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Posts posted by TimesUp

  1. 8 hours ago, x152 said:


    No interior stairs? Really? Is that the best you can come up with?


    You did notice the members that were seen in the video walking inside on the second floor with hand lights (at the same time that someone was arbitrarily taking out a window from a ladder).


    Looked good for Mommy or your Istantgram profile pic, could have just as easily been opened up by hand from the guy standing inside.


    The attic space on a house like this is relatively small. Fires in attics such as this work best when water actually comes in contact with the fire.


    Given that the roof is designed to shed water, a couple of holes from below and some application of water and we can save the numerous tones, air horn extravaganza, and epic battle poses for a fire that may actually be deserving of such.


    The more videos like this that appear, I really wonder if the fire service of today is about production for social media or about effectiveness of tactics and extinguishment.


    Flame on.





    I guess I wasn't sarcastic enough.  

  2. I think most would agree that if you're sticking your body parts into the melee you're too close and we've all seen those videos lately. If you are close enough to reach out and touch the cop, you're close enough for him to be worried about someone reaching out and trying to take his gun.

    So you think just out arms reach? Thats sounds reasonable. I would agree with you as well as most would.

  3. This is right out of the Westchester County Fire Mutual AId Plan, Section 1 Purpose

    "It is expected that Plan participants shall first expend and exhaust all of their own resources prior to placing a Mutual Aid request. Mutual Aid is intended to be reserved for extreme circumstances. It is not intended to be routine, nor should it become abusive or an unreasonable burden to the Fire Agencies providing assistance."

    That's all well and good Barry but when the bell rings and the guys in eastchester need help what are you gonna do? Copy and paste something that was written 20+ years ago. Times are changing.

  4. But I thought M/A was the answer? Especially when guys come back on OT of an undermanned and ill equipped Dept. to help their neighboring struggling "Brothers" out next door who have been fighting the same issue for yrs. That's all Ive ever heard from my fellow Union Brothers, "Hey we're there for you guys just give us a call." LMAO! The chickens are coming home to roost!!! Gotta love the "Union Solidarity!" It's all bullshit fellows!

    But isn't mutual aid about helping neighboring departments out when they need help? Thats what I was under the impression it was for.