.

    I don't know that the percentage would be that high but probably close. I have very little ( but not none) experiance in PD, but in fire or ems then yes, a very large percentage of the calls do not require RLS under the definition of a true emergency. Do we always know that at time of dispatch? Rarely.

  11. I know of some departments that respond RLS to stand by cverage and I don't know why. I certainly don't think any reasonable person could say that it was a true emergency. But probably half the calls we respond to aren't true emergencies that wuld require or warrent RLS.

    Questionable insurance filings aside, if you blow through a red light responding to a stand by, you should be ticketed.

    Tanker 10eng likes this