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Posts posted by jack10562

  1. Almost every "working fire" out here on The Cape routinely gets a mutual-aid response in addition to the Call-in's. This goes for the bread and butter "room-and-contents" jobs, it might have something to do with how many responders are required on the scene to adequately meet minimum interior attack safety guidelines.

    All the towns up here are hurting as far as staffing goes, and unfortunately it's not going to get better any time soon.

  2. I agree but people have the tendency to want these guys to come onto emtbravo and own up to it and that is a little much.

    Oftentimes we've had the pleasure of hearing directly from some of those people involved in an incident or photo we have been discussing come on here and enlighten everyone as to what was happening on the scene or behind the scenes when the image was captured, including the good, the bad and the ugly.

    We're fortunate to hear "their side" because as we all know, unless we were there, that split-second frozen in time might not always be the whole story or even part of the story, and we have already made up our collective minds as to what it is we're seeing.

    Newtofire, ny10570 and PEMO3 like this

  3. OK, I guess I misunderstood and assumed your comments were directed entirely to Ed's remarks.

    We can agree there have been previous occasions where some members, who for whatever reason(s), present an anti-law enforcement face.

    Fortunately those are very few and far between, and whenever possible the staff tries to ensure public posts meet site guidelines.

    We appreciate the forum contributions from all of our valuable LEO members and hope the negative voices of the minority few who badmouth anyone they have an agenda with are duly ignored.

  4. This post says it all, this is a FD website and has no room for cops or our opinions. This is evidenced by the strong amount of anti cop posts...

    CC, I'm sorry if I'm missing something here, but I cannot see how anyone can come to a blanket conclusion like that based on reading Ed's post, even though he is someone that obviously comes from a fire background.

    I fail to read "anti-cop" anywhere into the above remarks.

  5. #4 hes using a dry chem. i myself have seen people using water cans in short bursts to put out lines on fire. as long as there is not a long spray from a water can u are completely safe. this is what i was told by a line men for con ed.

    Using water on any energized electrical wiring that is on fire is a bad idea and I don't think any line officer would instruct his men to do so, but it has been done, however, if it's a live13,800 volt primary feeder cable, then chances are very good one won't live to tell about it.

    More importantly, let's remember not to get overconfident on when water is acceptable to use on any class C fire.

    helicopper likes this

  6. From my experience Con Ed electric line workers would not climb on top of any vehicle to extinguish burning cable insulation, plus they don't wear short sleeved shirts, white fire helmets, or that style hi-vis vest, particularly one that says CHIEF.:-)

    gss131 and x129K like this

  7. While we don't generally publicly discuss site administrative actions and behind the scenes decisions, once again, EMTBravo staff were left with little choice other than to remove an interesting topic that started with much good and constructive commentary and offered a platform as a valuable learning experience, but had nonetheless degenerated into individuals hurling personal insults and cross-profession (PD / FD) attacks.

    We don't appreciate it when certain members find it impossible to temper their remarks and causes us to take down what subsequently had become a controversial topic, in order to maintain civility.

    We are not a rant-board, and don't want to become a rant-board. There are plenty of those out there.

    We encourage our members to continue to share relevant current event news articles and general interest stories, and also to report topics containing postings that they feel violate forum posting rules, such as bashing Paid vs Vollie, Cops vs Fire, or portray those professions in a derogatory tone, or for any other issues. Those reports are reviewed by our staff and offending postings will be moderated or removed as deemed necessary.

    helicopper likes this

  8. Did the wall blow out because of the weight of the water on the roof? Or the force of water? Or explosion?

    Cinder block exterior walls in buildings with self supporting steel truss flat roofs sometimes fail as a result of the heat from a fire causes the trusses to sag which shifts the downward roof load from a vertical to a horizontal plane, and the weight bearing wall columns can't sustain that thrust.

    JetPhoto likes this

  9. I'm going to go out on a limb, here, and while I condemn the rescue attempt technique used, I seriously doubt that the guy would have lived, regardless.

    It's not like the vehicle dropped "four feet" onto the guy, it's more like inches...the car slid to the left immediately after the rear tires lost contact with the ground.

    The City just made the dead guy's estate rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams.