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Posts posted by 50-65

  1. Although the article is short on specifics (as usual "reporting" these days), what exactly is the purpose of using firefighters in a law enforcement mission?

    Other than traffic control, I can't, off hand, think of a legitimate reason for FD to be involved in a purely LE mission. And even at that, I don't think FD should be involved.


    Maybe some of you from up that way could enlighten us.

  2. When I took the "I" class at Dutchess about 4 years ago, it was the first class they had given in about 10 years. I don't believe they have had it since, although MLSS had held a couple. But, before the new state curriculum, it was about 180 hrs of class room and almost that much in clinicals.

    The clinical hours were ER time for pt assessment/observation, Same Day Surgery for IV skills, and ambulance ride alongs for everything. We missed out on OR time for intubations because of a large medic class and they got priority. Plus we had to do papers on case studies for some of our patients.

    Like Opie said, learning and knowledge is never a waste. I took the class because I was laid off, had the time, and belonged to an ALS agency so the state reimbursed them for it and it didn't cost me anything.

  3. So someone want to give us some background on Newburgh EMS? Are they having issues, is this just a normal fundraising event?

    Like most VAC's (and a lot of us ), they have issues. However, I believe that this is just a normal fundraising event.

    The Town of Newburgh Volunteer Ambulance Corp d/b/a Town of Newburgh EMS, runs (has) 3 ambulances. They have contracted paid staff (2 EMT's) that work 6a-6p, 7 days/week. They also bill for service.

    The town is approximately 47 sq miles with a small area in the north also covered by Plattekill Fire Dept which runs a BLS ambulance.

    http://www.tonvac.org/ although it appears the website hasn't been updated for several years.

    ems-buff likes this

  4. In my old department there were actually more classes of non-firefighting membership than there were of firefighting membership, each with slightly different rights. I tried to combine them once when I was on the By-Laws committee and you should have seen the hornets come out of the nest.

    That's ok. Our by-laws still list essentials as the base class. And you don't need to make single call to be a member. As long as you make the required number of drills, company meetings, and fund raisers, you are a member (firefighter) in good standing. And guess which one of those three is the least required?

    I guess when the by-laws were written 40+ years ago, it was just assumed that you would be comming to fire calls.

  5. We have a "volunteer" agency in a nearby town that I belonged to for a short time. They have 24hr paid paramedic staffing and daytime paid EMT/EMT-I. The volunteer crews are required to be in station, in uniform when on duty. If you are not on the duty roster, you are not to be at the station after 11pm (I think it's 11. It's been a while). This agency has an average time from dispatch to on scene of 6 minutes or less depending on where their call is. I believe that most of the time, they are on scene in 4 minutes or less.

    It is not unusual for them to staff an ambulance for 2nd and 3rd calls, even in the daytime.

    Unfortunately, I think they are an exception rather than the rule.

    On the other side of the coin, is the ems in my town that is paid 6a-6p x 7 days. The chances of a second rig getting out during the day is all but 0. From 6p to about midnight you have a fair chance of an ambulance showing up. Midnight - 6a you're waiting for the commercial service to get to you.

    SageVigiles and ndpemt519 like this

  6. However you feel it's called "Discrimination" and it's illegal.

    So it's illegal to "discriminate" against someone who is "challenged"? We should allow them to be firefighters?

    Then who is at fault when this person gets injured, or worse, because they don't have the mental faculties to prevent them from doing stupid things?

    Who is to blame when someone else gets injured, or worse, because this person could not perform a simple task they were assigned?

    Which firefighter do you take out of service when you are already short-handed to babysit the one you can't discriminate against?

  7. what is the deal with even letting someone with obvious and well known developmental disabilities which would most likely preclude them from ever serving as a firefighter apply. Volunteer companies need to realize once and for all that they are not social service agencies that exist to make people feel good about themselves. The job of the officers is to recruit firefighters, not to let someone hang out and be a danger to themselves or others.

    Indeed. really wish I could openly debate this here.

    Bnechis likes this

  8. If anyone ever gets the chance to visit military cemetary they should. Just to walk among the hundreds upon hundreds of crosses..... I went to the American cemetary in Luxemberg once. Just think that each one of those markers was somebody's father/husband/brother that didn't come home.

    During all the celebrations and parades this weekend, take time to remember and give thanks.

    Thank you FFPCogs.

    Thanks dad. RIP

    FFPCogs likes this

  9. I was wondering if anyone on here knows anything or anyone who can give me info on a fire extinguisher I recently acquired. I've done some google searches without a lot of luck.

    This is what I do know. It is a Pyrene. I believe it to be a 1 gallon, hand pump, pressurized type. I'm not sure if it is steel or brass as it is painted olive drab green. It has a paper label (very bad condition) instead of their more common embossed metal label. It seems to indicate that it is a military or war time emergency extinguisher.

    I'm suspecting that like other Pyrene extingishers, it is CTC (carbontetrachloride).

    I'll try to post some pics but if anyone could point me in a direction I'd appreciate it.

  10. I will correct myself. I don't really mean Troopers as a whole group. (as far as whose side they're on). Each individual trooper can decide which laws to enforce.

    It has been nearly a month since "assault" weapons were supposed to begin to be registered. Out of the estimated 1,000,000 believed to be in this state, how many have registered yet?